Anyone Like any of the Newer OSX's (above Mav)?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by GreatJobChamp, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    My first macbook is at 10.9.5 (Mavericks)... I bought a newer one a week or so ago, of which it came with Sierra.

    I downgraded to Yosemite, and copied over the other macbook's files.

    I have been using Yosemite for the week, and have been ok with it. Ableton has worked ok so far, and I admit I like the different look (although look is only a short-lived thing), but one buys a new computer and I suppose it'd be great to have a "new look" as well.

    A dude on here ( Xyenz Fyxion ) was grateful in hookin me up with a copy of El Cap, which he felt was better than Yosemite and Sierra. Had I not been on so much Xanax the week before last, I'd have acquired Yosemite and a copy of Mav without paying money (good GOD I can't believe the level to which xanax impairs general intelligence and even common sense, not to mention the degree to which it seems to radiate stupidity once being processed in my body).

    Any one else find the same results as Xyenz?.. or have any personal comments and/or results that differ?

    Thanks 'erbody...

    :bow: :bow:
  3. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Maybe it's the amount of Xanax and Valium I take, but I find El Cap to be the best compromise between being up to date (and having current apps working well) and the latest Sierra which offers music makers nothing. BTW, you're lucky if Xanax is still working for you. My tolerance is so high I only take it to ensure I get no withdrawals.
  4. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I have no issues with Sierra. It runs fine (DP9 and Logic X) 15" 2016 MBP, no issues with anything so far.

    I don't run any warez or crack stuff on it, and outside of music apps the just iPage, iCalc, and Safari. I don't go to sketchy places on it (this site included - sorry - you never know.)
  5. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    mozee, we may have same mbp.

    As for 2Loud... feck mate... I get, from time-to-time : ), 4 x 2mg. bars from dr.

    finsh 120 bars in 7-days... you may notice a tolerance :D... but benzo w'drawl is not THEE most fun I have ever had. Suboxone seems to be the worst... like just can't get passed it.

    If I could, I could just switch to the bars full time, and take less... and stock-pile 'em.

    ANyhow... in time.

    But huh... maybe I should just do El Cap.

    I use Ableton most, want to use PT more, which will come as natural progression from FINISHING tracks.... though I feel I am still "practicing" lo-end of techno... yes... the rumbly one that every one on subset fucking hates. It's been 4 years and I canNOT get enough of the reverb-rumble sounding kick/sub/bass... I just love it. whatever.

    P.S. it is probably a coincidence that tooloud is also the artist 2Loud...
  6. dazz

    dazz Ultrasonic

    Apr 12, 2014
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    i never had issues with Yosemite a few things stopped working with el cap lots of stuff had issues with Sierra .. i loved yosemite .. so one of my macs runs it with a lite rig of stuff that wouldnt work on el cap & sierra the other is sierra and its running my DAW (cubase /UAD ect)

    if i had to choose .... Yosemite all the way !
  7. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Haven't migrated/upgraded/whatever to Sierra, but I've been liking El Capitan enough not to care - until Forced Upgrade Syndrome occurs. I found El Cap to be a more efficient version of Yosemite - though a couple applications (thankfully, inconsequential) didn't survive the transistion. In addition to Logic Pro X (latest version of which works only on 10.11-up) and other soundware, I have Adobe Premiere and After Effects CC 2017 running. I've not even done my customary tentative-partition-to-see-how-the-new-OS-fares thing for Sierra, and I still have a holdover partition with Mountain Lion on it, for the sake of some software deprecated by later OS versions.
  8. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Depend on what you need.

    Some have old software (which won't get updates anymore), some old hardware which won't get new drivers.

    For me Sierra works as fine as any other previous OS, not faster, not slower, not more stable, not less stable, it just works fine. I like having the latest OS for proper integration with iOS.
  9. fritzm

    fritzm Producer

    Feb 22, 2013
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  10. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    I've noticed you have an almost obsessive fear of new MacOS/ OS X systems.
    Sierra is absolutely fine and really not worth the hassle of downgrading from at all.
    I use el cap on my ancient MacBook that can't go any further and that is great too.
    The only thing mavericks has got over the others is the best default wallpaper by far.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
  11. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I am still on Mountain Lion and Mavericks on my work machines, (Still need PT10 for some things)...

    I have heard that Yosemite was kind of the "Lion"/Vista of newer OSX's.... So I need to do some more studying. I will obviously lose PT10HD with going to ElCap etc, but other then that, could someone tell me what else I could possible lose and what has the best core audio implementation and their experiences over ML/Mavericks?

    thanks guys..
  12. GeminiCount

    GeminiCount Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Held back on the latest OS. Is there any reason not to? Any plugins that are busted by it?
  13. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    That's because that version was the radical upgrade. El Capitan and Sierra are just patches.

    Yosemite was actually not buggy, just at that point many apps, drivers and kernel extensions were left incompatible due to the many platform changes and people start complaining and the spiral went bananas. Then the devs started to catch up and suddenly all was fine :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2017
  14. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    That makes total sense... growing pains... thanks for the insight!
  15. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Still on Mavericks cause if s**t works why change for a new os and f**k some of your plugs?
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  16. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    i havent update to Mac Sierra,im ok with El Capitan.
  17. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I wonder how my MBP mid 2012 non retina 2.5 I7 would do with Soerra vs El Cap... I'm happy things work. If Sierra is more effiecient I'll change... anyone know from experience?
  18. RainManMac

    RainManMac Audiosexual

    Oct 12, 2016
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    been runnin sierra since the beginning. Now run 10.2.2. not sure what everyone would consider issues, but i havent had any with any warez except stylus, but i believe that because Im missing something not because the crack.
  19. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    what was the very first mac OS X you started with? is Yosemite your "first?"

    @RainManMac : Is "10.2.2" a type-O? or is that supposed to be 10.12.2?

    big thanks everyone... I think my "unfounded / irrational" fear is under control. : )

    I think I will just chance El Cap and make it work... leave old one as is, etc.

    P.S. it seems Mac has an irrational fear of having an oper. system that has been public longer than 6 months. :D

    the hell is up with that trash though... it is one, or actually, probably my main complaint/beef with mac.
  20. RainManMac

    RainManMac Audiosexual

    Oct 12, 2016
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    no type-o screenshot_102.png
  21. Wando Waiato

    Wando Waiato Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    nOW hERE lAND
    My gear is running on Sierra (10.12.3) without any negative side effects. Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Media Composer, smooth and stable. Different audio devices like TC Electronics Desktop Konnekt 6, Echo AudioFire2 (both Firewire) or Steinberg UR22mkII (USB) also smooth and stable. Usually I wait a little longer before updating OS, always checking the web if there is somebody who runs same DAW and reports that the software is still working for him after updating OS. But this time I wanted to speak to Siri soon, 'cause it's damn funny and at the same time pretty handy. So I made a bootable clone with SuperDuper! on an external drive and gave it a try. No problems at all. Never regretted. My newest machine, a used MacBook Pro, Mid 2012, 16 GB RAM, bought a month ago, meets all the recommended hardware specs. My older MacBook Pro, Late 2008, 6 GB RAM, has a WIFI-Interface what prevents Sierra from installing. To fix this there is a patch at GitHub and I had to replace the WIFI-Module. I left it in place on the logic board and bought a USB-Wifi-Dongle for 10 Bucks. Wow, incredible speed increase by unexpected extent. My MacPro, Early 2008, 32 GB RAM only needed the software patch from GitHub.
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