Problems with EZDrummer 2 and Kontakt 5.6.5 - Please Help!

Discussion in 'Software' started by Cribs, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Cribs

    Cribs Member

    Jul 29, 2016
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    I have the DreamPop and BigRock expansions for EZDrummer 2 but I gather they need version 2.1.4 of EZDrummer as it keeps telling me I need the latest version (I currently have 2.1.3 on PC). Is 2.1.4 available for PC Windows yet?

    Also, Kontakt 5 is giving me lots of problems! When I load the standalone Kontakt all of my libraries are activated and work. However, when I load them in my DAW (Sonar Artist) there is a lot which are NOT activated?! Please help me as it's all driving me mad!
    Thanks in advance and Happy New Year to all!
  3. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Best Answer
    Latest legit version of EZ Drummer is 2.1.4 (build13103)
    R2R have released 2.1.4 UPDATE I believe. Is also available.
    WRT Kontakt first thing to check is that .dll scanned in VST folder is not a different revision etc to the one your .exe on desktop launching standalone. Also check location of .exe .dll as in right click file location etc.
    Double check your locations and make sure it not scanning something like old player installation installed in default location etc.
    Personally i've never come across that problem myself and not sure how a library could be activated standalone but not in DAW unless it a different .dll etc :dunno:
    Could possibly be the case though. Don't use unlocked myself any longer but sure others will b able to say whether they have experienced such a thing.
    Hope u sort it :yes:
  4. Cribs

    Cribs Member

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Thanks Kloud! Sorted the Kontakt problem. I actually bought Kontakt but with some libraries it doesn't seem to agree with so I have to use the unlocked version. It was the .dll file - all sorted now! As far as Ezdrummer only found 2.1.4 on demonoid and it has a corrupt library so I replaced the library with 2.1.3 and DreamPop etc all installed successfully! However at this moment I am assessing what software I've paid for and the software I need and it's looking good - I should have all paid software only on my system in the next week. Thanks for your help mate! Cribs
  5. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Nice one :bow:
    Yeah player libraries/encrypted won't work on legit without serial but as u know there ways round it.
    However guess at around 99.999% of libraries not encoded so vast majority will still work on legit.
    Whether NI change that soon :dunno:
    Doubt it less they get paid or start losing wads of cash :rofl:
    2.1.4 available around in places but can't link here.
    Links & stuff disappear all the time tho so sometimes hit & miss. Toontrack stuff real useful.
    Glad u sorted it :yes::mates:
  6. Wretchard

    Wretchard Newbie

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I was trying to install Big Rock Drums but it said I needed to update to 2.1.4. I got it installed but there are errors or something and when I open ezdrummer I get a "midi database error."


    Cribs, you said that you replaced the library with the 2.1.3 version. How would I go about this, and would it help?
  7. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Basically u need to make sure the plugin itself is capable of running the library, i.e if Big Rock Drums needs 2.1.4 u need 2.1.4 .dll etc installed. Your case you could have EZDrummer 2.1.3 installed and u need 2.1.4 to run the library.
    Therefore first check make sure you actually got 2.1.4 installed and your DAW etc reading correct .dll
    If in doubt on PC etc right click .dll -> Properties -> Details -> Check product version.
    If needed update.
    Is most probably that u need 2.1.4 to run that midi library and you only got 2.1.3 installed.
    Outside that check your Midi Database and included folders. After installing updates normally automatically rebuilds midi database.However, is an option to try straight away i.e rebuild database or could try restoring to factory.
    If you do that though user midi locations will have to be re-added as new database file created. However most likely is that u simply need to update.
    You can always check sound library version through menu also if needed
  8. Syntey

    Syntey Noisemaker

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I have similar problem, when I run Installer in Dream Pop installation folder, then it says that I need the latest update, but I have latest version. Anyone had problems like this?

    EZdrummer plug-in version 2.1.4 (build 13108) [64-bit VST]
    Standalone host version 2.1.4 (build 13108)

    Maybe it has to do something with manual install. I had to do it manually because instalator was corrupted or something.
  9. Wretchard

    Wretchard Newbie

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Thanks for the suggestions. But I have 2.1.4 installed, and it is during the update installation where the problem begins. A window pops up during the installation saying please make sure some files are present. It's the midi database files for different ezx packs. I have the option to abort, retry, or ignore. Ignore is the only thing that let's the installation continue... But I have to ignore 25 plus files.

