Cubase Elements 9 cracked by Team VR

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Mixdowner, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    yes but you mean using just A BIT of sidechain on Lead Gtr or Vocals, not the actual abuse and overcompression we can see in EDM, that's not creative it just sounds like shit.
  2. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Opinions are like... One mans trash..., beauty is in the eye...etc, etc....
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  3. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    exactly, and then you listen to their EDM tracks and it's 5 minutes of the same 909 drums + 1-2 mono tracks of bass and sweeps over and over, all mixed like shit with sidechain everywhere and overcompression, but they will tell you it took 500 wav tracks @ 192kb 32bit and a quad cpu server with 16 cores when it could be done with cubase on atari + akai S900 with floppies and a bunch of pedal fx.

    sooo fucking tired of these complaints, on one side you have the millennials claiming they can make music with an iPad, on the other side the haters who claim they won't even touch a daw that is not as packed as a whole studio of Quincy Jones.
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  4. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    not everything is subjective.
    music always comes first, anything else (audio,mix, editing) comes later.
    don't believe the hype of Daw developers, the artists is the key factor, not the daw, anyone can run a daw, but the daw is nothing if you can't play music.
    dissing cubase Elements because it lacks some features doesnt make because even as an entry level Daw has already a better midi editing than the competition, it's a true sequencer, not a Daw + some Midi here and there like the others.
  5. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I've made everything from Alt Rock, Reggae, death metal, Recorded cellos, Made a lot of boom bap ny style hip-hop and trap, electro breaks, and recently a lot future bass. I don't dislike or hate any of it just because of the methods used. I play piano, bass, BG vox/harmonies, and some guitar and drums. I use different methods depending on what genre I'm in and can respect the methods used to make it. I know FLStudio, Ableton, and REAPER (and Acid Pro) very well and am comfortable in all. I just don't see how someone can hate on a style because of how it was made. Seems biased and closed minded to me. IMO
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  6. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    no and no.
    music is music, yes, and for this reason we're using sequencers exactly like in the 80s, the only new trend is probably the modern obsession for Layering but in regard to layering i repeat once again if your drums or whatever sound like shit without layers you're probably using bad drums and layering wont help much so again the problem is you and not the Daw, you the artist are supposed to pick up the good sounds, dont expect the daw or the fx to magically fix the issue for you ... a Garritan piano wont sound as good as a 30Gb piano library ... and you overfiltered edm drums wont sit well on the mix if you have no clue about mixing no matter if you've heard everybody is now on sidechaining and compression ... i wont even talk about vocals ... listen to old classics like the Theme track of Miami Vice, it's probably done on a Yamaha DX7 and a Linn Drum, you could buy them for 2-300 bucks today and yet the track is absolutely great even in 2016, but this because it's made by an artist, you could remake the entire song with any decent master keyboard and the internal mini sequencer it would sound better but thats not the point, the point is good musicians never ever neede a fully loaded daw or a whole studio, a master keyboard was more than enough to create the song or at least a working demo, and thats the only thing that matters if you're a composer.

    if you're not a composer you cant understand, you're probably into sound engineering and mixing but then all this discussion about daws is pointless.
    there's no democracy in music, the early gear in the 80s allowed anyone to make music at home, and the boom of the "house music" up to the actual EDM but still nothing changes, 90% of the shit EDM we hear now is not even melodic at all, it's all drums with bass and some sweeps on it and it will only get worse as now we see 13 yrs old kids with ableton and all calling themselves "producers" !

    mixing is super important but not the key factor, anyone with a brain can mix decently if they study and spend time learning, but composing is not for everyone.
    ranting over and over about whats the best Daw, pointless again, a good composer will make great things even on an iPad, a bad composer will just copycat and use loops/samples as there's nothing else he can do, and mediocre composers will find a middle ground and play the same shit over and over because they can't or dont want to go to the next level.

