Paying a small monthly fee for access to legal software

Discussion in 'Software' started by Triple, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. Triple

    Triple Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    Is there a possibility to buy e.g a monthly online access to a bunch of plugins (someone can't afford), and to be able to use them legally e.g. via a website (in some virtual studio on the website) and then legally render audio stems of my songs (using these legal plugins) ?

    I mean plugins from these companies:
    Native Instruments

  3. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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  4. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    you can use "try before you buy" and safe your money and buy everytime one of the plugins till you are fully legal
  5. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    There are several companies selling subsciptions through Gobbler with ilok

    Splice for serum at 10 bucks a month

    Roland started a subscription service a few days ago, but its not my kind of thing
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  6. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    You mean, a Spotify for software, which pays developers a risible pittance for their wares, while the public receives them for a fee or for-free? Great idea. Musicians don't have money.
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  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

  8. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Give it time. It seems like most software companies are turning to monthly subscription fees, or perpetuity fees (meaning, you actually get to keep what you've downloaded even after your subscription runs out). I wound up with PT 12 via this method, and would probably do the same with other companies, if they were offering it. However, beware of subscription models like EastWest (which beatroot linked above), because you're actually renting the software, not sinking equity into it, meaning that, once you stop paying a monthly fee, your software no longer works.
  9. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    I doubt any manufacturer would even agree to make this happen.
  10. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    When you pay a small monthly fee to a multitude of different vendors, it will soon become a large monthly fee. And the minute your cash flow hits a rocky patch, so will your music making.
  11. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    It is a tough one, I'm not sure that all dev's will go for such a model and equally, If not more so I'm not seeing it as being the majority of audio software customer's number one choice. Some developers have done so but they still offer the regular way to buy a license. I'm not opposed to such a thing so long as the buying a license option remains the same as personally I'll be buying the license over a subscription monthly or whatever the price: period of time is offered every time.
  12. ovenglove

    ovenglove Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I think SASS(software as a service) where you pay small subscription to have access to software and get all updates etc free is the future.
    The only obstacle is bandwith.
    We'll see one of the big DAW's eventually going this way. Which one first ? 0_0
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  13. PT already does it, but it is not in my future as far as I can tell.
  14. John Thomas

    John Thomas Ultrasonic

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I couldn't understand a word of that...
  15. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    • I do not know how many developers will go with a subscription model.
    • I am even more sceptical that the majority of their customers of audio software would use/prefer such a method.
    • Some developers have done it already, Steven Slate/Slate Digital being the best example I can think of, However they offer it as an option along with the regular iLok license. Options are good.
    • I am not against a subscription model if it benefits developers and customers alike, However I will not be utilizing such a service
    Reason being I make my shekels as an audio engineer and live sound work also. I like to have all my essentials on me when I am not working at my home setup. A subscription model wouldn't work for me as I am not a person that is online that often, I do not have my main audio machine hooked up to the internet, I don't intend to change that. If it isn't already apparent already to you, I am not into this cloud stuff for audio tools. It's not practical for Me personally on a busy schedule to be frigging around with layers of licensing, Not all places are exactly Wi-Fi hotspots either!
    • For the foreseeable future I am sticking to what I know and what works just fine already.
    • Yet despite it not being suitable for Me, I'm able to see how such a system could be very valuable and work out great for others.

    Is that better?
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  16. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    So far, Pro Tools and SONAR -- I think all DAWs will end up going that way. It should be pointed out that they also still allow you to buy it the old-fashioned way.
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  17. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Permanently renting software is a nightmare in every conceivable way for people making music on computers. I think as a community we need to punish and boycott any company that is promoting this concept. It is pure greed.

    First it will be presented as an "option", then it will be the only choice.

    Think of all the different developers products you use. Think of the nightmare trying to open older sessions that use plugins that you don't feel like renting anymore. You really want to pay to open up your own work?

    Think of the tyranny of developers raising the price to "fair market value" and being priced out of your sound. Or the stress of having to pay your monthly rent on your software whether you have clients or not. Just in case.

    I would much rather pay for upgrades on my own schedule and by my own priorities than be held hostage and pay ransom every month for the rest of my career.

    Are you really going to pay $20 a month to 20 different companies? Or $40 or $50?

    This will limit options and suck the last few drops of blood out of the future of music makers.

    Another step on the path of art being only open to those born rich or those willing to produce material that can garner corporate sponsorship.
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  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    just keep checking Plugin Boutique and Audio Deluxe for sales, and get all your stuff for $20 or less a pop !

    oh and don't forget to clean up every Christmas
  19. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    This is the precise and healthy scepticism that I mentioned and pretty much agree with you on most points.
    I simply didn't unleash my full sceptical perspective as I can see it, If only being and always remaining an option beneficial to certain customers, So for that reason I refuse to completely slam it, I will concede that what you've brought up is entirely possible which would ruin the market if it did play out in that manner.
    I do honestly believe that the majority of audio software license buyer's view a subscription model basically the same way you do. The only
    few that would find it useful would be people whom do not want/require access to such tools all the time but instead are working on something where certain stuff would be highly desirable, However it is tricky since renting out outboard gear oppose to renting out software are two very separate beasts.
    I'd only be in favour as long as it would not be mandatory, It would never be right for me, If it ever we're to become the only method available...I do not even want to consider it, The repercussions being no good, A bloody nightmare!
    I said that I believe options are good and I stick by that. I like it when I'm given options for example between a dongle or a challenge/response (I use and have done since as long as I can remember iLok, I like it due to it enabling me to take my stuff anywhere. Ideally there would be no protection layers in place, However that is extremely unlikely to ever happen and is too idealistic...Still I can dream). iZotope and PSPaudioware offered both as an option.
    I'd argue that it is definitely pricey enough as things are for most to simply keep their DAW(s) and Plug-Ins up to date annually, I know plenty of people whom feel this way and personally it is the same way I see things already.
    There are enough frigging protection layers available now, Dongle wise there is PACE iLok, Steinberg eLicenser, Properllerhead Ignition Key, Wibu Systems Key then Code Meter, Aladdin HASP and SafeNet Sentinel off the top of my head, Challenge/Response and so on and so forth.
    I keep my iLok and eLicenser dongles in a DIY protective case, Made using a simple Tupperware container on a powered hub with a pair of holes routed out to enable the hub's power through and the USB output cable to run out, The inside is packed with foam and the container duck taped up so that the lid does not have a chance to come off. It's worked really well. If I'm not using my audio machine or even taking my audio laptop then I simply take a 128 GB USB stick with my essential installers on it just in case. All fits into my back pack easily and weighs almost nothing.
    I'm not planning on subscription at all nor trusting my shit to some cloud system, Cloud systems have their use's such as preset sharing, Not licensing!

    All the best your way and to all as always :wink:

  20. TK

    TK Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    I don't really have a founded personal opinion yet when it comes to the whole subscription concept, besides seeing the
    main positive aspect that comes along with it: Being able to afford (maybe not own) more software.

    Like it or not, it's definitely the future.
  21. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    If Adobe can do it with Photoshop and their other CPU intensive video software... then it can be done for music too. It's just that you won't be able to get different companies to share in such small revenue. It'll only happen when people stop buying they're stuff... but then again, a lot of companies will just close shop before investing so much for so little return.
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