I decided not to use any preset and just synthesize them for being original.

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    It does take a while but you kind of get some sounds that you always go back to. This is human nature, everyone does it, and that is OK.

    Brian Eno, has his squelchy drones, Daft Punk have that slow filter rise, Justice have the open filter triple saw, etc ....

    It really helps when you make your own patches to really just pick one tone generator or synthesis paradgim and let that be your foundation, and not jump around too much. Whether that is one particular VST or a synthesizer company that you are really familiar with their paradigm, it really helps when you know what you want and do not have to figure out where to go get it and can just dial it in right away.

    nice job man.
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  2. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I agree that different sounds can be very inspiring, but that's not the point when all I want is to capture my song idea quickly.
    I also agree that it's harder to change presets or sounds later on, but the big difference for me is that changing sounds later won't harm my initial spark of creativity and is a much more relaxed process than trying to do everything right from the start.
    I usually don't start writing a song in front of my keyboard, it all happens in my head first.
    Yes indeed, everyone should spend some quality time building his own little library of favorite presets, but who cares if you originally picked them from 3000 available presets or created them on your own?
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2017
  3. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Way to go @foster911. Even with a synthesized sound, constructed from _Init, the sound is usually more organic.
    I've been hearing a lot of presets in popular music now that I'm actively listening for them. I've also come to realize that 99% of the listening public don't really give a flying rat's ass as long as it sounds good. Just do what feels good.

    This is a 13 second clip I rendered of a completely unaltered preset in a Reaktor instrument.
    It's called 'Korg' and it's preset no. 47 in the Metaphysical Function ensemble.

    Now listen to this track.
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  4. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Funny. Now imagine you're composing your own track using this and the music industry scanbots say you've stolen significant parts of another composer's material :rofl:
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  5. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    And where's your pride? Do you really want to look in the eyes of other musicians and admit you only can make nice synthlines by using premade arps/seqs? You wouldn't be embarrassed? I'm so sick of the 'click together' generation. How can music evolve if nobody experiments, nobody does something new?

    The first electric guitar was build in 1931 with the purpose of finally being heard among all the loud singers and the drummer. In 1951 the first record of a distorted guitar in 'Rocket 88' was an accident, as the amp broke due to a fall prior to the recording. In 1964, a band called The Kinks recorded a song. It was the first time that the guitar has been distorted on purpose. Distorted to reach a specific sound. And what a song it was: You really got me. In 1969 at Woodstock a young man by the name of Jimi Hendrix played Star Spangled Banner to express his feelings about the war. The distortion was used to let airplane bomber appear and tanks, sirens and people screaming, a war scenery recreated with a distorted guitar. In 1982 Kikumoto invented an electronic bass companion for guitarists. The 'transistor bass' was sold by Roland under the name of TB 303. No guitarist ever used it, the sound was just not bassy enough. But, oh my, in 1985 Acid was born with typical sequenced 303 lines and its self oscillating filter at high resonance values.

    What if all this had never happened? What if all the people had just used what was already there instead of going a step further?

    I don't say presets are bad. But what you do with them is important. Don't just use them. Let them inspire you or change them to your likings. Just don't let happen to you what you just revealed of Deadmau5. How embarrassing!
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  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Fines are pretty big in Europe.50 euros per instance of Nexus.So 50 instances of nexus stacked would probably make around 150 euros, if you do the -47 hack in your daw.
    Thinking about moving to Philippines, im sure Duerte doesnt care about that shit, he is busy playing Rambo.
  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Whoa. I was just pointing something out. Obviously designing a sound from scratch is an actual craft. It exudes personality. I completely agree.
    I'll flick through presets on a VSTi that I have running through some weird sound mangling FX chain and to audition sounds but that's more just out of curiosity.

    I am and always have been gung-ho for experimentation. I mean, I've arpeggiated an arpeggiator with another arpeggiator and you don't even want to know what I did with the MIDI. That was all with a basic saw before any actual sound shaping. Sometimes I'll record the actual designing stage and then reverse the automation while I have another arp spitting out notes, running through a Note to CC filter which is sequencing completely different parameters that I can cycle through, range and control with macros.

    I'm one of those guys that says that there is no box and the above might seem random but it's actually just insane.
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  8. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    " I decided not to use any preset "

    wow ! should we applause or something ?
    who uses presets anyway .... kids, edm so called artists etc

    let us know when you'll stop using sample cd's
    we will applause you again

  9. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Don't know where I stand in all honesty.
    Used to be so against the whole preset\song construction tools etc but do actually use some now. More use them as simple reference points for either practice or quickly getting a basic idea out.
    Even use something like EZKeys as I can't play piano one bit just to quickly map out like a key structure and then play melodic ideas over the top.
    End result normally comes out in a different key, tempo & genre without the piano bit lol.
    Don't know. Everyone approaches things differently and i've wasted so much time in the past over thinking things when they don't need to be I guess.
    Now am a big believer in map out a basic idea without imposing like set boundaries and just go with it.
    Like everyone has said as long as the end result comes out well is all that matters.
    Don't know if that makes me lazy or uninspired but can handle the label as long as I'm spending more time actually creating rather than thinking about how I should or shouldn't do it.
    Right or wrong, can't say but working at the moment so is all good that way I guess :dunno::bow:
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  10. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I also have lots of other big decisions in my mind to use sounds like these (produced by myself) in my later works. Of course in a musical fashion not industrial or deep ambient form which the producer in them does not think about the sounds musically. Normal sounds are enough. We've heard them alot.:bleh:

    These sounds have a big problem and it's that, music theory does not work about them. What a shame!:rofl:
    Imagine Jordan Rudess wants to use them in his keyboard techniques.:winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2017
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  11. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Deadmaus only took that bit - and he might have done it himself. Meh. Regardless, taking old or pre-existing things is no impediment to doing something new. People make objets d'art out of found objects - like bits of old trees found on a beach, or worn-out shoes from a dump, or.......

