Make your own VSTi Plugin

Discussion in 'Education' started by Heisenberg, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Let's all make a VSTi plugin and share it with eachother.

    There are plenty of programs for making VST instruments like
  2. redback

    redback Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Hehe . . are you familiar with the maxim "a camel is a horse designed by committee"?
  3. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    This is a very good idea Heisemberg!!!

    People could watch some basic video tuts on synthesis/audio effect and then use any of the available tools out there to experiment and share their experiments.
    This could bring about creativity on many of us and the proud of using and sharing something one has made by oneself (and not only using already made plugins and presets)
    In fact some of the plugins people use are made with such a tools (recalling right now Razor which is made with Reactor if i'm not mistaken).
    There could be even a poll to vote the best plug-in.

    So let's give a use to some of the things we've downloaded! :wink:
  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Be prepared for some months of looking to a computer screen whole day and night.

    Eventough it is based on "container" or "brick" building or whatever you may call them it´s not as easy as it seems

    Especially not if you wanna make something special or unique..

    I have made som synths and some effect with this tool and with the others also aka Reaktor and Synthedit some years ago..

    Its not as easy as it seems and it takes a lot of time and practice.

    And you learn more by error and mistakes than you do if you follow a tutorial

    Altough i must say that if you are new to any kind of programming you be better of by follow a tutorial first..

    But i must agree with some proffessional plugin makers its way better to write them in C++ than with software like this they simply sound better when they made the "correct" way

    But this software and the other two i mention is a good way to start with..
  5. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    With all my respects Guitarmaniac64, but i thing you're going beyond what Heisemberg really proposed.

    Of course someone that doesn't know needs to learn before doing something "acceptable", but nobody talked about
    doing "something special or unique". Also with regards to "Be prepared for some months of looking to a computer screen
    whole day and night
    " everything will depend on the capacity of the person to assimilate the teaching (you know already
    that some go faster than others) but overall of the "teacher" and i can tell you that there are really good tutorials out
    there about the architecture of a synthesizer and/or audio filters ... and they last only a couple of hours not months.

    Furthermore, i don't think Heisemberg was referring to "profesional plugin makers" nor to "profesional C++ programmers"
    No, IMO (and he can correct me if not) i think he was talking more about fun and experimentation and even learning of one each other, than
    doing a "profesional product" just to leave each other with their eyes open. This would not be a competition (although you know that
    there's always some ready to compete to tell others that they are the best of the best... JA!).

    So, let's get fun and learn and forget about trying to be profesional plug-in makers, mmmm ?
    Have you ever wanted to dismantle a synthesizer to find out how it is able to do what it does or even build your own ? ...
    So, now you have the chance and share after your experiences with other users here! ...

  6. malco

    malco Newbie

    Jan 7, 2012
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    i have the feeling that not a single creation will see the light. :D
  7. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    With all my respect to everybody, if you're after some professional sounding results, it will be easier and faster to learn how to crack protections of professionally programmed synths... *yes*
  8. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    ure right ...but yes would be nice to see some tuts and some modules for building fx and synths for cracking no one wants to teach us ...i also would like to do that ...know its not a walk in the park but i believe when u succeed with some, its a nice feeling ...
  9. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ PLM,

    You can obtain them the simplest way by getting, either by buying or by others 'means' (you know what I mean ! :rofl: ), programs as :

    * SynthEdit
    * SynthMaker
    * Reaktor (Native Instruments)

    All these programs come with Tutorials and numerous 'Pre-Fab Modules', 'FXs', 'Oscillators',... from the most simple element to the most complex 'mathematical' one. It also exists 'User Forums' for each one, where users post frequently their own 'custom' modules, or even directly their finished VST & VSTi.

    'SynthEdit' & 'SynthMaker' were (and still are) largely used by some developers, and for sure, you have more than once used one of these VST/VSTi even without know that it was done with one of these two programs... *yes*
    The main advantage of these two programs, compared to 'Reaktor', is that they are able to output either a 'Stand Alone' or a 'VST' version (or both if desired !) of your creation(s), whereas when you create a Synth, Effect,... with 'Reaktor', you can only play/use it within Reaktor, either the Full program or the Player.
  10. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Let's collect some money to bring back Assign... ;) That would be much more efficient I guess than constructionkitting a bad VST... ;)
  11. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Of course not, because everybody's waiting for you to do the first one for all the rest to do the second one ... and as you'll do none ... SO! :rofl: Sorry!

    A question everybody here and there : Why everybody is talking about doing profesional plugins ? ... when you all know there are other places where you can get them!
    Another question: When was the last time you played something just for fun and learn with another(s) ? ... It seems to me that inet has made us to lose ...
    Remember, if you want you can ... but over all don't wait others doing it for you to do something! ... Remember Bob Moog!
    Who knows, perhaps all those who are talking here about doing profesional plug-ins will use some day one of your OWN plug-ins.

    P.S.: for those who want tuts and info ... it took me just few seconds to find this in YouTube!

    Intro to Synthesis Part 1, Part 2, Part 3


    Synth Britannia Documentary:
    The Museum of Synthesizer Technology 1:
    What the Future Sounded Like (2006):
    Inventor of the Synthesizer ~ Moog:

    (sorry for not making the last links direct links but this is due to a limitation of the software that controls de forum which admits only 3 direct links and media)
    Regards! :mates: