Cubase Elements 9 cracked by Team VR

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Mixdowner, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Wow, this guy.
    Frank Zappa (saw him in concert for the Them or Us tour) used tape loops in his music.
    The Roots is a Hip-hop MUSIC band. You know the tonight show, probably not a show too. The show word is over used as well
    Tangerine Dream is techno, hello?
    Very opinionated and quick to force it on others.
    Lay off the coffee/Red bulls lol
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
  2. Rogelio

    Rogelio Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Kind of newbie question here: Is there another DAW which has the MixConsole History?
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Several probably have this implemented in various ways.
    For certain Reaper and samplitude (reaper through extensions and samplitude native) have snapshots, and mixer settings savings. Reaper goes very far in terms of snapshots and history possiblities for the mixer but also for the arranger, the selections (of tracks, time line, windows settings about anything), you can make snapshots of about any part of anything at any moment in your work process and recall things as you wish on the way. Samplitude does offer much on that front but not as much as Reaper (with sws extension) I'm afraid who probably is hard to beat on that side.
    Again each daw have their way of implementing this type of features but in the end it accomplishes the same thing.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
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  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Some DAWs don't distinguish between mixer and everything else as far as undo is concerned. Ableton Live can undo anything you change, but if you make more than a few parameter changes within a plugin, it sometimes skips steps when you try to undo.

    FL studio has an option for "undo tweaks," I believe it's called. Not sure if it saves plugin parameters, it's been a long time since I used it. I imagine it does.

    Cubase 9 is really good about recording every single plugin/mixer tweak, and the list is a good way to implement it, so you can jump many steps back at once (note - FL Studio has this too)
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  5. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Would it be possible for you to take some screenshots, because currently I don't understand the hype? Undo histories are not so uncommon, and Reaper has it like 7 years? It is even freely customizable (how many steps to record, what to record -you can even record mouse movements, if you wish to, in what detail to record). The undo history then lists all of these recorded actions and you can go to any point in time.

    That's nothing new, I just described it in detail to find out what exactly makes the Cubase list so special?
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  6. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Im here to toot the reaper horn..I just searched undo in the reaper preferences
    The great thing is being able to undo from a freshly reloaded project and just certain undo states without undoing all the steps in between.
    I wish Ableton and Photoshop had this. Once you save no more undo in Ableton.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
  7. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I wish Photoshop had this, too! Even more, if it had also the "store multiple redo paths" option. What it does? Say you tweaked a track in order to reach a certain sound. You are not satisfied with the result, but also insecure if it can be done better. You click at a point in the undo history where you started tweaking and begin tweaking in other ways. The result is even worse than before. What now? Go back to the point where you started. You will now see a (* 2) added at that entry. Right click and choose which redo path to restore from there (in this case the first one).

    In Photoshop I'm always just trying things without being aware of its outcome. How cool would such a function be there?
  8. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    in photoshop's setting you can specify how many Undo levels you want, but be warned it could create HUGE files if you go overboard.
    again let's go back at the philosophy of Software, should users be allowed unlimited Undos ? NO if this impacts too much on size and performance, and NO again if this allows users to be too much freestyle ... if you're so insecure during your workflow you're the problem, change workflow, for instance save different versions of your song or PSD file, i make usually 3-4 versions when i create a tune, first is a sketch, second has all the final sounds, third is fully edited, and the final is mixed, works fine for me and they're name "songname-01, songname-02, songname-FINAL).

    unlimited everything doesnt mean better outcome, it just means bad workflow.

    workflow is everything, but to reach the point where your workflow is very good you must study your Daw carefully, i see lots of people tweaking and tweaking forever, that's no good, when you compose you should have a clear idea of what you're doing, either that or you wont go far, tweaking too much only brings random results, if you dont know what you want dont expect your Daw to know better ...

    let me state again that 24 midi or wav tracks are more than enough for all the top hits of the latest 70 years.
    people here that is horrified at daws limiting you to 50 or 100 tracks should seriously rethink their workflow and their skills.

    do you really need 30 tracks just for the drums ? unless it's an orchestra, you're doing it all wrong !
    go back and study.

    do you need 10 layers for a mono synth bass line ? bullshit, go back and make it with 2-3 tracks and use Fx chains and Fx channels instead.

    the list goes on.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
  9. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    but if someone can't even play without input transformer or arpeggiator or chord assistants .. sorry but they're not musicians and no Daw will help ...
    cubase is for people playing music, not for people making jingles with loops and samples and tricks, that's what ableton is good for.

    too many people expecting cubase to magically improve their songs or ideas.
    sorry, cubase is just a sequencer, an automator, but it will just automate what YOU play on it, if your melodies suck dont expect cubase to help at all, if you cant play on time dont expect quantize to fix it for you, if your whole song makes no sense dont think that a good mixing will compensate for it.

    we need a new crusade against this "anyone can make music" marketing hype pushed by Daw developers.
    no, not everybody can make music and that's a fact that will be true forever.

    everybody here claim Steinberg is slow and conservative but in the end they're just honest with their users, cubase is not a replacement of ableton or even a competitor, it never tried to compete with ableton's session and live features, nor with protools (there's Nuendo for that), to each daw his own users.

    there's a good reason why DJs and wannabes rave about ableton while musicians rave about cubase.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
  10. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    HAHAHA hey i agree with you, i've just a strong vision regarding workflows and composing in general.
  11. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    There's no hype from me. I was just giving the guy another answer. If you're talking about the overall hype about Cubase... you know that's nonsense. People who do that are morons.