    Also, factor reset button appears but nothing happens when clicked.
  10. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Hmmm never experienced that problem myself. I guess unless it's going to be like a major pain to do then maybe reinstall the whole lot but of course no guarantees etc. :dunno:
    So u're getting the warning while updating EZDrummer itself to 2.1.4 rather than the Big Rock Drums library etc?
    Installs have all changed now since introduction of library manager etc and not up to date myself with various wrz install.
    If you do follow that option then would suggest that you uninstall everything, clean all locations and registry on PC etc.
    I guess, check firstly that you have all the relevant files etc and your not missing any.
    Generally it's a bad idea to just hit ignore as often installs incomplete etc. Always a bad idea with say NI stuff :yes: as can cause major pain long term.
    Would firstly maybe try & update all the way to 2.1.4 itself from fresh rather than say installing certain libraries in between so that it's not searching through database and making things more complicated etc.
    Not sure as don't use R2R version etc but whether the last part of install say just an update and you need certain files or previous install data etc:dunno:
    Am not 100% sure why it would ask for database files when say just updating plugin itself as opposed to say updating library sound data or midi libraries unless it say factory data etc.
    Another possibility is maybe if all else fails then look into the possibility of unpacking the installer\update and possibility of manual install in all the relevant locations.
    Have no idea if that would work or whether you can unpack the installer.
    Does it mention what files specifically you are missing as is it referring to say factory data or asking about certain libraries?
  11. Wretchard

    Wretchard Newbie

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I've uninstalled everything, and tried a reinstall but same issue. I didn't clean out the registry though.

    I know hitting ignore isn't the best idea but I've done that before with other installs and all went ok.

    When I just uninstall the 2.1.4 update, the program stays at 2.1.4 anyway. Going to uninstall everything, all ez packs, etc etc and try again from the beginning. Only thing I am not that sure about is cleaning out the registry but will look into that.

    Thanks for the input. Will let you know how this goes.
  12. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Yeah PC gonna contain all library info & Plug in locations normally along default of
    run regedit etc & check locations
    Can find some useful info wrt libraries etc but obviously b real careful about what your deleting :yes::bow:
  13. Wretchard

    Wretchard Newbie

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I cleaned up and reinstalled. Now I get this message:

    EZdrummer plug-in version 2.0.0 (build 9149) [32-bit VST]
    Standalone host version 2.1.4 (build 13108)

    EZdrummer 2 Modern version 1.0.0
    EZdrummer 2 Vintage version 1.0.0

    EZdrummer 2 Modern/Vintage version 1.0.0
    EZdrummer 2 Percussion version 1.0.0

    Have to get rid of Standalone host version 2.1.4 (build 13108) maybe.

    Any ideas where to delete or remove this so I can try again?

    Did the regedit thing and this is what is there:


    And this stuff in the ezdrummer folder:


    What I try to update from 2.0 to 2.1.4, this is what I see:


    I don't know much about registry fixing. I feel like just deleting it all haha!
  14. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    That's x32 u updating right? or is it just installer that x32 lol or are u installing from mounted ISO etc?
    U wanting to install x64?
    Also registry say plug in installed on E drive?
    You don't have to install X32 less u want to or need to least with my installation etc. That your commonAppData folder and it asking for Avatar Midi database.
    Personally I would delete, everything, clean all install locations and ALL relevant registry data so installer not looking for previous install Data and start at the beginning.
    Also can install X64 only rather than both but you can do either.
    When u using apps like Toontrack solo also etc you always got to double check that you reading correct .dll etc or could load x32 etc and that library read is correct which you can set path.
    Could be something else completely tho or I'm possibly seein it wrong etc :dunno:

    As I said reckon easiest way would be to start over but also delete reg data but be carefull what you delete.

    Also other users that installed like that installation can possibly chime in like as I mentioned I do it all through library manager so a little different. :)
  15. Wretchard

    Wretchard Newbie

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Copied and pasted each folder from the original install folder where the sounds, midi, etc is installed to the folder where the installation takes place. Still not right. Getting the mismatch error again

  16. Wretchard

    Wretchard Newbie

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I only want to install the 32 bit one for now. Old Cubase.

    Installing from .msi installer.

    Clean up and try again..........

    And thanks for the advice and input.
  17. Wretchard

    Wretchard Newbie

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Now I get this message...


    Just can't get rid of this update.
  18. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    you should start buying it , than you could ask for Toontrack Support .

    btw: tts written in your error message what is wrong .

    good luck
  19. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    since you have a mess there, uninstall ez drummer and clean the system.
    Than reinstall it following the directions in the .nfo or .txt.

    As I remember, You have to install EZ 2.0 and than update to the last version.
    The same goes for the libraryes... they should be updated too
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