Equalizer APO for Headphones Calibration

Discussion in 'Software' started by martel80, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    Follow it with 123 Redline Monitor.
    I dont quite understand what Nebula is doing.
    I am using this on Beyer DT 990 Pro and they sound amazing.
  2. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Amazing dude .
    Let me try.
    Can you share your settings ?
    Im gonna try right now.
    I'm on loop.
    The recording is amazing.
    let me know if you want any of these!

    Edit: the nrA is kind of a noise gate but its actualy working wonders on high digital freqs .
    as for the silk eq, the high shelf is bringing me the Air freq i'm missing on the AKG....(not sure its for you but you might want to double check your freq response on your cans to see whats up on the 10K +)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
  3. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Just so everyone knows, I'm sonically masturbating right now and i've jacked off many times !!!
    I thought it was important to mention !
  4. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    I don't think I can hear much past 10k too old. Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 6.04.05 PM.jpg
  5. That was exactly my first thought when you joined this thread, Bud, LOL. I myself am slowly walking back down the hill. Approx 14.2k when just a year ago I was at about 14.7. What was that you said? Speak up, or stand closer!
  6. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    Yes I am 69 so top end going after 54 years in the studio.
  7. I hear you...I think.
  8. Antilles

    Antilles Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Beyerdynamic DT990pro 250 ohm

    The red monitor just adds crosstalk and room, but cant know how to correct for frequencies. i find using both frequency correction and some kind of room simulator a good idea.
    As with the beyerdynamics, the highs are boosted so aggressively and 500Hz until up to 5Khz is underrepresented.
    Also the Low Cut/Low Shelf attenuation below 100hz.

    With sonarworks, obviously the goal is to flatten out the response, meaning every frequency should be the same volume.
    For some people this might seem too dull or liveless. they will need to adjust the correction further, but they will do it with broad eq curves. so the kind of narrow, resonant areas are flattened out with sonarworks' precision and then shelfing eqs or broad bell eqs adjust the sound to taste like @martel80 wrote.

    First flatten, then adjust to taste with broad curves.
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  9. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    @Antilles , I was ''lucky'' to listen to one of the best classical recording .....there was at least 6 db of headroom minimum all accross the actual recording so I could play a bit with the freq but i wouldnt be able to do the same on lets say a Rap or Rock album.

    By the way guys, i bought myself 3 marvelous classical album, 2 of wich are 24b 96k and the interpretation is just Marvelous on each....specialy the Beethov one cuz we aint use to hear it play that way.
    I got a Tchaikovsky a Beethoven and a Vivaldi.
    I'm planing on buying a Mozart Requiem today and a Bach one but i dont know wich piece yet.
    Let me know if you want them.
  10. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I haven't read everything but I see some Sonarworks pics. I'm a happy user BUT (and I don't mean that part where you sit on) .. there's a huge difference between an avarage calibration and individual calibration. I added my profile for an example. Sometimes I do a little test and go back to the avarage profile, it sounds just awfull. My only concern is the +/- 0.9db accuracy in combination with the lower frequencies. I talked to Sonarworks before and they say it's impossible to achieve a complete flat result. But I found a workaround for kick&bass to be absolute sure > besides ears/monitors, also metering. I use Klanghelm VUMT and know which numbers match with a good result. Untill now I used the mid information but the latest VUMT update has also rms metering, will look into that too some day.

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  11. Antilles

    Antilles Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    you would obviously turn the music down to be able to correct. You gain more in listening experience as you loose with dropping the level a bit, because your correction will turn the level up anyways.

    @D-Music Do you use the plugin in low latency or in linear phase mode? it looks like low latency to me.
    Also could you share a screenshot with the before curves?
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
  12. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Filter phase type = Mixed (just the default setting). I'm still not sure if I'm a fan of linear phase in general because of the latency, possible pre-ringing etc. I sometimes use it in FabFilter Pro-Q2 though. Would you advice otherwise in case of the Reference 3 plug-in? Screenshot added!

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  13. Antilles

    Antilles Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    The linear phase sounds the best to me. But you are right in some situations there is pre ringing. When I solo Drums and Percussion, I will switch to mixed phase or minimum phase. Especially in the lower frequencies, the pre ringing can be quite prominent. On a whole song I rarely hear that pre ringing is an issue.
    And yes if I am tracking and monitoring through it, I will use the minimum phase setting for the lowest latency.
    So I personally switch the modes a lot.

    You can use a linear phase eq when you need to combine some tracks that are in the low mids and bass spectrum.
    I heard that a kickdrum would change its character when I EQed a basstrack with a "normal" minimum phase eq.
    When swapping the eq for a linear phase eq, the kickdrum didnt change character when EQing the basstrack.
    Of course I always have the pre ringing in mind and check for it, but for the most part I can use the linear phase eq without hearing its pre ringing.

    Thanks for the sreenshot. I always asked myself how the average curves compare to accurate curves. I didnt send my headphones in yet.
  14. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Alright. :)
  15. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    On a positive note, I'm starting to hear some 9K+ freq on the Q701.(without EQing)
    I'm not sure if its my ears that are starting to be more sensitive to them or if its the actual driver of the headphones that suddenly decided to start transmitting them but one thing is for sure.....I'm hearing hiss from old tape now.....and It weren't there when I first got the headphones.
    Also, it appears to me that the lows are getting less intense and maybe a bit more undefined or less dynamically represented.

    I must have about 25hrs done in the headphones by now....maybe a bit more, not sure.
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