Kontakt 5.6.0 error "Your new Library needs to be added before ..."

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by hart91, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. hart91

    hart91 Newbie

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Hi guys I have a problem with the add of a few libs , this is my error

    "Your new Library needs to be added before Instrument can be used. Please go to Kontakt's
    Libraries tab and press the Add Library button. "

    What I can do to solve this problem ? Thanks guys

    I have Sierra OS on my Mac , I'm running cubase pro9 and Kontakt 5.6.0


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  3. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    "Please go to Kontakt's Libraries tab and press the Add Library button."
    Easy-peasy :wink:
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  4. hart91

    hart91 Newbie

    Jul 11, 2014
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    It's what i've done but the error pop up :unsure:
  5. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Your library needs the original SNPID which was created. Download a different copy and look for the original SNPID assigned to that library.
  6. hart91

    hart91 Newbie

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Where i can find the original SNPID ? :( i have a lot of lib with the same error and with my old yosemite and kontakt 5.5 those libs was working :suicide:

  7. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    It´s only my opinion, but if Kontakt 5.6 gives you these problems and previous version not, back to the previous version. I have no problems with 5.5.2. Turn back to previous, is not the end of the world, and check if the problem persists.

    If that, send me by PM a list with these libraries.
  8. GuidoB

    GuidoB Newbie

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Morning guys,
    i keep getting the same error with some libs, i have version 5.6.0 and im running Sierra 10.12.3.
    I`ve tryed looking for an older versión of Kontakt to install but couldnt find one un audioz. Any link?
    Thanks in advance.
  9. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    You are not allowed to ask for or indeed make any links to ANY warez products on this site :no:
    Can't ask for ANY links :no: & not allowed to supply any.
    Rest assured there are many older versions about if you look thouroughly on the sites :yes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2017
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  10. GuidoB

    GuidoB Newbie

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Ok, sorry... my bad, i´m like desperate here. The funny thing is that this is the ONLY post about this issue.
  11. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Can't advise on OSX myself & as said can't supply links. Can advise tho or at least try :yes:
    Have heard a lot of similar problems with 5.6.0.
    Many people still run unlocked 5.5.2 which avoids these problems and I guess others might probably be able to advise etc with regards to that side or someone who use OSX etc also.
    Search the various threads also as many answers can be found in them etc :thumbsup:
    Not sure exactly how activation or running setup works on OSX but know many have also had issues with what revisions certain OS will allow and other related issues.
    Thing is certain libraries require 5.6 & above for certain reasons.
    5.6 again was a huge update.
    Probably the most important update Kontakt ever had :)
    Very soon ALL dev's will be using 5.6 & above :yes:

    Main reasons- increased GUI space, certain commands and chiefly the mathematics.
    Example, real numbers were introduced including a whole set of complex mathematical functions such as exponential\trigonometric functions which hugely important for scripting.
    Optimising or validation of code also much easier which in effect means that Kontakt uses less memory in achieving the same functions as before the update.
    Therefore unless the DEV specifically thinking about backwards compatibility, they gonna use 5.6 & above.
    As you know if the DEV scripts library or save NKI etc with 5.6 & above etc the User gonna have to use 5.6 and above. Simple as that really :yes:

    Is only gonna get more like that as time progresses unless new variations are released which in all probability they will :dunno:
    If no variations are released such as R2R 5.6.5 unlocked etc there will soon be "little" choice if u want to run the most modern libraries.
    Other methods will be available but R2R already stated that they have chosen keygen activation & we can safely state that they know what they are doing & know the process in more detail than most (including NI themselves :rofl:)