    I just think it's worth restating that everything new comes from the old. And novelty is an aspect of modernity - the cult of the "new". Shakespeare and Classical playwrights weren't judged on the novelty of their plot but rather in their handling of well-known, traditional ones. Hell, how many modern love songs are there? Popular music is ephemeral, only a few things will survive for long. Who is going to really care about presets? All of us are caught between the poles of Kandinsky's Art of Internal Necessity and The Invisible Hand of Darwinian selection. Get on with it? And make a living?

    Presets are a shortcut but personally I invariably feel less reward proportional to the amount of stuff I "steal". OTOH, the sounds are just part of the deal for me, and who cares where they come from? It's how they're put together - and what that *means* - that is important (to me). Maybe The Edge uses some presets on classic U2 delayed guitar lines? Nobody cares, do they? Or rather we're all very pleased that he used those presets.

    A Marshall amp is just a pile of presets? Turn a dial - different preset. You could put everything on one dial with 1000 "presets".

    You could make a fantastic album out of just synth presets and very average production. It matters much less from a musical POV than it does sound design or engineering wise. And your audience won't care.

    C F G sounds great to everyone playing the one preset on their acoustic guitar. Didn't stop Bob Dylan. :D
  12. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Interesting point & think I agree with just about all. Think there a big difference though in the sense of presets purely on a synthesis level etc and say amp settings along the whole chain etc.
    Example maybe be put one amp setting with one operator it gonna sound hugeley different in the hands of another. Guess in theory it might not if everything could be applied equally in it's entirety.
    To me personally a JCM 900 etc way beyond a bunch of presets all-though I suppose you can look at it from that perspective.
    Like you mentioned the edge etc. Hugely underrated really and himself responsible for a whole bunch of presets I guess modelled after his sound. His delay using the TC 2290 etc. Possibly the "best" rack delay effect of all time. Amazing peice of kit. :yes:
    However of course your always gonna get that individual aspect that is going to be impossible to recreate completely.
    For example, wood his guitar is made from, through the pickups & wiring, through the string choice & gauge, circuitry, EL84's through to the end product with the angle of attack and stage positioning. There so much more to his sound that is imparted on an individual level that will be impossible to fully recreate. Not that i'm saying anyone should be trying either.
    Again the overall sound of course much more than an amp setting or delay setting and no two people ever gonna sound identical.etc.
    I have a bunch of TC pedals. Remember at the time they were released with the whole toneprint scenario.
    At the time used to think why would you want so & so's reverb setting or delay settings etc.
    However they are actually pretty cool. I imagine TC developed the whole range with the idea of selling Paul Gilberts ultra facile picking setting or some garbage like that. In reality it 99 percent about his technique rather than the Xotic Booster lol.
    That being said though the toneprint editor a pretty cool thing and you can tweak your "own" presets lol and do quite a lot of cool stuff. Yeah I guess you could make fantastic album from just presets but that musicality\interaction with the whole system provided by the operator is priceless.
    Guess that's the bit that sets us apart from robot's lol.
    Yeah also agree, don't think anything would have stopped Bob Dylan. When it came to anything remotely musical the guy was on another level.

    BTW Foster lol what tangent u going off in now. :dunno:
    Sounded like the mothership taking hostages or something. I imagine in the main music theory or some rules still apply no matter how lacking in tonal centre it gets. Reminded me of like some Zero-G samples gone freaky.
    I reckon put the whole lot in one huge epic soundtrack type thing and could be interesting lol :yes::bow:
  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thank you my bro. I'm in the middle of my experimentations. As you know there are 2 methods for making music. Using the per-existing sounds and producing a masterpiece like this:

    and the other one is using peculiarly synthesized ones. Reaching an agreeable quality in my way, needs time. Also no warranty to get any neat result and build satisfactory and pleasing musics. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope that my approach works with all my pushing.:winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2017
  14. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    but there's a catch :

    there are many classic synth sounds that have been used and abused so much in the last 50 years, if you play them in your 2016 tracks they will instantly smell of 70s/80s and there's nothing you can do.
  15. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    Deadmouse can barely play a few notes together, he's the perfect example of the typical EDM producer and guess what he can't even make his own sounds as he always used lots of presets and lots of sounds that are almost carbon copy of classic presets.

    Nothing wrong about using presets, but then to compensate for it he shows himself in his studio surrounded by huge modular synths that he probably havent ever touched or used in production, guess he's a collector as most of his tracks are made with FL Studio !

    What he's good for is .. i don't know .. probably in creating a kind of sound wall using classic synth sounds that for whatever reason is very popular among millennials ?
    Can't explain but millennials are impossible to understand, drugs and booze are certainly a key factor in their musical taste.
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  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    He's not a typical EDM producer. Please listen to this show at 52:30. He's perfect at decent melody-driven tracks and fresh sounds. For this one just simple square waveform. His melodies differ alot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2017
  17. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Please don't be wrong. He's doing physical exercises by wiring. Have you ever taken notice of his thin body? Wiring about 500 cords a day would consume about 400 kcal.:bleh:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2017
  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I'm Deadmau5#1 and he's #2.:bleh:
  19. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    I think processing presets with fx often lead to more originality than reinventing the wheel by redoing presets everyone has already heard a zillion times. No pun intended...
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I want to re-invent it. Have problem with that? I want to jumble all of these stuffs up to come off in my way.:thumbsup: