ADAM Audio has unveiled the S series, their new flagship range.

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Evorax, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    ADAM Audio has unveiled the S series, their new flagship range of nearfield, midfield and main studio monitors…


    The S Series comprises of 5 models of increasing size, the S2V, S3H, S3V and the largest-of-the-range S5V and S5H. So what can we expect to find on these new pieces of kit? Well, the S Series is packed with innovations specifically made for them, which include: the completely new Extended Linear Excursion woofers, one-piece DCH dome/cone hybrid mid range driver, newly designed waveguides for the tweeter and a high-power DSP engine. The S Series also marks the debut of ADAM Audio’s S-ART tweeter.

    David Angress, Chairman of at ADAM Audio tells us that,

    “Under its new management, ADAM Audio has reenergised every aspect of the company, and our R&D team has been working behind closed doors to create this 3rd generation S Series line…We have employed best engineering practices, modern materials technology and advanced DSP to create the new S Series, a range of studio monitors that offer stunning clarity and low distortion, utilising new woofers and midrange drivers and the S-ART tweeter – an even more precise version of ADAM Audio’s famous hand-built tweeter.”

    There’s no information on how much any of S Series will cost but we do know that they will be available from February 2017. For an in-depth look at everything the S Series has to offer head to the product page here.


    I was so excited about buying Genelecs 8351... and then these new batman-like new monitors been announced and now I have to postpone my Genelec decision until I check the new Adams out. I'm definetely in love with the looks of upcoming 3SV and if performance wise is on par with Genelec 8351 i'll def go with Lambo-looking Adam 3SV.
    I'll be investing 28.000 euros in new equip this year so i'll def also get high-end AD/DA interface (Antelope Orion Studio with mastering grade converters or RME UFX+), 500 euros on cables alone, vicoustic combinations for my room treatment + rec booth, Adam/Genelec subwoofer for the full range freq response, 3k on a new computer, Neumann u87ai, Neve Shelford Channel and a Machine Studio (MK2 in case it will pop out until then).
    This year will be my hardest one with the highest sacrifices ever. I do have a good job now but still i'll have to sacrifice a lot to save up a whooping nearly 30k.
    But next year i'll be all with the music, doing just music, living and making love to it.

    Will post a pic when i'm done with it.

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  3. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    that sounds really great!
    These will make or break adam. considering these are the first new model after heinz left and sttarted hedd.
    Still consider the P series better than the F and Ax but the SX sounded great. Hope they can keep up the standard

    one question. you are very close to bearfoot mm27 with the cost (incl sub) didn´t tickle you fancy?
    at least bearfoot claims depending on your room you wont need a sub.
    whats you take on these/that?
  4. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Well, Barefoots sounded somehow "characteristic" to me, unique in a way. I'm not saying "bad" but just different than what i'm used to expect from highend monitors. To be honest? I liked Amphion One18 with the subs combo better than Barefoots. Amphion are real sweet beasts but I don't like the passive idea tbh. I feel like I get more freedom with the active ones, especially when it comes about top-end range.
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  5. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    can you expand on this

    im the same with aktive vs passive. i was interested in the chandler micr. cassette but the neve looks dope of too.
    of to look for some reviews ;)
  6. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    With such a large investment in high end equipment, may I suggest you skip the upper mid level u87ai and Neve Shelford and look to the Brauner/Flea/Manley mic level and DW Fearn VT-1 or Requisite Audio Pal Plus MK3 preamps to compliment your other gear options. While I respect your choices, I would love to see all your gear stay high end, I believe you will be happy with my suggestions as there is no upgrading from them.
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  7. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    There's no way I would be able to allocate such a large amount of money (by my standard at least) only for music equipment. Well, at least not in the coming months unless...
  8. I totally agree with Wilbur The Weird, you could get a great mic instead of getting "that one". There is much to say about familiarity, but there are many higher quality offerings available within your probable budget that can woop that 87 with both arms tied and one leg shackled to a post in the ground. Even something like the Soyuz SU-017 can take it up a notch and take whatever is thrown at it and spit out beauty on the other side if you only need cardioid. The Brauner VM1 will sound more real than real, if you could cope with that and have only amazing singers singing through it, and Flea will destroy it hands down with any in their stable. The pairing is important in deciding which to get. A couple of them might be mo better as not all singers sound good or great with all mics. I wish that I had your problem.
  9. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Neuman u87 it's like a bread&butter neutral tool in my eyes and for my ears. Afaik, in the last decade over 70% of the global music industries been recorded through an U87 for their albums and singles. U87 coupled with a great preamp it just works. Of course, it's not as bright as AKG C12 (although the brightness difference it's subtle), I'm supposed to boost some highs to add some air on the vocals in the mixing stage anyway, so I'd call U87 a neutral/natural sounding mic which gives you the flexibility to choose if you'd rather add the air or not. There's countless modern records based on u87 for vox which is proven to get the job done records-wise.
    Soyuz 017 it sounds like a slightly-harsher version of AKG C12 haha, of course you can fix that with a bit of a deSSer help, but in that regard I prefer to boost a U87 rather than removing something from Soyuz 017. Manley's Gold and Brauners VM1 are indeed great sounding mics, but they just don't justify the extra cost for me. I'd rather buy an used AKG C12 over them and call it a day. Anyway, I think i'll be owning just two mics in the beginning, Neumann U87 and Sontronics Aria (tube alternative).

