Audulus Modular Synthesizer for iOS, Mac, Windows, and Linux

Discussion in 'Software' started by audulusmark, Nov 19, 2016.

  1. audulusmark

    audulusmark Noisemaker

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Hi there! My name is Mark Boyd, and I work for Audulus (biminiroad on the forum there). Just wanted to pop in here and share this video of Audulus working with my modular synth through an Expert Sleepers ES-8.

    I also wanted to add if you have any questions at all about Audulus, reply here or email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you ASAP! I'm currently giving a big overhaul to the documentation (not posted yet) and I've already written 25 pages on the first two nodes alone! Each node and module will also now come with a "vital stats" box at the top that quickly describes the I/O parameters.

    So yeah, let me know if you're curious about Audulus and I'll be here answering questions!
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  3. audulusmark

    audulusmark Noisemaker

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Here's a preview of what the new documentation will be like:

  4. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    If anyone's interested in another great modular synth that still runs on iOS8 and costs only 9.99: Try zMors Modular!
    It has evolved a lot this year - it offers plenty of modules, now syncs to Ableton Link and you can even import PureData patches :wink:
  5. audulusmark

    audulusmark Noisemaker

    Nov 19, 2016
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    The big differences between zMors and Audulus has an infinite canvas for building huge patches, you can create you own custom modules, and you can create much more complex patches like these ones below:

    Audulus is also for computer and runs as a plugin, and you can sync patches through iCloud or Google Drive.

    Not knocking zMors, but @fiction really did the first reply here have to be about it? I'd never go to a zMors thread and try to convince people to buy Audulus.
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Sorry for the potential insult. I didn't bash Audulus in any way, and you have described its own advantages, perfectly fine.
    However, since this is a user forum in the first place, it should be OK to suggest alternatives, to post opinions and to discuss pros and cons of any product. That's the price for a free ad in a forum.
  7. audulusmark

    audulusmark Noisemaker

    Nov 19, 2016
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    @fiction it's fine, wasn't insulted, just seemed a little off-topic for a first comment in a thread about Audulus. Forget I said anything! :)

    One thing you also get with Audulus that you don't with other modular synth apps is this - my new How-To Audulus Build Podcast - I make these now whenever I make something new for the library, someone has a question over email, or I want to go and explain how a synthesis technique works (link is to a YouTube playlist)
  8. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I was very interested in Audulus, because the general concept is very much comparable to Flowstone, and as a Flowstone user, it was a breeze to build patches in Audulus. Unfortunately Audulus doesn't run on my (too old) PC. But I got refunded without any delay and that should be mentioned, because it isn't a matter of course!

    The endless canvas, the modules, the free routing - it all is just wonderful. Only downside was (a year ago, might have changed now) the limitation to 8 channels, which makes polyphony being an issue.

    I still dream of Audulus adding a GUI editor and creating VST plugins itself. A dream for VST creators would come true.
  9. Weasel

    Weasel Ultrasonic

    Jul 30, 2016
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    So what's good about this compared to Plogue Bidule?

    No 32-bit, doesn't support Windows XP, and doesn't even work in a VM (huh? first time I see this on a product), wtf? Does it even host VSTs as modules? Because if so, lack of 32-bit version is a serious problem for me and many others who use these as subhosts for their modular environment and 32-bit plugins. (e.g. host bidule in another DAW, which hosts other 32 bit plugs)
  10. audulusmark

    audulusmark Noisemaker

    Nov 19, 2016
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    There's 16 polyphony now, with channel selection! :)

    We are moving towards making Audulus a VST/Au/App creation station where you can make plugins and apps for iOS without having to know ANY coding. You'd buy a special (expensive) version of the program as a one-time license and then be able to make plugs and apps and make money!

    We're also working on a way to integrate a marketplace where people can buy and sell modules - we wouldn't have any in-app purchases from Audulus itself, but people you could make a patch on your iOS device, upload it to the marketplace, and start making money
  11. audulusmark

    audulusmark Noisemaker

    Nov 19, 2016
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    What's a VM?