    5.5.2 was a big update wrt many things including extracting certain GUI elements & certain commands directly from encoded NKR.
    That's why certain libraries with certain NKR etc won't run properly on anything below 5.5.2. Is especially important wrt OSX as certain OS won't allow certain revisions above to run.
    Again pretty dumb resulting setup but there most probably certain valid reasoning.
    Below 5.5.2 etc were some serious bugs :snuffy:
    Kontakt got quite a few bugs in general although still by some distance "industry standard" etc.
    With unlocked you can load any library regardless of encoding etc.
    With keygen & R2R you have to wait for them 2 add encoded libraries to the keygen to activate. However people are fortunate that the VAST majority of libraries are NOT encoded and will run 100% fine on legit Kontakt without any problems whatsoever.
    Principal reason - Most libraries are NOT encoded as for approximately 300 licenses/encoding & serials costs in the region of 6000 dollars up front.
    Less licenses is more cash per license etc :sad:
    Therefore if u have legit you can still run just about all libraries no problems at all.
    Is stupid really & don't know how they arrive at the figures they do as u can pick up say Komplete 11 at sale times or upgrade for around 400GBP or so.
    However some of the libraries are absolute stupid prices :yes:
    Assume it's licensing fees, paying muso's etc but some are crazy price.
    Therefore you have to make a choice even though there are many different options wrt running variations of certain setups.
    In general if you can run 5.5.2 and those libraries will run smoothly you could try and look for that as a good starting point & go from there.
    On PC, u could always run 5.5.2 & 5.6.5 etc side by side and share resources even though might have a few registry issues to clear up & problems with saving libraries etc.
    Don't use it myself any longer but used to work no problems.

    Also don't know for sure what last "unlocked" R2R version was :dunno:
    Think it was 5.5.2 B4 they switched to keygen activation etc but there most probably more recent unlocked version from other individuals or different teams but can't say for sure :dunno:

    Would start by looking for 5.5.2 or most recent 'Unlocked' version rather that keygen or PM OSX user etc who will be able 2 help u wrt installation procedures.

    Best of luck :mates::bow:

    EDIT 2 Apologies 4 length of post lol :unsure: but seems to be a recurrent daily question that occurs.
    Just trying to convey an opinion and explain why for some users in the long term it would possibly be a good idea as towards possibly thinking about switching or upgrading to 5.6 & above.
    Is a matter of choice of course but in all probability it makes real sense in the context of if u can achieve the same result using less memory and code etc then in the near future as things stand it's most probably going to be the way things progress :dunno:

    There always the flipside tho with some saying if it ain't broke don't fix it & all that :bow:
    Thing was it was broke & didn't work right I guess lol. Still don't in many ways :snuffy:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2017
  12. MK-AUDIO7

    MK-AUDIO7 Newbie

    Apr 5, 2017
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  13. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    List is interesting 4 sure - Don't use SNPID myself as don't use added libraries that way etc but always wondered about this one & there not a load of info out there on the architecture out there.

    Installer Log nowadays etc leaves a long list of all SNPID numbers used nowadays. Have noticed B4 that SNPID normally corresponds to say the first 3 numbers of the registered serial number for the library which the same in all cases.

    However can also use a hexidecimal etc?

    Anyone know with conviction what SNPID stands for? (Serial Number Personal ID lol at a guess??), represents and difference between SNPID scheme or K2Lib number for example?

    Why can you also use a HEX number and shouldn't it just be possible to create your own naming scheme whereby there are no library conflicts between SNPID or K2Lib etc??? :bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2017
  14. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    This has just happened to me with a very large brass library.... I've never had a library load into the library tab to then be told it needs to be added to the library tab.
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  15. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Me too... probably the same large brass library. What's frustrating is that this library was working for me before AND the SNIPD's match on XML and the .NICNT???

    Got it working by placing ("hiding") the .nicnt in another folder within the library folder. In my case, I just "hid" the .nicnt in the "Documents" folder (I don't think it matters where you hide it inside the main library folder).
    I then proceed to remove and then "Add Library" again and presto!! The bitch is back!!!!
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
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  16. Nandoly23

    Nandoly23 Guest

    I have this problem with heavyocity gravity at the moment. It seems like the HU and JDX keys dont get made. You can add them in by yourself but no idea where to get them from...
  17. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    I'll get them to you shortly... busy at the moment.
  18. Nandoly23

    Nandoly23 Guest

    That will just give me the normal "library not found message"

    thanks in advance for willing to give me the HU and JDX keys <3
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