    Preamp wise now, after I recently had the chance to to listen to a few high-end ones including AMS Neve 1073 dpa, Avalon 737, Aurora GTQ2 and Chandler TG2. Mic was Neumann u87 ai (ironically).
    (monitors - Neumann KH310a)

    The one that sounded the most incredible to me (although all of them sounded amazing) was the Aurora GTQ2. I can't believe it surpassed AMS's Neve Clone although it's quite similar priced. Afaik, Geoff, the guy involved in Aurora GTQ2 used to be part of team who designed the real Neve 1073 preamp circuitry design. I researched a bit and I found out he even personally stated that his GTQ2 it's like a real Neve but with all the original design flaws fixed in his take.
    Seriously... Aurora GTQ2 (priced somewhere around 2800$) it's a beautiful piece of equipment that's getting the job done in a wonderful way. So big, full, warm, well-balanced & focused sounding. Just beautiful.

    So preamp wise i'll definitely go with both Aurora GTQ2 and SSL X Logic Alpha VHD (for the cleaner, pristine-ish sound with the advantage of it's inputs number).
  10. Yup, the Aurora GTQ2 is a great box, a great choice. If I were in your lucky shoes however I might opt for the Daking Mic Pre iv as it is still a clean signal but with more body and verve, more alive. For me the Trident sound is way nicer than the sterile SSL thang. The only upside is the VHC, but that might become old fast. This is a link to a band recorded with Daking. There is a presence about these preamps that I like a lot. With the Aurora as the upfront and 3D combined with the Daking's ability to be manipulated in space, the more flat of the pairing, sweet goodness will abound. I'm sure the SSL will be fine, though the Dakings could be mo' fine, LOL.
  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Your choices are top brands and tools that are commonly used in the industry so no arguement can be made here.
    If second opinion is the case, i would recommend listening to the Focal Twin6 (+Sub 6) or SM9 if you haven't already. As for the mic, i am a proud owner of a U87 about 20 years now and to my sense it's one of the few things in my studio that has definitely earned its cost many times over, plus it has a beautiful crystal clear sound with anything you throw at it. With that said ,there is a mic i have been fascinated by the last years, the Kiwi from Blue. It has a distinct airy transparent sound that made me keep it in the studio for two months, although supposedly i borrowed it from a friend for just a week to test it. It handled amazingly well vocals, ac.gtrs and sax. It is about half the Neumann price and built like a tank so you may check it out if you like.
  12. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Thanks for the input, guys.

    I'll definitely look into your preamp alternative recommendation, I see that Daking is Geoff's work as well and i'm sure that for that price tag you can't go wrong with it. Tbh, your Daking tip really made me reconsider choosing it instead of SSL Alpha.
    Mic wise i'll start with Neumann U87ai and Sontronics Aria as a tube mic addition.
    I'll add some more mics along the way for sure, as i'm really passionate about great gear in general.
    I've got another addition idea about preamps though: on top of Aurora and Daking, I think about getting a 3rd one in the arsenal, a cheap ART Pro MPA II and a pair of new Telefunken tubes to replace the stock ones in the ART pre. I've heard it makes a hell of a difference and would take Art's pre to the next level, making it as sweet sounding as a more expensive pre.

    Another unit that I think i'll need it in my setup will be a Grace Monitor Controller as i'm going to have 2 pair of monitors anyway. My actual Dynaudio DBM50 & the upcoming Adam S3H (if they will meet the expectations, if not... i'll get back to my previous choices of either coax Genelec 8351a, Adam S3X-H or EvE SC-407, any of those pairs will not lack a sub, so i'll buy one in addition regardless of how low the monitors already extend. I'd rise the highpass filter on them and add a sub to get the job done in that area).

  13. Although I have never heard the MPA II with the tube swap, though I have heard that it makes a positive difference in clarity and depth. Talk of using a Telefunken 12AT7 is the one to use. I have a NOS Phillips 12AT7 that I am going to pop in with a couple of NOS Phillips EL84s into my AC15 one of these days. It is hissing something fierce when there is no signal coming through at any volume. I'll go one at a time and see wassup.

    The Grace monitor controller is supposed to be awesome. And yes, the Daking preamps just work so well. I have never heard a negative word about them and as well have to think hard about it to remember seeing people selling them off to get something else. The only downside of the IV is the 5db stepped gain knob which is great for callback though a smidgen less so if you just absolutely need to dial a gain value in between. It shouldn't be an issue. The single channel that I have is the continuous variety. The cool thing about customer service with Daking is that Geoff usually is the one picking up the phone and wants every single person using any of his stuff to have a marvelous experience. Case in point, a bunch of years ago a few units were shipped where upon opening the units by the new owners, the gain pots were loose and spun. He now includes a tiny little hex wrench in every box, just in case. Cool!
  14. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Wow, that's definitely awesome of him, to turn the negative feedback into positive actions. I love to hear that!