    every body is now calling themselves producers and music makers but how many are making good music ? whats the point of producing bad music again ? and we wonder that people complain 1$ for a song download is too much, they're right and we can't complain, if the modern music was worth it they wouldnt sell it for a pittance but they do and with streaming it's even cheaper. and yet again the 13 yrs kid with ableton will keep doing it because it's so fun for him to push buttons and loading loops here and there, i'm not angry at them i'm angry with the crowds paying to see DJs pushing play, that's the root of all evils, they're stealing time and place from musicians that could perform live and playing good music.
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  7. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    It was cracked... for PC only. Therefore it was not FULLY cracked. I have a way where I only call something fully cracked when it is available for both platforms. Unless it's only compatible with one platform (like Logic Pro of Samplitude). I would say the same if something were cracked for mac & not PC. Just the way I look at it.
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Time is limited and you need to grow, create and get results and be just glad you are finishing stuff.
    I look at this forum and i see the best the society has to offer.
    Musicians, producers, etc are at the top of the human evolution, creating amazing sounds that touches peoples hearts, how amazing is that?
    In that spirit its not relevant what you use, can be cool edit pro or an old tascam cassette recorder.
    Lets not be snobs, or thugs, lets be an example , a light in this world.
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  9. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    All that matters is....
    R.I.P. Dick Clarke
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2016
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  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    All that by essence is subjective when you're talking about taste. Your taste is yours and it's respectable but it's just that : taste, people have others, and all together the music the people listen, we listen is a result of everything : the artist (if there is one), the composition, the daw, the instruments (virtual or not), the mix, the mastering, etc.
    And you're sayin everything and the opposite : on one hand : it's all about music who cares about the daw and technic, a daw with no feature at all (ie Element) is enought...but on the other people make s..t music if they don't proceed the way you want them to and only with Cubase Pro.
    You can't be more subjective then that.
    What's your beef with EDM ? Or Hip-Hop ? Or Trap ? it's obvious some producers have a huge amount of talent they are innovative and use both the classical theorical field of music - with composition rules or rhythmic rules, etc - and what technology now allows...Sound designing has been taken to a whole other dimension by a lot of those dudes and permits artistic expressions unheard of before. Litteraly. :phunk:
    There is no point living in the past and drawing line in the sands about "producers", "mixing engineer" and "composers", good daws that you like and bad daws you have never tried. No point in dissing or ignoring the music that is part of the picture just because you don't like it, with arguments like "it was done like this in the 80's". This era itself has suffered the same criticism by people who prefered the music done in the 60's or the 70's, it doesn't make much sense.
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  11. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Dude, that was really cool! You seem to be a nice person, respect your attitude. :bow:

    I felt so inspired that I want to share if you guys a track I made back in the day using just a 4-track and a positive attitude. Love you guys! :mates:
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  12. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    The idea of 'should not discuss taste' was invented and forced by the people with bad tastes.
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  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    For 99 euro one can rather get Reaper which has unlimited everything, and you can also purchase a couple of good plugins with the leftover money. Klanghelm or Toneboosters perhaps.

    IMO this Elements version should actually be free to use. Like Podium, for example. Podium has a free version that is far more useful than Cubase Elements. I sometimes use Podium and it's a really capable DAW.

    But you know, to each their own, of course. :wink:
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  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Not really anyone invention really, everyone has tastes so it's really weird to think that's it's tasteless persons who made that rule that I never talked about.
    You can discuss your bad taste and MixDowner bad tastes all you want - and they are bad relative to my point of view as much as you might think that they are good - they will remain your taste, that's about it.
    Discussing our relative tastes is all we have been doing so far, as you see it's not forbiden.
  15. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I really don't get it, what are the horrible limitations with this version again? I just created 100 7.1 channels and 50 Instrument tracks - out of couriosity.
    I guess that should do.
    If side chaining is such a big issue, there a plenty of side chaining 3party plugins out there.
    With the AAF import you could even do a whole movie, with multichannel predup groups and the whole shebang.
    Has anyone complaining about what he thinks this version is not capable of even tried if that feature works?
    This is not the standard Elements version, it is 'extended'.
    And if it prooves to be stable enough i'm very happy with it.
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  16. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    listen, music is not Relativism and it's not democratic.

    you can make a hit song made out of loops and sell milions but it's still a piece of shit, if it sells it's just because millions of other ignorant people with no musical background whatsoever collectively decided that song is so bad it's good.

    i could list hundreds of unbelievable examples of this, i should quit music just at the idea actually, as if DJs weren't enough of a shame for music and entertainment.

    do you realize we live in a world now where people pressing play makes up to 20 millions $ per year ? not only that, they also claim to be good musicians and use vintage analog gears, you will see them surrounded by moogs and korg synths bought for a shitload of money on ebay, just to make a selfie and post it on facebook to their fanbase of druggies, boozers, and losers.

    you think it's getting better in other genres ? not much, EDM is the tip of the iceberg, now all the focus is on compression, people must compress even their ass, and the loudness wars are not yet finished, not at all, and then you wonder how comes Elvis sounded good in the '50s with crap gear and we're still waiting for the next king of rock ?

    where's the next The Who, King Crimson, Deep Purple ? there's a good reason even young people now listen to old music, it must be such a refreshing sound for them ... what should they do ? they're trapped in between EDM on one side and HipHop on the other, they're fucked .. no wonder they switch to Frank Zappa or Tangerine Dream.

    you trolls keep ranting about loops and samples, listen to a few albums of Frank Zappa using tapes and loops and then tell me.

    hip Hop is not even music, but since it sells billions worldwide it's become the major pop music around now, even more than pop itself.
    but it sucks, even the lyrics alone are, it's people on drugs grunting on a microphone with stolen loops in background, should i try to like it just because anyone else like the beat ?
    even their beats are so predictable and flat, very very few of them have the decency of using a drummer and when they do it sucks anyway, you will understand i've too much respect for serious drumming, and dont think i listen to billy cobham the whole day.

    basslines ? listen to Jaco Pastorius and then tell me.

    old fart, and proud to be.
  17. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    of course not because they're ableton trolls, as if ableton suite was cheaper, it's priced almost more than cubase Pro !
    but since it's cracked everybody is raving about it.
  18. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    i agree on everything but not on HipHop, it's not music.

    the word Music has a sacred meaning and thousands of years of history, it's a serious thing and should be used with respect.
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  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Listen, music is period. Your taste define the music you like, that's it, not what is music. Music is rhythm, notes, chords, compostion, arrangement, you get that part ? With samples, with vsties, with loops, real drums, or not, with midi or without, with or without cubase, it just is music without your permission. It is since the first men hit a rock in rhythm with repetition. Period.

    Making rants after rants on the matter won't change that objective historical fact.

    Good thing if you enjoy commercial crap from the 80's, good for you. It's still music from the past.

    I listen to Hip - hop, Jazz, classic, rock from the 60's and the 70's, I could go on and on the matter, loved the punk from the 90's also a lot to say on that but those are my choices in terms of listening and they don't make me anything else but a listener, I make all kind of different genres because everything is worth trying, genres that we listen or produce don't define us.

    Some things make money, others don't, I don't know what those weird pseudo philosophycal considerations have to do with anything.

    I don't make EDM nor do I listen on a regular basis, nor do I listen or produce or am a fan of a lot of the modern genres you spit on like you know anything about anything, but I do know my stuff enought to know when I face people who have put hard work, knowledge and creativity in their shit, which is all that matter in the end and make good music. And this part is very much objective.
    You let your biased opinions and your lack of knowledge on modern music production - and obviously you know nothing about other daws then Cubase which says a lot about how open you are - be in the way of viewing and hearing the great things that are happening right now everyday in the great world of music making and production in studios, home studios, everywhere, weither it makes money or not, weither you hear about it or not, like it or not. It's a shame.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
  20. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    For me Cubase Elements (seems not to) can has any of the elements that make Cubase unique. And worth using, rly. I mean, AFAIK it doesn't have Input Transformer or any of the gamut of MIDI manglement that makes Cubase different to other DAWs. It's all very well saying proper musicians should bang their heads on a rock to make proper muzak or whatevs, but y'know. The reason we use music tech is to make it easier, not find new nostalgia barriers to make us look moar authentic.

    The UI is also quite strange & confusing nao; the way it's got new bits bolted on to old bits with no uniformity to anything, or any menu. Say what u like about Ableton, but at least it all looks like it has a graphic design, rather than pick'n'mix fruit salad borkitude, plucked from (seemingly) any time in history. I also hate the tablet buttons (_____) they keep using. But that's prolly just me.
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