Should SAiNT ban those with FAKE accounts to up vote their own posts?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Vader, Oct 30, 2016.


Should Audioz Admins ban those with FAKE accounts?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don't no/have no opinion

  4. Freeware should be only posted in Audiosex (It's free, right?)

  5. Delete those accounts and clean user rating and status

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  1. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Help devs by downloading from their websites. I always do the same.
    You just can't say that ban all paid file hosting site links that contain freeware.
    Tomorrow, you guys will ask to ban links of all premium file hosting sites for warez less than $50..
    According to current rules, you can chose whatever you like.
    And yes, fake accounts should be banned for proper function of community.
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  2. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    The real question is should there be a ban of any kind at this moment?
    Food for thought.
  3. samotest

    samotest Ultrasonic

    Mar 30, 2016
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    I do hate the fact that Integral is abusing the rules of Z to earn some easy money. Sadly, I doubt that he will be stopped but I hope staff will at least warn him about this and ban those fake accounts.
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  4. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Every forum I have been on that has this kind of rating system has the same kind of complaints. The whole system is open to abuse simply by being there. Either get rid of it or ignore it. I have no idea how many likes/hates etc I have and I'm not bothered - to me it's irrelevent.

    Anything that is against the rules can be dealt with by the mods.
  5. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    If software is free, it´s so easy as download it from the original site. We can like or dislike what Integral does, but there are more important things than this procedure from this member. And as he says, he accomplishes the rules. The rest of members decide if download or not. Personally, I never download from him because it´s well known what he does.
  6. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    What it seems incredible is to see the first three pages from Audioz full from this kind of "releases". But not guilt from Integral. Guilt from who authorize these posts, of course. A old friend of mine.
  7. Integral

    Integral Guest

    None of rules is abused. None. Read rules please
    1) Homepage is on place
    2) In the topic mentioned that it is free
    3) Mirrors unlocked :wink:
  8. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Yeah.. i got to agree on its getting our of hand.. its like finding the mailbox full of spam.. I cant say if some things are good or not but im not visiting the the sister site to browse through page after opage with that kind of free ware. In this case it obvious why its free and its also very clear why it is posted.

    I havnt cared about it before but now it start to effect in a very bad way..

    other than that.. love each other guys..

  9. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    I wasn't going to say anything here. But when you make damn near 50 separate posts back to back on AZ of free plugins by the same exact developer.. that's spamming. I don't give a damn what it says in any text. Bundle that shit up. Anyone see the newest posts on AZ? What you see is clearly the activity of someone acting like a vindictive asshole. Kids games.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
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  10. samotest

    samotest Ultrasonic

    Mar 30, 2016
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    I never said you broke the rules, what I am trying to say is that you exploit the fact that there aren't that many rules. Let's face it, you are not doing this to contribute to the community, you are doing this to earn money.
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  11. Integral

    Integral Guest

    Actually, that's not true.
    I love to discover new companies through their free plugs (despite i don't use them so much as wanted). In this way i feel free to share it on AZ
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2016
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  12. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Faoki has another competitor? I've been convinced for a while that it's the same 3 people who post everything on this message board. For example @Herr Durr is most certainly also posting as @Von_Steyr and @superliquidsunshine FACT!

    Best regards,

    Herr Zen.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
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  13. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    1. If you don't want to download freeware from AZ just Ignore. Like people Ignore TRUMP.
    2. If you hate so much some random people are earning money from freeware, then go download it from their original site.
    3. So what people self up vote. Don't Be so butt-hurt.

    Their self up vote does not hurt anyone, your hate does.


    I feel ever audio related stuff should be posted at AZ including the free ones so that we do not need to search some random site for their free stuff. And yes they always post the original website for you to support.
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  14. mag666

    mag666 Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Maybe a simple basic solution (if it is actually simple to implement?) would be to allow users to 'block' posts from certain users so they do not show up in the displayed lists of posts.. and/or provide an ability to turn off posts marked as Free?

    This way those that do not care to see Free posts won't and/or those that do not care for a particular Poster's items won't see those either... depending on the methods implemented and choosen.
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  15. Integral

    Integral Guest

    Fully agree. Wrote clearly as never.
    Like told Saint, "anything on AZ is free for you in a result + freeware will never dissappear from AZ"
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2016
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  16. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    saint should ban everyone and close both sites, but he is not doing it... so be happy until he changes his mind

    Long and prosperous life to saint :cheers:

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  17. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Apparently you have the blessing from Saint, no matter what and this is the reason why you behave like this.
    The fact that you don't give a damn about the remarks in this thread and cynically claim to follow the "rules" only show that you are here for the money.

    Couldn't agree more with you. This is the very heart of the problem and downvote is only one of the consequences of this attitude, let's not be mistaken.

    All in all, I don't think that this thread will be of any use unless Saint decides otherwise.

    Nonetheless, I'm wondering if these "Free" posts are creating some traffic that in turn might financially benefit the site owner (a wild guess). I don't see any other reason why this attitude is not only justified but also encouraged.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
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  18. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    KInd of hard to ignore 50 spam post in a row..
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  19. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    need more popcorn
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  20. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I think having links to the developer's site for freeware is always a plus for everyone involved.
    AZ is awesome exposure for all newcomers. Devs and users.
    Creating multiple accounts for the promoting of mass-posted monetized links is more akin to corporate bloodsucking mentality.
    That's not capitalism, friend. That's just leeching.

    I say just call out all these narcissists with multiple accounts so we can show them some extra lovin'
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