Working with patches created from a cracked version of Omnisphere 2

Discussion in 'Software' started by Menorah, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Hello I'm thinking of buying Omnisphere 2 and I have several patches and multis created in a cracked version of Omnisphere 2 and I was wondering if they will work in a legal version. Thanks!
  3. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    If you know someone who own an Omnisphere 2 legit version, let him try one patch and wait for his report.
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    No reason they shouldn't work. I really doubt the patches are protected. I have Omni 2 though, so if you want you can PM me a couple patches and I'll see how it goes. Later on today though, when I'm home from work.
  5. I would offer the same, but that would be redundant.

    If patches were protected then all the libraries available not being bought though used by people would not work, nor would probably an original Spectrasonics patch be able to be modified and saved at the choice of the users making.
  6. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Good point. Speaking of which... I own O2, but not the Moog Tribute add-on, yet installing the Moog lib was as simple as drag and drop. So I would say it's hardly necessary to test out whether the guy's patches would work, but I'll do it all the same.
  7. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Hello, here I leave you a patch, test it (I imagine you have a legitimate version of Omnisphere 2) and tell me if it works. Thanks

    If there are others that have a legitimate version of omnisphere 2 and want to help me, please try the patch and tell me if it works.

    I do this because I have more than 100 patches created with a cracked version of Omnisphere and I'm thinking of buying it, since it would be a shame I can not use the patches in a legal version. regards
  8. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Hey man. Finally remembered to check it. Works fine for me. Almost didn't get it to work because it was on a thumb drive, which for some reason made a difference. But it loads up just fine.
  9. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Thanks for the help man, now only save money to buy Omnisphere 2. Greetings.
  10. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    It never goes on sale. Not really worth buying used either because Spectrasonics generously (lol) makes second hand copies NFR and not eligible for upgrade discounts. Plus charges a $50 transfer fee which I'm sure any seller will sherk onto you

    Your best bet is find somewhere like MusiciansFriend that frequently gives out 10% off coupons or such, and use that. Got mine for like $430 or something
  11. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    It's a shame they don't make some attractive discount for an expensive vst !!. At the moment I'm using Avenger that has some similar features to Omnisphere, but it's not the same. Thanks again.
  12. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah I'm using primarily Avenger for all my recent work. Frankly I like it better than Omnisphere for most sound design tasks, but Omnisphere's library is a head and shoulders above practically anything else, and a few of its effects are pretty unique as far as built in synth fx go.
  13. @Menorah ..If you are in Europe I could turn you on to the place I bought my hard copy version for 349 Swiss Francs. Best price I found, new and in the post sent here in der Schweitz for free. A great deal. It might be worth it for actually anyone since it postage and import should not be too much. I wonder if the guy would ship them out of the country though. No harm in asking.
  14. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    So you like Avenger by looks of things. Thinking about buying it myself as we speak. Havnt found anythign about protection on it and how it actually stand up to let say Falcon when it comes to sound design? Since i have Falcon maybe Going with Nexus for jsut a fast preset browser is a better choice? What do you think as a Avenger user?
  15. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Depends what you want to use it for. It's got a great browser, but the presets are very EDM focused. I guess you could get the Vengeance expansions for... oh only 70 bucks apiece, lol. I imagine Nexus is much the same though. If you're looking for a great library, I'd vote Omnisphere 101 times out of 100.

    If you're into making your own sounds, Avenger is worth its price tag several times over. In practice it's replaced most of my synth collection tbh. It's still missing a few things (most painfully for me, a wet/dry knob on the filters), but for the most part the oscillator functions, routing options, internal mixer, FX busses and sends, etc. and the sheer size of the FX suite go way above most of what I've seen, especially in a relatively easy to use (and not hideous) UI. It's a lot like Serum but with a lot more features, at the expense of some of its zippy ease (but not too much. it's still easy. you just have to consult the manual a handful of times at first because its UI is so densely populated with useful features). It's even got a whole drum library and drum sequencer in addition to the synth engine's arp and mod sequencer... which I haven't touched because I like Kick 2 and Punchbox... but Vengeance is talking about adding drum synths to the drum section. Then all bets are off...

    Anyway, you get the point. It's a monster synth in a surprisingly fast/easy interface. I bought it on sale for like 175 but 220 is a fair price IMO. There are a few things it can't do. it has an FET editor with some modulation functions, but it can't do any deep additive synthesis. Harmor's the only truly good option for that as far as I've seen. And it does some FM but you can't really modulate a modulator osc without some pretty crafty workarounds.

    Warning, though - some Mac users complain about CPU spikes, cpu consumption, and stability issues. I'm on Windows and it runs smooth and stable with negligible CPU hit on an i7... tame enough that I've made several tracks with just Avenger and a couple drum synths (and post FX of course).

    As far as protection, it doesn't use the eLicenser dongle like the rest of their plugins. I've seen gys on KVR talking about soft eLicenser, but if it's communicated with my eLCC I didn't know about it. I just imported a keyfile.:dunno:

    edit - Re: how it stacks up against Falcon, I've got no idea. You might ask @Talmi about that. He's got both. From conversations I've had with him, he seems to love Falcon. I found the much higher price tag to be a deterrent, especially because I felt Falcon's structure (or lack thereof, in a sense) might be a workflow hazard for me. Personal quirk maybe.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
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  16. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Ok, thanks for your imput Cav. Leaves me a little to think about.. AGAIN :) I already own Omni and Keyscape and use them for my music writing and mixdown for clients. Falcon is also under the hood here but it so damn complex and even if layer sound to create is pretty easy and somehow fast i still look for something to play with when i want to come up with new song ideas etc.

    I played some with Nexus before but now when Cubase 9 lost the 32 bit support i just want something for fast browsing some fat sounds but if possible use them in the end aswell. I dont wanna buy jbridge just for playing with an old VSTi like Nexus. So this i mainly why i ask you your impressions and you aswered me with alot of info. Thanks for that... I mean Avenger seem pretty nice as you say and looks pretty okej to Create a little of your own aswell.

    Anyhow.. Be safe and thanks.. I will try ask Talmi if i can get a hold of him..

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