Discussion in 'Lounge' started by superliquidsunshine, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I had to learn as well that you do smaller steps now. But it's ok, as long as it goes forward. (Sometimes it goes backwards, but only a step, and I usually then make 2 steps forward)
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  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Reaching a nr.1 as tv series actor is a big thing if you ask me.
    Plus, crazy for you and limbo dance were also high in rotation.I would say he has a big fan base in Germany though mostly older generation.
    Yea he isnt big now,but had a pretty big moment in the 80s and early 90s along with Baywatch as well, the most watched tv series in the world.
    He is cool in my book:yes:
  3. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I loved how Chuck jumped on the chuck-norris-jokes and even rated them:rofl:
    But, a sidenote. If I'd be in this shape at the age of 75 - what a glorious feeling it would be. (But, let's be honest, I never was nor will be in that shape)
  4. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Yup, like a jam session in here.
  5. Clayman

    Clayman Noisemaker

    Jun 21, 2016
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    Seroquel, seroxat, centrac ... i walk this path for years and totally agree.


    May 5, 2016
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    Me.They did not affect my creativity.Some times they work like a boon so on the contrary, you feel more relaxed, so naturally you are better at perceiving ideas and writing music.
    Advice: If you are to use them you will most likely have problems Tulamide said.Think twice, ask as many doctors as you can, and IF YOU USE THEM, BE CAUTIOUS!They can be of great help when they are used correctly along with psychotherapy ( and for a short time) but to my xp, most doctors prescribe them as if they are paracetamol.
    Most of the problems have core reasons. A good psychotherapist can help you find them, and take another direction to a better life.
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  7. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    deep inside the depression, there was hiding a lesson

    simply do not jump out of a window while facing it
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  8. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    When I hear bad compression it gives me three times as much depression.
  9. Hypereal

    Hypereal Newbie

    Feb 29, 2016
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    "When night falls she cloaks the world
    in impenetrable darkness.
    A chill rises from the soil
    and contaminates the air. has new meaning."
    Some depressive music :phunk:

  10. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    IMHO, anyone that loves music is a candidate for having Borderline Personality Disorder. (BPD)

    It's an emotional disorder whereby sufferers experience intense mood shifts and take a long time to return to equilibrium. Pop music, especially, has Borderline themes : everyone is always leaving me. What are trivial things to others can feel like a hostage situation to people with BPD.

    Depression is co-morbid with BPD: life is intense with BPD, so it's exhausting. It's also isolating as nobody else quite gets stuff 'the way you do', and it's debilitating because everything matters so much. One way out is to shut everything off? ie depression.

    But depression is surely the worst thing? Being hurt or crazy is one thing, not caring about anything at all is .... dead. I think I had clinical depression in my late teens, dropped out of university, dropped out of everything. Nothing *mattered*. I've never had it since, or not for long, because I have created meaning for myself. I would rather be mad and wrong than believe and care about nothing at all (providing it harms no-one).

    Plato said madness was a gift from the Gods. Being 'Borderline' means a super sensitivity, which hurts, but would you give it up? BPD is perhaps an advantage to any artist. Depression? Much less so, I feel sure.
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  11. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    That's the sauce right there.
    I was in a marriage with a very negative person, and stopped playing music. Became so depressed, ended up in the hospital twice, run through a plethora of different medications, this diagnosis, that diagnosis. The last psychologist I went to see, I asked what he was going to prescribe me, he said nothing. Someone who needs medication would not have accomplished as much in their life as you have already. He suggested that instead, I look at my close interpersonal relationships. We split up two years later, and I went back to playing and writing music and have been ever since. I mean I didn't even feel like learning songs while I was with that person. I learned to look at the world in a more positive way, and also learned that choice matters. For example someone doesn't make you mad, you choose to be mad. Make better choices. I mean who actually wants to be mad?!?!
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  12. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
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    One thing i don't like about (inspiration) + (creativity) is that i want to create more (short song) projects than i have enough time.

    And i even don't like it when i have to work too many weeks on only a single song project.
    And then when the song consists too many audio tracks. Mixing them together becomes hard. Every audio track needs further processing until they are perfect for my ears. Potentially wasting me more days that i could have used instead to make new song projects in other genres or continuing working on previously started song projects that has halted in composing progress because i simply wanted to create new song projects before those melodies disappear from my brain after i have gone to sleep.

    More song projects can be started in a single day than trying to finishing them as fast as possible before they sound old.
    New songs are not new songs if they are not completed in the very same day that their song project was created.
  13. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I just wish my life was as organized as my samples folders
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  14. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    +1 here... diagnosed at 25. Got the meds but they had too much side fx ;) Now they put me on something that helps /w anxiety, which in most cases goes hand in hand /w depression.

    But what do you all expect? You are not buried in mediocrity (which would be the healthy thing..), you are oversensitive, you create thinghs that are not essential for life.. Others will enjoy your work - meanwhile, you will suffer. It applies to other forms of artistic expression too and I could give you so many examples. But you know you can't help it, you can't stop. It keeps you alive and kicking..

    I'm grateful for places like this. Feels good to know you are not alone. Not because I want any of you to feel like this but because it's hard for others to understand... even if sometimes we do not agree on that eq dip at 3450 hz.. :winker:
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  15. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Best Answer
    There's always some scientific study telling me what I've known all along. I believe that the "sources" of musical thinking and depressiveness are related in neurological origin, or aspects of a particular emotional constitution. Music bypasses the intellect in its inspiration and its effect upon the listener, no matter how much it might be articulated intellectually in its composition or execution. The very conflict between emotional sensitivity and the intellect can cause depression. Experiencing things "musically" cannot translate into words, leading one to feel as though one is alone in a world in which things are explained and appreciated verbally. Having "no words for" an intense impression leaves one feeling cognitively isolated. Musicians bond with one another, even without knowing one another to be such, because "it takes one to know one." What compounds a musician's depressive tendency is the ungratified need for an audience and its response/feedback, or the lack of return for all the hard emotional work done in creating music – not to mention putting one's emotionally-related efforts on the chopping-blocks of commerce and public acceptance. Having to choose between being a musician and being "husband material" also sucks shit; one feels alone-against-the-world enough without being categorically disqualified or rejected as a mate, and being relegated to the likes of strippers or bar-girls is a "very dark place." Finally, feeling alone in the elation of doing something beyond one's own talent, transcendental or godly, and then having to come down to playing the role of the loser bastard that your familiars know and love/hate you as being, is enough to make you want to blow your brains out.
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  16. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Sheeeesh, is it just me or does anyone else find this thread errrm.... depressing :deep_facepalm:

    On a serious note :drummer: a lorra good honest talk on here about what is still (unfortunately) a fairly taboo subject.

    So add another one to the growing list of long term depressives.

    I've been on anti depressants for decades now, and I know from times when a particular type has lost its effectiveness and I've had to go cold turkey for a week or so before starting another type that without them I wouldn't be around, so, yeah, I guess I'm doing fine.
  17. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I feel you, brother. In that regard I'm much more a musician than a producer. I don't like the technical aspect at all. I just want to compose/arrange and would happily give the rest of the work in some better hands. Unfortunately this isn't possible without a lot of money to pay for the service - so I do what I don't like, while having so many melodies and feelings in my mind that want to be expressed.
  18. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    My biggest fear. I forgot to take them for a few days, and suddenly was back to a hell I thought was behind me. Would like to not experience it too many times.

    For the rest of your post: The good thing is, we all (or at least those who posted in this thread) have it under control now. Accepting the depression as part of your life is important. Only then you can really live with it. I wonder why I never drank alcohol or took drugs. Maybe music was my drug. But then again, so many musicians have their music but still need more to get away from the bad feelings.

    I am very proud of this site, because I can't imagine another forum, where one could talk about this so civilized and without personal attacks or bad jokes at the cost of the people.
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  19. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    This is so much more true than funny (although I rated it funny :yes: )! Indeed, everything related to music, like sample folders, patches, project folders, even naming of takes, etc. is well organized on my pc. And I just can repeat your sentence. If only my life would be as organized as well. :like:
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  20. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Well, it is kind of depressing to keep pushing those ivories down again and again. No matter what, they just pop back up. I really don't think there is a solution to this depressing problem without cheating with some kind of glue.
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