    We have 1 developer - Taylor Holliday, the creator. We can only support so many different versions. If it was easy to support 32 bit (it's not) and Windows XP. People want us to do Android, too, but it's not as easy as pushing a "publish for Windows XP/Android/etc" button. Time that Taylor uses to do this stuff, making it backwards compatible for older 32-bit systems, all that is time taken away from making Audulus better for the people who've already bought it. 32 bit is the past and will go away at some point, and it would take a significant amount of time keeping two different builds running at parity. I think some of the optimizations we have to make Audulus run really fast also take advantage of things you can only do in 64 bit.

    We don't host VSTs/AUs as modules yet, but that's in the R&D line. Like I'd be able to make a digital delay and use the UAD Moog Filter in its feedback path. You'll be able to load AUs in iOS as well.

    Plogue Bidule and basically all other digital modulars do not have arbitrary I/O position, which allows you to create things like this:

    You also don't have to make a UI in another program like Photoshop or Illustrator and import it to make an attractive module. That's something that people want to do, and we beta'd it for a little while, but it got put on the back burner in favor of some other more exciting projects. Plus, as described above, people will be able to make their own VSTs, AUs, and iOS apps without coding, and that might be where we implement this skinning.

    Plogue Bidule is also not for iOS.
  12. audulusmark

    audulusmark Noisemaker

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Oh, and we're also working on a stateless Eurorack module that can load Audulus patches with arbitrary I/O and and label displays for each control. Perhaps something with 16 knobs, 16 jacks, where the jacks can be inputs or outputs. That might be the deluxe version.
  13. Weasel

    Weasel Ultrasonic

    Jul 30, 2016
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    VM = Virtual Machine, I only mentioned it because I saw that on Audulus product page at requirements. I actually sometimes use them (special networking setup + virtual ones, both Win7/Linux host and XP as guest).

    In regards to 32 bit I respectfully disagree. I mean the software works just fine and/or can be bridged, of course I use 64-bit OS personally but I prefer to have a modular 32 bit host to use plugins inside of it that are x86 (well a subhost technically, as I host Bidule as a VST inside a main host itself, that's where this can be handy, only one bridge, if any).

    However I thought that this was just a modular host / environment, not that you can actually create VSTs out of it. In that case, yeah, that's quite unique here, seems interesting, might be alternative to Flowstone in the future then for people who really want 64 bit. Personally I don't find much point considering the ~3GB limit is insanely high for an individual subhost instance that I use... so it doesn't matter to me (since each is in different process then)

    Anyway good luck with it, I didn't mean to diss it.
  14. audulusmark

    audulusmark Noisemaker

    Nov 19, 2016
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    It works in virtual machines just fine - I have a Windows copy on my Mac Mini :)

    I didn't think you dissed it! I understand *why* people would want it to be 32 bit compatible - we would too. People also complain that it's not available for older OSes on iOS. But if we only have one person writing code for it, keeping it backwards compatible, multiple versions, 32 and 64 bit versions of those multiple versions, and all the versions also have to play nice with one another - it's just a lot, and we'd never get anything new done! :) Unlike a lot of other synths and programs (hell, even UAD's hardware dongle) we stay current with every new OS.

    And yeah you can't actually create VSTs yet, but you can use it as a VST. But that's something that's relatively close, since the code of the patches themselves are pretty easily translatable to that. The problem is less figuring out how to make the developer kit and more about how to price it/support it/roll it out, etc. We also want to get some more features into it before then, like sampling (sample recording, playback, and export) as well as some cool social stuff, like being able to subscribe to a user and get a notification when they upload a patch. We'd also love to have a decentralized library so that Audulus ships with just a few core modules, then you can download however many/whatever kinds you want from the cloud.
  15. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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  16. audulusmark

    audulusmark Noisemaker

    Nov 19, 2016
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  17. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Yeah. To be honest, the last time I logged in was back before you guys had Audiobus support.
    So it's been while.
    Say thanks to Taylor for me bud. He's consistently on it with his support and tips and all.
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