Should SAiNT ban those with FAKE accounts to up vote their own posts?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Vader, Oct 30, 2016.


Should Audioz Admins ban those with FAKE accounts?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don't no/have no opinion

  4. Freeware should be only posted in Audiosex (It's free, right?)

  5. Delete those accounts and clean user rating and status

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  1. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    That's right. The only thing Integral did was spam the site to be spiteful. It only serves members the task of having to weed through 3 full pages of posts to make sure nothing says R2R or AudioUtopia in between. How does one call himself Integral?.. when the nature of his posts are an insult to his own integrity.

    A Good Solution:

    1.Create an isolated 'Freeware' section so those posts are not in the global listing. Members will have to click 'Freeware' if they want to browse any of it.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
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  2. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    I also dislike integral's parasitic links and making money off freeware.

    If I remember correctly, it's his own fault in the first place he's locked out of posting mirrors in r2r threads (I think mentioned in an nfo) so all he has left are freebies to make cash from, which he does.

    I don't think 3 pages of spam links should be tolerated. I don't think there is value in letting us know free software exists, especially as it's a cover story for making money, and it's dishonest how he adds files to make them bigger downloads and revenue earners.

    But most of all, the way he whines about doing nothing wrong and writes post it yourself, when for ever in the scene it's been you don't make money from warez, to me, that makes him a parasite and I don't like him at all.
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  3. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Once again, hiding yourself behind those "rules", what a good politician you might be.

    If it's not for the money, how do you justify spamming two or three full pages of the sister site with your "posts" instead of making a single archive? It's a bit like someone will release each Waves plugin one by one instead of the whole archive.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
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  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

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  5. Beth

    Beth Guest

    that would seem to be a decent idea. @SAiNT is that possible?

    maybe @Integral 's posts need more cowbell ? :winker:
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  6. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    What's even more annoying: I am active on the Flowstone forum (where they can be downloaded), and all of these seperately posted synths on AZ actually are one bundled download on the Flowstone forum. No need to post them all seperately and point to the same bundle download.

    Also, kbrown never named his synths after any known ones, like U-HE Bazille or something. He sometimes told about what inspired him, but all of the synths have their own name. Using better known names of big companies is (to my eyes) click-baiting and for sure against kbrown's intentions.

    All of that is especially sad since kbrown's download bundle contains really cool, useful synths - for free. A treasure that's suffering now through these very strange posts on AudioZ...
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  7. Integral

    Integral Guest

    I get nothing from these (less then 50 cents maybe) - so we even cannot speak this is money here involved
    Most users use homepage link.
    In such mode I let people know this is exist.
    That's all guys, nothing special
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  8. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Yes this I agree thogh. Even though I like free stuff to appear on AZ, the recent post seems too much. Maybe slow it down:wink::mates:
  9. Scarlett

    Scarlett Guest

    I HATE to register to a several sites/forums but this time I had to in order to voice my opinion: INTEGRAL rocks. F. off OP. Sigh.. lol. Really, thanks to Integral I become aware of free stuff. And as a rule ( I think it is a rule, lol), he has to type in the original site that offers the product.
    And all those people downvoting are just mentally ill...
    There are looots of reasons why having Integral posting stuff has become INTEGRAL to "our" sister site, lol. Several have been commented on already.
    I can't believe we have to defend "ourselves" ( meaning I feel I am on iNTEGRAL side here) from morons who have no life. There is no other way to put it. YOU ARE HOLDING US BACK! Protesters are just focusing on wrong stuff in life, there are lots more important things to do than bashing iNTEGRAL.
    I wish I could fix your brain you protesters... ( I tried to hold back I am so pissed off ... )

    P.S. SKT won LOL finals... again... very good matches, my throat is sore from all the screaming at the telly, lol.
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  10. Integral

    Integral Guest

    I don't like to do so much posts, I agree it was too big amount to complectate it, but i thought it was ok to make every synth visible on cover
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  11. Integral

    Integral Guest

    Don't pay attention please, just skip it:) No need to be involved in this.
    Thank you for letting me know anyone could be interested in free stuff
    I know there are too much critics here, but if guys criticized in such mode their own 'music', they wouldn't write here senseless speeches against me (they literally will spend time in studio creating next piece) and became a hit-makers in any music direction. But they don't
    You guys, in opposite - you want to hurt with your comments that contain so much of negative energy - but you can't - it is virtual reality :thumbsup:.
    Let's focus on suggesting way-out from such kind of situations. I understood to do next time bundle
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2016
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  12. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Seeing as you're not paying attention and skipping it, tell us why you don't post r2r mirrors, and do you have a response to their nfo's which are quite damning against you?
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  13. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    And you, sir, never asked kbrown on the Flowstone forums for his permission to make individual posts on AZ from what originally is a bundled download there.
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  14. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Now I've seen it all. He submits a comment from "Scarlett" to speak on behalf of himself in 3rd person. Then goes as far to reply back to his alter ego right in front of everyone.
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  15. Integral

    Integral Guest

    And have you asked permission to any developer's stuff you downloaded for free?
    I don't have to ask any permission
  16. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    "Let's focus on suggesting way-out from such kind of situations."

    Easy. Use free links on az or just make a post here in the software section telling us about free stuff if you want to share info.
    If it's about letting us know about freebies and not about the money,what have you got to lose? :wink:
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  17. Integral

    Integral Guest

    Are you serious?
    I post UL AND RG to keep it alive as much as i can.
    Zippyshare delete files quickly. That's all. I posted once - and files alive 1 year, not 1 month
    Will you do reuploads?
    Any questions?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2016
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  18. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    See? That's the difference in your thinking and mine. A bundle of synths, offered for free, shouldn't be used to make money by seperating it into 40 or however many posts. You're not helping the developer by annoying the people on AZ.
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  19. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    So it's like everyone says. It's all about the money then. :cool:
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  20. Integral

    Integral Guest

    If you can't understand what i told already it is not my problems.
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