Producers VS Not Producers

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by PAULOPAUZUDO, Feb 7, 2017.


    PAULOPAUZUDO Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2012
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    somewhere in LA
    Hello my friends, today I brought a very deep concern of mine that may sound a little selfish, but it's my thing, you know... this is like my own psychological shit, but I think some of you guys may think alike with me.
    In my "personal" life, I am very humble and benevolent, I'm always helping people in every way possible.
    BUT, when the thing comes down to my work, forget it! I'm the devil. I don't share information, I don't talk about production, studio or how i make music and anything... I just don't talk about my work to NON PRODUCERS. That's it. I just try to keep my "studio life" behind a well closed door. Because, in my head, i think "normal" people shouldn't know anything about making music simply because... they don't make music!
    With that being said. there's also another thing that really, really kills me inside: When famous artists make let's say a Serum pack or a software for example. Then, the artist goes to his Facebook or Instagram and post about his product. This is where the shit hits the fan, right there. Now there's a million of "normal" people watching clips showing how we make at least a small part of our job. This is exactly where all these so hated (BUT NOT BY ME, THIS IS JUST INTERNET SHIT) 13 yo producers get their "tutorials" to cancerize the whole thing even more, if you know what I mean.
    I just saw that happening very recently and believe me, that was painfull and the aftermath was just ridiculous... Watching a bunch of girls on Instagram reposting a picture of a recently launched plugin (FOR WHAT F*KING REASON????) just stabbed me in my heart. It's like seeing a group of Bieber's fans at a NAMM Show. Just doesn't make any f*cking sense.
    So tell me what are your thoughts guys, I'm I paranoid? Or do you really think we as artists and companies out there should be a little more carefull and closed about our work?
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
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  3. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    wow dude, u are weird
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  4. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    You can give someone the best paints, the most expensive brushes, and a blank canvas...but that doesn't mean they will be able to do anything with them. Hiding your tools is just silly. Who says we even want your tools? Based on the vibe I'm getting from your attitude, it doesn't sound like you are very successful. A truly benevolent person would not also compare themself to the Devil.

    And if you are tired of listening to music produced by thirteen year olds and girls posting pictures on Instagram, then stop listening to music produced by 13 year olds, and stop looking at the pictures girls post on Instagram!
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  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    U simply can't be humble and benevolent, and at the same time keep people away from joy of making music.....
    u...simply...just... cannot do that

    PAULOPAUZUDO Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2012
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    somewhere in LA

    PAULOPAUZUDO Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2012
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    somewhere in LA
    I said NON producers, are YOU a non producer?
    And, no I don't listen to 13 years old producers nor hate them. But I know some people hate them for reasons that doesn't make me any difference, I just said that as a complementary thing. I just take music production seriously enough to not want it to be banalized.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017

    PAULOPAUZUDO Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2012
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    somewhere in LA
    Yes I can. That's a completely separate part of my life. I'd explain that, but I'm not into philosophy today. I was talking about the other thing.
  9. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    you think "normal" people are interested in compressor settings? i dont think so
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    PAULOPAUZUDO Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2012
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    somewhere in LA
    That's the point.
  11. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Alright, I agree a bunch of random girls reposting a picture of a plugin sounds pretty cancerous (unless of course they're producers), but every thing else in my eyes is fine. Idk how old most of you guys are, but that was 100% me a few years ago, that 13 year old fantasized with aspects of music production I barely understood. We all had that phase.
  12. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I am a non producer... actually, I produce (play instruments)

    It is the Producers that are non producers ... they take my creations and than take advantage of them, calling themselves Producers and taking the money. (there are of course exceptions, a few serious ones, that are actual "Artists", but very few of them)

    ...but maybe we are not on the same wavelength ... what is Your concept of a Producer ?
    I am in the music world for about 4 decades, but that term has always been interpreted in thousand ways :dunno:

    are you sticking samples and publishing the end result on some cloud, to call Yourself Producer ?
    are You doing some records with bands and taking care of all the business that goes with it ?
    are You doing Youtube videos, calling Yourself a Producer

    As You see, there are many situations where people can call themselves "Producers".
    So, what the F. is a Producer in this modern times ?!? what is he supposed to do ? What is required knowledge and the required tools for the job ???

    nothing against you.. it is just a morning thought with a cup of coffee in a semi awaken state :)
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    PAULOPAUZUDO Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2012
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    somewhere in LA

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    PAULOPAUZUDO Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2012
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    somewhere in LA
    Finally, some people are starting to understand my point here. Like you @Rhodes and @mewoingtons.
    I was about to say that I deal with "normal" people asking me the whole fucking time If I just "stack samples and pieces of other songs" and call it "my music" just to illustrate what people really think I do.
    That's what they think "electronic music is".
    But just to keep the focus, imagine these same people "knowing" superficialy about auto tune for example, it will make them imediately think that talent is dead, right? So the thing goes like: I just push buttons and a really random guy sings it then I just push another button and the song is done!

    But,this is not what I do. I got lazy to say it because this would start another discussion if it's right or wrong to use samples and bla bla bla"
    Well, my concept of a producer is half what I do and half I was taught it is or should be: Produce my own music to play it live or dj set or whatever and or producing to another artist or bands. That's what I do and that's I've been taught.

    These many situations you said are the problem and this "call your self a producer" is the problem. Random people doing it wrong and calling themselves "producers".
    And abou the tools? Well, that's what I'm trying to discuss here, why I'd be happy to see the tools of my work in the wrong hands? I'ts not that hard to understand.

    I mean, I totally agree if you're a mechanic and one of your tools breaks and you have that one friend which is also a mechanic and you go at his workshop and he lends you one of his tools.
    I don't see people saying to a mechanic that he just looks under the hood randomly and just push here and there and voilá, profit! Right? So, why I would think it's nice to do it with music?

    Enjoy your coffee man (I'm addicted to it) :)
  15. superwurm

    superwurm Newbie

    Jul 5, 2016
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    Question is at wich point are you a producer, where is the borderline between producer and non-producer or music production interested person?
  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Non producers are commoners and i rather not associate myself with them.
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  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    As silly as they look doing selfies with plugins or whatever... you heap disdain upon them... or just shake your head and walk away..they have no more idea about a plugin..than they do about art or well made music.. they are no threat to you..just another social media absurdity.. of which there are legion.. not only bubble headed teens defiling our lofty tools.....
    hmm...should I rephrase that? :bleh:

    they are not your competition anyway.. but I get it.. like a guy who goes to the beach with a surfboard to look cool,
    and never rides it... kooks will be kooks... pffft
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  18. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Unless you were formally trained in music, at some point you also were a normie who had to dig that information somewhere... same as I, same as a lot of people here, same as a fucking ton of famous producers out there. The key is the music you came up with and that's it... those 13yo "producers" that make shit, will either grow or get stucked... as we will do too.

    No, I don't believe knowledge should be something unshareable or to an "elite" only. But to each their own... at last it will be the person who decides to learn it and expand; or whipe his ass with it and press random shit on the keyboard
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017
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  19. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    To extend, I guess it lays down to "ego"... as long as it is low, everything's okay (no-one wanna try to shit higher than the ass can)... and the more knowledge they gain, the more they realize they are shit and need to improve (same as I), and the less ego they have
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    PAULOPAUZUDO Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2012
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    somewhere in LA
    A producer produces something. A non producer can be just like anyone out there who doesn't produces nothing. These people are the ones I expect will consume what I produce, my product, right? Or like in the example I already gave above, a bunch of random girls who just follow some famous djs on Instagram because reasons. They're just rave goers (or again, consumers) and that's it.
    A music production interested person is in the halfway between those distinct worlds. Now in my opinion there's two things that can happen. If they take music seriously enough, they will eventually become producers and will make that for a living.
    But, if they never become producers and never take it serious or treat it like a cheap hobby, they will just fuck the art.
  21. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    They do. Who doesn't?

    You know what? They also know about drum machines! The swine! :D
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