Fix for Omnisphere not saving multis

Discussion in 'Software' started by Mixdowner, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    Hello, i just registered after reading old posts about Omnisphere not saving multis, here's my 2 cents :

    1 - (using Cubase 8 LE on Win10) it usually happens only after 30-40 minutes of use, no matter if i'm saving anything before (CPR file, MIDI file, patches, multis), whatever i'm doing on Omni it will save correctly.

    2 - after the "grace period" it will only save a Multi as a 10K file which contains XML code related to just the multi's volumes, panning, etc but nothing about the patches and FX and of course it doesn't since one patch alone will take 25K of space.

    3 - a proper working multi will take around 250K so if in doubt check the size of the multi you just saved and see if the size is correct, if it's just 10K you know it's empty !

    4 - i tried all the tricks suggested by other users like the LIVE mode and deleting the .DAT files and repatching and registering and reinstalling and applying all the latest patches but nothing has changed.

    5 - windows registry : Omnisphere has no proper installer and the only key it puts in the registry contains the STEAM path, however there's a bunch of keys where binary data about installed addons is stored :

    6 - Permissions : i've Full Control permissions in any User folder and i'm logged as Admin and running cubase as Admin.
    Moreover, there's no error coming from Omni when saving or overwriting a multi, i can't see a single reason to blame permissions here as many others suggested elsewhere.

    7 - FIX : save the multi and if you see the file is just 10K savie each patch using the command "Save Patch As" from omnisphere into your User folder, then save your song, close cubase, reload cubase, reload the song, open Omni (it will be empty but with correct volumes) and reload each saved patch in the correct order, at that point you save your multi and it will always work, save the song and you're ok, after that if you don't change anything in Omni you can compose for hours and save your song as usual and everything works OK, however if you need to change any setting in your multi it probably won't save so once again you will need to save the single patches you've modified after the last save.

    moral of the story : more in-depth investigation is needed, to me this bug looks like a "time bomb" but it seems happening also with users having legitimate copies of Omni and their Daw.
    i'll simulate a few things in a virtual machine with a fresh install of Omni and a debugger.

    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Thanks for the elaborate post, especially since I just asked about this issue in the general chatbox. Want to give Omnisphere 2 a shot but I'm afraid of this issue fucking with my work. And if I do end up liking it and this would be related to the copy protection, I would have to move this up on my priority list on my way going full legit (got a long ways to go already) and look if I could clear up the budget relatively soon down the line.

    Anyways, thanks again for the write up and I will definitely cross-reference with my own experiences once I get around to installing and testing it. Have to download the thing first! :bleh:
  4. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    i never had this issue until one year ago and i was using an early version of Omni, without addons and Trillian so my guess is something is fucking up with all these addons and patches but to simulate properly the issue is going to take some time and dedication.

    as much as it looks like a time bomb how can it be considering the issue is affecting users with legitimate copies and on every OS and every Daw ? Spectrasonics is to blame here, bugs of this kind are totally unacceptable, too bad there's no real alternative to Omni, maybe UVI Falcon ?
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    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    I haven't found too many threads over on KVR or Gearslutz from people reporting those issues on their legitimate copies though. If I remember correctly, I think I did see one over on the Reaper forums or something but the people weren't willing to share what fixed it (apparently Spectrasonics have a way to solve it) and simply told other people who suffered from the same issues to contact the Spectrasonics support service.

    Been reading some of the release threads over on AZ as well and according to some posters there (people I respect for their opinions) tell us that neither R2R nor HEXWARS touched the actual code making the software when patching the thing. All they did was keygen it and patch the RSA key in place. Now, I'm not an expert within the field but to me that sounds like the software should be able to function exactly like a legitimate copy would.

    So from one standpoint it seems an awful lot like it would be a timebomb within the pirates copies. Looking at it from the other side, the few hints some people with legit copies have experiences similar issues and the fact that the actual code making the plug-in supposedly wasn't touched when cracking it makes me believe it's something Spectrasonics related. I guess I'll just have to install and try the darn thing first and stop making issues out of it before anything happens. Just part of my personality to try and prevent such issues and problems before they have a chance to actually occur.
  6. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Just some info that may help.
    1st - I want to point out is that when people solve the problem they usually don't report it (human nature, e.g. laziness).
    2nd - This thing is all around the place. 1000s of users (legit and "testers"). There should be countless threads about the problem.

    I remember reading about this but didn't bother much cause I didn't notice the problem (the truth being that I never saved multis, just saved the project and turned the DAW off)
    But today after reading the post I went and tortured the thing for one hour+, saved multis (around 210k),... - couldn't replicate the problem. (win7 64, S1, no Trilian tho)

    When I'll have some time in the evening I'll try to push it even harder and in different environments. There is one thing that could be useful: you wrote that the problem starts after 30-40 min. Is it always like this? Or does sometimes work for hours and then start making 10k files? Does it always fail?

    Even it if works for me (and not for you), at least we'll know at which level the problem shows.. :wink:
  7. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    Yes it's always after around 30-40 minutes, if i save the song, close and restart cubase with the same song it will work fine for another 30-40 minutes, i mean i never get any error whatsoever from Omnisphere.

    What i'm going to try now is to use 7-8 single omnisphere instances instead of a multi and see what sticks on the wall.
    I was using 2-3 single Omnis in the past and never had troubles but it was a different setup.
  8. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    it wouln't be the first case of a VST with embedded time-bombs and other tricks, see U-He DIVA for instance.
    in any case i had a fully working setup before so there must be something that fucked-up things in the STEAM folder and in my opinion it can only be the spectrasonics patches as the R2R keygen only patches the DLL, tomorrow i'll put my hands on it andd see what's going on.
  9. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    UPDATE !

    i'm working on a new song, cubase running all day, 10 single instances of Omnisphere, where i only use one sound on CH1 and Patch 1, 2 Kontakt tracks and a few drum tracks, 4 FX channels.

    so far so good, i saved the songs several times and in 3 different file names, now i closed cubase and reopened each file and they all work perfectly.

    on top of this Omni seems to be less hungry on cpu, with 10 Omni tracks playing the cpu is 20% less than normal (multi with 8 Omni tracks).
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