    My main frame of reference is Ableton Live, which sometimes misses or forgets steps, and Studio One, which doesn't even have undo for mixer parameters. And in my experience fiddling around with other DAWs, a lot of them are kind of finnicky about undoing plugin tweaks, especially on big plugins with lots of parameters. So by comparison... I stand by my statement about the mixer history.

    If anything makes it special, it's just the way it's incorporated, which ironically is almost exactly like how FL Studio did it. Docked window on the side of the screen. I also really like the smart little feature where any tweak that's reverted to its previous position before touching anything else erases the step created in the history. Nice and neat

    Cubase is on my other computer, and I'm not there at the moment. But it looks like...

    basically just like what subgenre posted, but it's in a tabbed window that's docked to the side of the mixer.
  12. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    should i like "music" where the whole drum and bass line is made out of ripoffs from the 70's disco and funk mixed with more punch and with somebody grunting on the mic ?
    no of course not, not for technical side and not for the musical side (none) and neither for the lyrics (hahaha).

    the commercial crap of the 80s, yeah problem is most of the commercial and not so commercial crap of today comes from there and it's stuck in the same loop since at least 20 years with no way out .. all the top hits of 2016 resemble remixes of 80s/90s stuff, guess why.

    yes, what you listen will indeed define you in one way or another, because that's part of your musical background.
    the millennials raving about the latest DJs are doing that because they LACK a solid musical background, if they go back to school and study a bit more they would never tolerate modern EDM music, this is a fact and there's no space for Relativism, EDM is designed precisely to target people belonging to the music-illiterate market share, people who like "drops" or even worse, Trap/Dubstep.

    i see a total downfall in people's music attitude compared to the past and this is another undeniable fact.
    today's music is so bad because the public's music tastes are so bad, they're totally linked and glued together, one is the consequence of the other.

    i could blame the whole MTV generation and hiphop and house-music and DJs all day long but nothing will change, it's gonna get worse actually and we can see similar trend all over also in photography, illustration, journalism, food, and much more ... our entire culture is downgrading, it's not just music alone.
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  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Downgrading fast , if i may add.
  14. How this boat is still afloat
    is a mystery to me.
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You don't know anything either about daws or about music. Your answers are always leaning the same way: ignorance. Wether the roots of musical movement, or what daw does what and for what purpose. You're obviously not in the music bussiness. Probably stuck with an old atari and a rocky album running in your cd player, thinking that's really knowing something.
    You're Von-Steyr twin brother.:rofl:
    Your considerations about a music who was born before your shitty miami vice episode or your Rambo clips have no interest for anyone (well except Von_Steyr), your uninformed choice of a daw and your shameless promotions of something you never used is also pointless.
    Good luck remixing Rocky soundtrack, champ !
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  16. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    "I don't respect music that doesn't require an education in music theory to appreciate"
    I don't know why you or anyone else is still arguing with this dude. He's real close to being the second guy on my ignore list. And the other is Rico
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  17. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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  18. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    You can always use an instance of Patchwork if you need more layers on a track or even FLStudio as a plugin , now theres no limits whatsoever...
  19. notremid

    notremid Producer

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I try to avoid commenting on 'DAW Wars' thread such as this one (even though I guess it had no intention of being one initially) thanks to the vitriolic, closed-minded and antagonistic nature of such threads. But I was curious to know a few things.
    1. How exactly is MIDI editing in REAPER "horrible" ? Please elaborate.
    2. What exactly makes a DAW " a total Daw like Cubase Pro"?

    I will personally take your input to the REAPER forums(which is very helpful and the devs actually listen to the users) , provided they are valid. And maybe help it become "a total Daw" and be on the same "level and "category" like Cubase Pro and Pro Tools.

  20. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Don't get me wrong! With "hype" I meant that suddenly half the board was talking about the undo history, which I couldn't understand. It wasn't meant personal to anyone.

    Thanks for the screen. The docked window is not that big of a deal, you can dock anything in Reaper and the undo history is no exception. You can freely place it where ever you like, including tabbed on the side. However, what I like is that you can also see the values themselves and not only the action. So, in your case it clearly states "REVerence/Output -17.6", whereas Reaper just says "FX parameter, Track 1: Sylenth1" without any specification. That makes it a lot easier in Cubase to find the right spot in the history. It's a little but important improvement!
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