What Guitar Interface Hardware you use?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Infidel, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    I recently bought Komplete 10 on clearance and would like to use Guitar Rig and Rammfire. I don't have an interface that works the way I want. I always hear the original input signal along with the effected signal of GR and don't like the twangyness of it. I just want to record the effected signal in my DAW. My current interfaces are Line6 POD HD500X and ElevenRack into Cubase 8.5. I used to use a UX1 for guitar interface but it won't work with Cubase 8.5.
    What interfaces is everybody using to interface with Guitar Rig?
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
  3. Dirty Hairy II

    Dirty Hairy II Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2016
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    I use a Komplete Audio 6 here, I've had it for a few years & it's been very reliable for me, Windows 7 here...They've came down in price the last year or two, & I'd recommend it...It's capable of recording 6 tracks at once, but it only has 2 mic pre's/hi-z inputs, but for me right now, it's really all I need...Of course, you can add external mic pre's to up the track count, but even doing that might not be enough inputs to record a drum kit for example...
  4. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I think you need to disable hardware monitoring in the Line6 control panel.

    I love my Komplete Audio 6. A little lacking in mic amp gain but more than workable.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
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  5. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    surprisingly, the rig 2 pedal board has a very good sound. I've owned maaaaaany amps, and a few interfaces. I don't know why this old rig 2 board sounds good but its not too bad. im sure there are better, expecially some of the high end audio gear, but im surprisingly happy with it. had it since oh 2007 or so. when compared side by side with atleast three other interfaces its the more flavorful, adaptable
    Edit: that's for a blues/rock type guy. rig 2 would probably be too flat for metal
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  6. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    I was thinking about the Focusrite Scarlet 18i8 because of the instrument ins and ADAT in. I would be using it with 2 pc's like tape machines. One for recording and then switch to the other for mixdown in surround sound but all through a digital console and staying in an all digital path. My other choices would be the Behringer Uphoria 1820 or Audient iD14.
  7. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    I use a MOTU 828 Mk II with a Line 6 POD HD bean interfaced through the digital out of the POD to the digital In of the MOTO, this then frees up 8 analogue inputs for various synths or even my Boss GT001 guitar input. It also has sockets on the front for connecting two guitars direct. All this connects to my DAW via fire wire and is running Cubase 8.5 and guitar rig. Its a bit old now but still does its job well. Check out some of the newer MOTU stuff, I'm sure you will find something there, Ive been highly satisfied with their gear.
  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You should not have the problem you describe with eleven rack. I use it myself, and it's perfectly possible to use it as a DI box, with no effect at all. You only need to put the tuner function on, and all effects are bypassed, so here is your D I box. You may have to adjust Eleven rack output volume as , without any effect it will be much lower. Then when using what ever plugin, make sure that you use it as an insert on yur guitar track (not as en send) and that signal is full wet.

    BTW: I cant recommend enough to try OK Multimedia Amplitube too, it's a great amp simulator.
  9. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Thanks Olymoon I never thought of the tuner as a preset. That is a great idea :wink:
  10. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    :( I always get a noise sound for metal sounds when i connect my guitar directly to Ur242 audio interface. Is it common or my pickup or room noises? I should use a noise gate.
    for clean sound no problem
  11. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    guitar rig 2.jpg mustang III.JPG

    well.. inspired by your thread I gave my pedal a "try to break it" test. I didn't exactly break anything, but I had a HELL of a jam!!
    (im also always looking for good new hardware)

    for this, I ran the guitars into rig 2 input, the 1\4 output first to the tube amp, then to mustang III (separately) mostly as monitors. I hate that lag going to DAW, then back out. im not rich enough to actually mic my amps and etc etc.. so the usb from the rig pedal goes to the DAW for DI recording. that 1/8 jack you see is actually going to my monitors, because when im jamming on a vst I get less latency processing this way, then out from the rig 2 pedal to monitors as an offboard soundcard.

    midi out I've only gotten to work with guitar rig software itself, I don't know if the drivers or language are too anchient for DAWs

    but the flavor of the pedal is worthy as an interface. pretty adaptable. not much latency input/to output
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016
  12. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    that is a separate question, but I will try to help. yes. you are getting noise from almost everything, pickups, pots, cables, even your electrical grid, and especially the D/A converters in the interface. there is a ton of info @ https://www.gearslutz.com/board/ you can also google your UR242 to see if theres info on noise.
  13. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I went to extremes quieting my hand built tube amp. and it really paid off. from grounding my pot cavity, to bleed resistors, even removing the shielding off of some tone stack wires negatives, because the coating's inductance value was contributing to a magnetic field.

    at 50w class A, single volume push circuit she will blow the doors off of my marshall 100 yet is quiet as a sleeping baby 197924_171284656257045_6586112_n.jpg
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  14. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    UPDATE: I downloaded new drivers for the UX1 and all is good with Cubase 8.5.2. I can use it with GR5 and Amplitube.
  15. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    The U-Phoria series is killer, you'll never gonna get this much I/O for the price. One thing to consider though is Focusrite Scarlett 18i18, as well as most other 8-channel interfaces (like my Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL - a great buy btw) have software mixer in its driver. It means you get to use this:


