Massive Fight In Moscow Center Because Of Bottle Of Alcohol

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mild pump milk, Jan 26, 2017.

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  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Yes! The country we Russians live in is too weird sometimes (if not almost always). Six people suffered.
    A lot of people may kill each other because of tiny shit. Like a bottle of $3-5 vodka or smth. There is no any value such as cheapest vodka for Russian alcoholics.
    Can't find source in English.
    It is funny...funny to horror...not so fuking funny!
  3. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Russia is piece of shit man, I don't care. They produce nothing but problems and difficulties, including for the their own citizens. It is a country - a hotbed of corruption. Their oligarchs heard everywhere, and their football players simply consider themselves as gods. This country does not cost anything, does not do anything good in the world, all the progress around this country side. They bombed the Ukraine and Syria. Let us pray for them?
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  4. awake

    awake Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Fuck you! Piece of Shit
    without Russia ISIS now will had spread all over the world
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  5. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Chill out boy, don't take it so much. Your mind has been destroyed by russian propaganda. But look deeper inside this - who is winner in this war and answer the question what is ISIS? What that means? I remember act of terrorism in Boston.. Do you know who is behind this? Terrorists were Chechens, do you know who they are? They are citizens of Russia. You speak so loud but you don't know enough to insult me. I know about politics so much and I can answer on all your questions. This war with mythical ISIS is played out idea of Putin. This mechanism is so old as this world of imperialism "Start and win a small victorious war". When the internal policy of the state is not very successful, this state usually starts these "little" wars. And that's all about money and authority. We are nothing in their game.. same thing like in every war.
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  6. awake

    awake Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I know so much better that you can't even imagine
    advice: stop watching conspiracy bullshits on youtube.
  7. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    What do you know? I guess you look so much Russia Today and think you know everything=) I have my own opinion, and my opinion is based on facts but can you prove your words?
  8. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Being poor and sick can lead to some crazy shit.

    As you've just described. It happens everywhere, not just in Russia. Addicts and hungry people can be very violent when they find no solution, violence unfortunately is not stupid, it is an intelligent response to a no solution zero sum assessment. Just human nature.

    The job of the social contract is to alleviate most situations where violence actually becomes a necessary logical reaction to a particular set of pressures and needs.

    Kids kill each other over sneakers, the less you have the cheaper morality and reason become. The need takes precedence over everything else.
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  9. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    advice: tell it to the families of victims of the hands of the Russian army in the Donbass and Syria
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  10. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    @ia, I think you're the one who needs to chill out. Think a bit before you defame an entire country with a huge population and long history. Russia produced a lot of good, and every country has its problems.
  11. gurujon

    gurujon Kapellmeister

    May 28, 2012
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    Do you have any evidence that his mind is "destroyed by Russian propaganda"?
    How can you say that one side is better than the other? The stuff going on in the world today is not about nations, it is global and about money and power of globalist elite. They do not care about which country you are from. It is all the game of divide and conquer, like its always been. There is just as much crap propaganda here in the west.
    I am glad we have Putin to give at least some balance against these war mongering imperialists. Im not saying I actually like him, but he is slowing down the process of the NWO, or so it seems.

    Btw, there is a video on Youtube where Hillary Cllinton explains how US created Al Qaida (which turned into ISIL) to chase Russians out of Afghanistan.
  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    He needs a tissue and some safe space to be alone.
    We can only applaud Russia for the deratization of scum in the middle east.
  13. gurujon

    gurujon Kapellmeister

    May 28, 2012
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    Russia has problems, but is no more piece of shit then EU and US. Russia is trying to say no to being dictated by the west. You mention 2 countries bombed by Russia. Have you seen the list of countries bombed by US?!
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  14. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Metallica, Moscow, one of the greatest live events ever.
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  15. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I am absolutely calm. As I said above, this is just my opinion. I have the right to freely express my opinion or not? Or is there some kind of censorship? You can with me a hundred times disagree, I think it is normal. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but do not throw words whose meaning you do not know for sure, and insult me on this ground. You may seem that you know what you are talking about, but then need you to confirm his words with facts. Maybe I'm wrong in my judgment. Tell me what it is you do not agree?
    huge population and long history? what does it mean? Does this mean that we can speak ill of countries with a small population and a short history? What meaning do you see in these words? It's just a words dude, population and duration of history does not matter really. Maybe you even want to say that Russia has the largest land area and therefore cool and good? I would not be surprised ..
    So relax and do not worry very much, otherwise will have a desire to go to Ukraine to kill.
    Russia produced a lot of good - what? Can you tell me? And Russian Federation or Soviet Union? Russian Federation using everything what has been producerd in USSR, nothing more actually. Or maybe you mean hydrocarbons?
    and every country has its problems - yeah, but that\s not a problem if their problems not created by another state=)
  16. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    This is a war. Big and epic mafia related hooligans tell the world how they should live.. and in this war, the ordinary people become a token coin.Dictated by west? What? Do you know what Putin with his friends have multibillion-dollar bills in the offshores. apartments in Miami, and their children live in a luxury penthouses in Nederlands. They are gorgeous cottages in protected areas, and their Russian law does not apply to them. They commonly break and change the constitution as it suits them. They spat on international law and human rights. With regard to the constitution, it is a fact: Russia is a secular state, but then why the state takes away parks and office buildings for the construction of new churches? You know what it is? Think better. If not, then I'll tell you.
  17. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    1991? Do you thing nothing changed over 26 years? 1991 year - what is it? This is timne of what? You guys seems to be very naive
  18. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    1991 is the year I was born
    1991 is the year of fall (break, don't know the right word) of ussr
  19. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Symptoms every time are the same
    Maybe you're not quite carefully read what I wrote?
    I know man=) I agree

    Can't agree. What is balance in your opinion? Fool and then use their own people like cattle? I see it like this. There is only one solution that will satisfy everyone - it is peacetime. But the struggle for paradise has turned into a paradise? I don't think so.
    New world order? That's like USSR and Germany divided Poland in 1939? Or annexation of Crimea? Historically Crime was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1783.. this was repeated, but why now? Have you thought about this? Why this artificially created conflict and how it is connected with the revolution and the events on the Maidan, the relationship between Putin and Yanukovich? Think about it in your freetime. Or just read about it in independent sources=)

    Give me the link please. And what russians did in Afganistan?
  20. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Right, Iron Curtain ceased.
  21. Russian woman can be sooooo very hot that even a single one baring but one single luscious, firm post Soviet breast could melt the icy snow around herself in a circle of three meters on even the coldest Siberian winter's night. How can anybody in their right mind say the Russia has not produced any positive goodness?
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