What is Nebula and why are there so many positive reviews.

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Desantïs, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Oleksandr

    Oleksandr Ultrasonic

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Your suggestions for motherboard? And about the graphics card i dont want to spend too much on that for now priority is the CPU.
  2. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    i have slate, nebula and acustica. lol what facts did you mention? i never said i wanted to hear the
    im concerned about uad vs acustica.
    so am i to believe you've never bought, torrented or demo'd any plugs and are completely satisfied with those came with your daw?
    uad is algo and slate is sample based like acustica.
    i found this, from @Pipotron3000
    "I'm still eager against Steven Slate, who stole shamelessly the Volterra Kernel idea from Acustica Audio...and even stole AlexB consoles by "converting" them into their VCC. They didn't even captured their own consoles. And not a dime to AlexB, of course... :snuffy:

    Now things are going to change, and i'm happy Acustica made the right choice moving to ACQUA engine, from Nebula "generic" concept"
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
  3. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    lol yeah that's it!!!
  4. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    The point here is, dont waste your money on Slate Digital or whatever pale imitation when you can get better for less money.

    And by the way , Slate digital plugins are not ''sample'' based.
    They are codings like Waves and UAD.
  5. Oleksandr

    Oleksandr Ultrasonic

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Guys i'l just say that Nebula and Aqua are unbealivable plugins.There are libraries in Nebula that sound to damn good.I think that people who don't like Nebula its just because of the workflow.
  6. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    you're free to believe what you want... but, slate has publicly admitted they studied alexb plugs when VCC was in development. now if you want to believe slate studied the voltera kernel to reverse it and turn it into an algorithm, by all means believe your truth.

    below are the words of alexb:
    I hope not to be offensive or unprofessional, but I want to express my little thought, without attacks.

    I don't like to post on GS, I have an account as AlexB but 0 posts... I'm sorry but this forum it's too childish for me and it seems that the factories drive some users.

    About VCC I have seen a lot of "enthusiastic" posts by betas to hype the plugin, I know that the forums are marketing places in all commercial sectors.

    I'm not worried about VCC because I have purchased the plugin to analyze how it works and... I wouldn't use it on my music. Oh yes, I have purchased it to return the courtesy that Eiosis did when he bought my console bundle and preamp color suite the past winter, oddly when the VCC's development started.

    I don't want make a war because I am not a marketing guy BUT I'm a tech with a tons of experience in electronics and music (form the easy baby-transceivers to military satellite communication) and in this land probably they can loose only.

    To my ears the VCC plugin has pleasant sound, as ALL plugin it looses dynamics and still with that digital imprint.
    It's a nice sounding plugin BUT the only thing that I don't agree is that they claim that it sounds like a console.
    It sounds more like a "Voxengo Saturator" than a console.

    We see...
    Electronically speaking and analyzing the frequency response, the harmonic response, the phase response, the dynamic response and so, I can say strongly that this plugin don't act as a real console, even as the cheap-****ty Berh****.

    In the analysis I have seen (and ALL can see) that the frequency response is totally wrong especially for US-A and Brit-N (but also Birit-4K is wrong. I don't know the Trident so I can't comment this), also the harmonic contents is very poor and incorrect compared to real hardware which they claim to be close (broken console or fantasy console?).

    BUT the most strange thing is the phase response by Brit-4K mixbuss... It's very curious that the phase response is exactly the same as the phase response by AlexB CLC MixBuss first release (bought by Eiosis...) which was TOTALLY WRONG !
    Yes, I have done a mistake when I have programmed this preset, subsequently fixed it in the CLC PRO release. The preset was the sample of the mixbuss with accidentally inserted the BBE 882 in bypass mode and the phase response of both AlexB and VCC show this.(AHAHAH)
    I'm curious to see if some "guru at GS" speaks about this strange phase response in the VCC plugin or nobody hear how the low-mid jump outside the monitors in an unnatural way ?

    Says that, I think that for the people which love the mp3-ipod-plugin-sound it's impossible to hear the real differences between a good plugin and a bad plugin (listening education), some people still believe that when something sounds more loud and flat then sounds good-analog-professional (again: listening education), the others will realize what I think of this plugin: nothing new, nothing to do with the real console, sounds nice as some saturators (but personally I don't like saturators, I like more and a lot the R2R for this type of sound).

    I can easily do a preset for Nebula which sounds and acts as VCC plugin, or better, without sampling the hardware but only using Nat3, the standard eq in the daw and some tricks. It will be very cpu light with that ridiculous 2ms kernel and then we can say : it sounds exactly like a Neve 88RS ! I would be curious to see who realizes about this fake console.

    The next update (v3) of my console will be CPU less hungry up to not sacrifice the quality, under this level I don't go down... Sorry.
    But first of this I would release some SSL compressors (listen mic, channel and buss).

    I'm stop here

    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
  7. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Hummmmph :facepalm:

    First I'm pointing out that you shouldnt have to choose between quality and a pale copy .
    And now youre talking about Slate being a pale copy.

    Oh my dear old friend .....que tal ?
  8. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    dude, i didn't say slate was a bad copy. but a copy nonetheless.
    those are exact words from alexb. which, hopefully you read.
    based on those events and admittion by steven slate i came to my conclusion.
    i'd love to see evidence proving otherwise.
    by all means bring some to the table.
  9. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    I dont know in what word to put it anymore.
    I'm not sure if its an intelectual or a language barrier that make me repeat the same thing for the 4th time but go nebula if you want the closest to the real thing , the rest are just coding.

    ( If theres any type of weird force on this planet, send some here please.... )
    Theres only one thing that has no end like universe.....




    I dont know what to say anymore
    I'm amazed.
  10. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    so no evidence?
    saying/doing the samething and expecting a different outcome is very stupid, especially with no evidence to prove your case...
  11. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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  12. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Please show me the vector folder in any slate plugins.
  13. TW

    TW Guest

    Nebula/Acqua is the future. Still a CPU hog and a bit slow to use. But everyone that tested a simple Aqcua/Nebula EQ like the Navy for example against an algo emulation has to admit that thing sounds damn fantastic and has a lot more "3d sound" than any algorythm plugin.

    Give Acustica audio time till core 20 XD. At the moment their plugins are good but (still) more for enthusiasts. Still too glitchy and cpu intensive. But the sound is superior to algos.
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  14. Fernando Roma

    Fernando Roma Ultrasonic

    Nov 10, 2016
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    IMO, nothing beats the Nebula EQs/ Acqua plugins
  15. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    As always....... test for YOURSELF!
  16. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    i'd advise you to read what alexb said in my earlier post. he found it, in so many words.
    i could point it out, but its worth a full read and i want everything to be in its original context.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
  17. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    You mean the part where he says it sound like a voxengo saturator or the part where he says its badly copied ?

    See, thats exatly what I'm saying since the begining....slate just sound like one of those nie looking ITB plugin.
    Nothing new ....still same digital issue.

    Acustica Audio on the other hand give us some serious improvement and I hope they wont stop there and still improve their ability to analyse with their kernel system .

    But hey...If you like cheap expensive ish go ahead
  18. Mike3345

    Mike3345 Newbie

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Acustica is a joke. Literally even worse than Slate.
  19. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    not exactly in that paragraph or section its further down in that post.
  20. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    that part ?
    I can easily do a preset for Nebula which sounds and acts as VCC plugin, or better, without sampling the hardware but only using Nat3, the standard eq in the daw and some tricks. It will be very cpu light with that ridiculous 2ms kernel and then we can say : it sounds exactly like a Neve 88RS !