    ... which gives you phase switch, filter, gate, compressor, EQ on each channel, latency-free reverb and delay, as well as latency-free custom mixes however you want. You can set different ones for Out 3-4, Out 5-6, 7-8 and Main - for example when tracking a band. Also, this sort of thing makes your latency setting in your DAW almost negligible - you're listening with no latency anyway, unless you need to use an amp sim or something. If you're recording to a previously recorded track, well at worst you'll be slightly late because of playback latency from the PC. After recording just shift to the left and you're done. You can record at a latency of like 2048 and not notice it (and if that bothers you, I was able to keep using 64 samples most of the time, had to switch to 128 when I had SSD4, DB-33, master limiting and 4 amp sims going on)
  16. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Like anything it all depends on how much cash you have to burn :yes:
    Focusrite do the whole range really and their mic preamps are some of the best around. If your gonna be recording guitar you want to think of how your actually gonna record.
    Never used the Komplete Audio 6 but a lot of people rate them and its a good option wrt cost. Thinking of getting one myself for my second recording setup as they seem pretty cool. NI selling them at a special price at the moment. Think you can pick one up for around 150 GBP at the moment.
    Have use the 18i6 and it a pretty solid piece of gear. Real good preamps and gain, fits nicely in a rack setup, loads of ins out and routing options and least importantly they look cool. They a reasonable price also imo
    If you intend to do it the proper way :yes: and mic up a quality tube amp with sm57 etc your gonna want to think of the direct inputs and all the ins and outs you need.
    If your just gonna record yyourself and no band etc you probably not need that many. You also wanna think of connectivity and what platform your running. I.E are you running a mac with Thunderbolt etc
    The new claret range gonna offer you some of the best preamps around and almost zero latency. You can also get thunderbolt inputs set up on PC now which is cool

    I've used one and they pretty damn good. Mid Range, and gonna cost you aroun 600 GBP :yes: Zero Latency, Great Preamps, Good Option :yes:
    If you've got cash to burn you can go right to the top end of the market i.e something like

    Never used one but they look pretty smart but come with a price i.e 2,700 GBP :woot:
    If your gonna be recording direct input however U may wanna go down different routes. i.e The Elevenrack like Olly mentioned is an awesome piece of gear and it gonna serve you real well with regards to guitar. For guitar you also may need to think about your setup. ie are you gonna record with something like the AXE-FX 2 direct into interface etc If so ins and outs again and latency the things you wanna be looking at. Even though I've got guitar rig personally I dislike most amp sims like that. Just a matter of personal taste. Some of the impulse responses & generators though can be real useful. For me personally the best way on guitar is still the old fashioned way of micing up a real good tube amp direct into Mic input etc. It's possibly gonna be your end destination anyway if your searching for real good tone. It's been that way for a long time and not changing much imo.
    The new amp sims are useful and loads of people getting great results with the axe FX and eleven racks etc.
    Presonus interface and USB3 gonna give you huge bandwidth and ability for loads of ins an outs at once so it's all about what you require. Kemper is an awesome piece of kit though :yes:

    For me personally the way to go for guitar is something along the lines of

    Direct into 18i6. A setup like that gonna give you all the routing possibilities you need, Good latency, USB connectivity, etc etc. Gonna give you just about everything you need to get awesome tone.
    They get pretty hot though so you'd need to think about rack cooling and also surge protection as in a power conditioning etc

    Another option is rather that interface etc run something like Elevenrack or even Kemper. You gonna get good tone and so many options WRT sound etc. Also offers direct USB connctions etc. Latency will be dependent mainly on things like drivers.
    Again if u got quite a bit of cash u may want to think about spending the majority on something like a channel strip etc. Something like
    Universal Audio LA-610 MKII Valve Channel Strip
    Possible combine with real good interface like RME Babyface or Apollo twin etc and your gonna have an absolutely awesome setup wrt recording guitar and you prolly not use Guitar Rig much :no: Gonna cost quite a bit of cash at maybe 2,500 for both.
    End of the day it's all about how much cash you wanna spend and the functionality you require.

    Best thing to do is take your time, read up on a lot of different options and try out what ever you can at a decent music store without rushing into things.
    Best of luck :bow::yes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2017
  17. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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  18. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Even though I got my UX1 working with new drivers, I still might buy the Focusrite 18i8 because it has ADAT in. My O1V96i has ADAT out. This means I can stay digital and still have an old school tape style setup. One PC for multitrack and one for mastermix. Except it won't just be stereo mix it will also be for surround mixes (ADAT is 8 channels and mixer and Cubase have surround panning) which is my main focus. All I would have to do is switch the USB cable to switch computers and purpose of the interface. It also is not USB powered which I hate.