it seems like all the Team's don't like Mac users

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by lyric8, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. AudioTiger

    AudioTiger Ultrasonic

    Jul 1, 2011
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    The truth is that, historically (and I've been INTO warez since about 1988), PC (DOS/Windows) has always got the attention of the good cracking teams. Just because it's what most users have...

    Also, from my own experience through all these years, users who don't like computers or want "something as easy as possible" (i.e.: people for whom learning is a big effort and that don't want to learn the insides of technology) often get a Mac (I've seen this specially with girls -- excuse me, but that's the truth!). OF COURSE, there are tech lovers and highly skilled people in the Mac community! (don't get me wrong), but this means the % of "lazy people" is usually higher in the Mac world. This may be a good reason why there are much less people cracking MacOS stuff...

    Something more: For years, Mac users have been using Windows KeyGens in order to register warezed Mac software. Lately, Windows cracking teams have started to work also on Mac stuff (AiR, UNiON, CORE, etc). So what whould happen WITHOUT Windows KeyGens and Windows groups NOT cracking MacOS soft???. Mmmhhh...

    I think it's not about teams not linking Mac usera, it's just that Windows scene is (and has always been) much, much, mush stronger. Shame, because after jumping from Motorola 680x0 to IBM PowerPC (with stupidly non-multitasking OSes for years -- I remember with System 7 or System 8, burning a CD at 2X, when it all crashed just after MOVING the mouse!!!) to the current Intel with the fantastic MacOSX... They FINALLY did an awesome OS!!!. And it deserves a strong cracking scene. It does. Now, it actually does...

    Wave hello to all!
  2. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Exact. The same apply for viruses.

    (You're also right for the girls, but that's because a Mac is soooooooooo cute :rofl: .)
  3. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Because most of the Apple users are gay? :rofl:

    Not my opinion, just reporting the rumor. :mates:
  4. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Addicts of warez,

    Heroin addicts handle there cold chicken better then the addicts of warez.

    All I say is embrace this quiet period with some constructive music making.
  5. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    All I want is a proper DIVA, then I really will stop downloading, I swear.

    Oh wait, there's the new Cyclop synth? Damn, that's the last thing I really want. ;)
  6. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Wow PC guy's are a bunch of Haters'' i guess all the Top producers mixing and mastering engineers and artists don't know what there doing or talking about you guy's are just in DenIal that's what is laughable :rofl:
  7. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    If you would pay double for the same performance, you would demand cracks too... :rofl:
  8. crumpy

    crumpy Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    mac users are iSelfish
    who cares. there is no software for osx anyways.
    other than "apps" for mobile devices.

    i give no fucks either way.
    there is no end to this debate. well, technically there is, but someone from either side will never agree to disagree
  9. caspertheunholyghost

    caspertheunholyghost Newbie

    Jun 14, 2011
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    NEWSFLASH those of you complaining about Mac users are either too broke to afford one or have never tried a mac and realized how much better they are over PC's!!!!! PS How many viruses do you PC owners get? A lot because I work at a computer store that fixes PC's all the time because of some sort of virus :snuffy: or other issue and I have had a Mac for more than 10 years and have yet to receive one!!!! :bleh:
  10. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ caspertheunholyghost,

    Your conclusion, despite it's totally right, has in my opinion nothing to do with the fact that MAC Computers are better than PCs... it has to do with 'probabilities' (Mathematics). *yes*

    As an example, suppose (cause I don't know the exact ratio) that about 80 % of all the computers used worldwide are PCs, then that MACs reach about, say, 15 % of the global market.
    In this case, it seems more than logical that you'll find nearly 5-6 times (and this as a minimum !) more 'infected' PCs than MACs ! *yes*
  11. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    The best software is like the best people!

    MULTI-PLATFORM Lets here it for all the developers that deliver multi-platform products!
  12. crumpy

    crumpy Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    thats the biggest misconception and flat out utter bullshit info people believe. marketing. lol
    I have to do the same thing for *nix systems ALL THE TIME!, but its on a level more complicated than repairing a windows machine.
    Windows malware is a joke compared to whats going on in your world.

    The most stealth, advanced, and nastiest malware (rootkits, virus, trojans, etc) are specifically for *nix based operating systems (OSX/Linux/Unix/BSD). Where do you think 98% of the zombie botnets and their command and control servers run from? Its sure not windows. The reason why is the sheer ignorance *nix users have about their misperceived invulnerability to such. Every *nix machine ive seen, which includes OSX as it is *nix based, has had some seriously beyond fkked up shit on it for god knows how long, completely transparent to the user. Thankfully *nix users have ESET now. That might fix some of it.

    It is also why new reports state that *nix is the most insecure operating system to date. I have been telling people this for years. Open source repositories, hubs, etc. No need to reverse engineer code. Hackers dream land - a completely open and, in most cases, unprotected world of endless possibilities. They give no fucks about windows other than fucking it up, and its easy to fuck up any OS, but its harder to hide it on windows because of some very advanced malware security technology available. Its a whole different ball game when it comes to what they do with your *nix system, where nothing exists really in terms of detection - until recently for the common user to even be remotely aware.

    So save the myths for some other time pal. You have no idea.
  13. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Read AudioTiger's comment and my previous one, it explains why there is less viruses (and cracked software) on the Mac side : that's not because the OS is more safe, but simply because there is less computer to infect and less "traps" to download. When there will be as many Mac than PC, you will get as many viruses as PC users.
  14. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    *no* *no* Just in a very small part true!
    MACs are still safer because it's harder to override their security barriers! It has nothing to do with their spread nor popularity. Of course you can catch some Trojans or Spyware on a MAC too, especially when you're not using Antivirus software. *yes*
  15. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    If there would be as many Macs as PCs, there would be the same amount of viruses of course - at the moment it's not worth the effort for the programmers to target Macs. It has nothing to do with better security.
  16. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    At most multiplatform hacking contests with prices, macs are the first target.

    You should read this:

    If you *really* want to hack macs, it's not impossible.

    Anyway, this debate leads to nothing. It just shows how marketing works, and mac users mostly want cheese to their whine... :P

    I have both platforms in use (latest iMac + Win) for over 3 years. I also know the good'ol System7... which was just pain in the @ss! OS X is nice, but the big advantage is just made in your head... you THINK it's better, so it IS better - for you. I don't like OS X that much as other do. I prefer my win machine, which is equally stable and gives me more bang for my buck.

    And, I repeat myself, if you're using Live, Cubase or whatever... there is no real difference if running Win or OSX! Everything behaves like it should... daw, plugins, favorite formats... there is no difference at all. Only in your head...
  17. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    the "virus free" myth again...the more apple computers there is on the market ..the more viruses will follow...that simple ..viruses are more or less money machines...and as OSX is almost unprotected that could be funny..and a pretty lucrative business for a short while!

    also a Russian company has recently published a study that showed that a great deal of apple computers were actually infected by trojans, unbeknownst to the owners/users ofc (cant remember the actual figure but we're talking hundreds of thousands...might be 600,000 if I remember correctly)