Watch Live: Julian Assange WikiLeaks Press Conference 4AM EST

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Moogerfooger, Oct 4, 2016.

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  1. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Ok now i get it.Thanks for clearing this for me.I'm almost 32 hours awake so my brain is like a milkshake.Going to get some sleep now.
  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Von_Steyr lives in a fantasy Europe that never existed where the european people (???? whotf is that ??) are fighting the ottomans in the name of the Pope. He isn't aware that the most victims done by europeans wars were europeans themselves. No one has killed more Germans than the French and vice versa - ironically when the borders WERE closed you genius!. The muslims have nothing to do with it.
    The borders are mostly closed for people, but they are surely open for goods and money. Don't forget that we don't do anything anymore in Europe and in the US, nothing is done by us. Africa brings what Asia needs to produce our goods (smartphone, smart tv, smart cars for idiots unable to build them), our energy comes from middle east, our food also from africa and south america...What do we do in Europe ? Consuming and banking. Cloud services and useless shit. The world feeds us and works for us occidental people, almost for free as we do useless crap. We exploit it happily, bring wars to keep our domination intact. We create the misery and the poverty elsewhere, us and nobody else.
    Close your fucking boder Von_Steyr and you will be the one starving because we don't even make our own food anymore.
    Only a simple mind would think otherwise.
    And "globalisation" btw is indeed complete shit : but Trump like Clinton defend it and live from it for the simple fact that it is an American an European co-creation in order to fuck the rest of the planet. No one beneficiates more from it than the rich in Europe and the US and no one is more victim from it then the people outside our countries (although more and more people suffer rom it at home too but surely not because of the migrants, and there are a few winners outside our countries too)
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    If you want to live in chaos and anarchy, go ahead, let us Europeans choose what how we want to live in our homes.

    Somali migrant thugs terrorize Minnesota town, threaten to rape home owners.
    20-30 young men turned up at their home with comments turned to threats,no mass media reporting.
    YOU live in a bubble bro, not me.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2016
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    There is no we. Who are the Europeans ?
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

  6. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Guys, all this mess is just a situation that bothers a lot, but a few people depend on it.Religion was always a powerful mass control weapon.Either christians muslims buddhists etc.Even some "secret religions" like the ones who believe in alien gods and stuff.It was always a way to manipulate masses.Of course there are muslim rapists and terrorists and stuff, but this is not the actual problem..Not all muslims are rapists.White boys, black men, it doesn't matter.Nasty people will always exsist.This is the impact of the main reason.Societies that train people to act this way in order to gain power and control over them.Imagine being born in US (probably you'd be raised to believe in jesus and america).Being born in India(raised to believe in buddha and holly cows).Born in afghanistan(raised to believe in allah and C4).and so many other paradigms(jews vs nazis,black vs white).All we have to do is give education to those people (and i don't mean some schools and stuff).Open up their minds and think of their own if they have to act this way or another.But this would make mad some people who still want us to live in terror by ISIS or getting a bomb in a back pack and blowing yourself for allah etc.We are not racists or rapists.We are just being manipulated.
  7. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    I don't think that Talmi is stupid, Steyr maybe entitled a bit too much? And a bit too aggressive. Just tell me, would you shoot the refugees on sight or would you at least deport them back? Judging by your attitude, you would gas them in chambers, but I might be wrong. C'mon, Steyr, I see your points and agree to some, but try not to look at every refugee as a devil. As for the immigrant thugs, police will handle them in the same way it handles all the other criminals, it's no different. Crime is not tolerated, whether you are from Syria or a local European citizen. No double standard here.

    It's just too easy to ignore the refugees and their tragedy and let them get drown in the ocean or suffocate in the trucks. If you're talking about civilization and civilized people of Europe, and you obviously rank yourself as one, I think we are long past the Nazi Germany experience to once again use their methods of mass murdering people. It's not the way this should be handled, lets at least agree on that.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  8. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Or how about just stop raining random death on them from the skies with killer robots and overthrowing their governments and installing puppet dictators?

    It is hard to see how they can ever integrate into the "modern" world. The people that have been on the losing end of the last 100 years are so far behind the "winners". It is like that kid in high school that got in that bad car accident and missed half the year, you know he is staying back a year and not graduating with everyone else.

    I love these guys that think these refugees just "randomly" want to escape their home countries to come rape the "white" women. As if the ruling overclass of the US and Europe and Russia had nothing to do with it. Hey buddy it's "your" tax dollars that are destroying their country, so... I guess you have no responsibility in this situation right?
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  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I would deport them all and ban islam in Europe.This is the only way Europe can survive.Crime and anarchy or massive deportations,you choose.
    There is not middle road.The world is a crazy place, a jungle.Forget what you see in the movies and magazines, the reality is much more worse.
    These people are intellectually mostly very poor and aggressive.
    The media is abusing the words refugees,you have a picture of a poor family with children fleeing from war,thats how they got us all but the reality is 80% of single young men mostly coming from countries NOT affected by any wars.A Trojan horse under the disguise of humanitarianism.
    Open your eyes and stop swallowing the lies the mainstream media is showing you.
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Seems like most people here have no idea what is going on and are just swallowing the lies the mainstream media are showing them.
    People need to wake the fuck up.
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  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    "As for the immigrant thugs, police will handle them in the same way it handles all the other criminals, it's no different. Crime is not tolerated, whether you are from Syria or a local European citizen. No double standard here."

    And meanwhile we should wait in line and wait to get our necks slashed?So this is the price you are actually willing to pay to live in a forced multi cultural hell?To accept a dark age ideology?
    Man you already sold out yourself, you are a sheep.
    This happened today,i could copy paste 100s of links like this one.
    These people are fucking unpredictable and dangerous.
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  12. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Easy...Easy now... calm down.

    Let's stick to exchanging ideas and information and de-escalate any inter-personal attacks. We are probably not going to change anyone's mind that is made up (based on their own experience) so let's try to be productive and focus on improving the situation and a long term solution. Obviously moving all the people out of the war zone isn't going to work. This will all end eventually. It is up to the people that are alive now to decide how painful it is going to be.
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Truth hurts.
    Fact;Majority of Europeans are against the forced islamization of Europe.
    Shia and Sunnis hate each other and have been fighting themselves for way longer than what is happening today.
    Also,i dont feel any guilt why should i? France meddled with Lybia and UK and USA.
    So dont try to pin it on Europe.
    Also,you dare to tell me i am on a higher stool when you accused me before of trying to gas migrants,you dumb twisted fuck.
    Move to a sharia no go zone in Sweden and then preach your empty words.
  14. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Its called having a back bone and not falling for the Kalergi plan.
    I too was once like you, liberal, open borders....i woke the fuck up.
  15. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Calm down brothers please! Nothing is gonna change except that we loose a special bond we have with each other on this forum.
  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    On principle I agree with you. But forget rationality and reasoning with Von_Steyr..
    It's all about racist rants against migrants, calls to pogroms, weird tale about Europe and crazy shit about DNA being influenced by "culture" !
    I don't come on this site to have political discussions, specialy with people without any kind of rational thoughts, even less to change anyone mind it's pointless. But anytime this guy start going insane with his rants - and lately it's been happening often - I gotta say something, it itches too much. Those rants are very insulting for a lot of people, it's not just white europeans and americans biggots that come on this site, no one has to take this crap.

    What do migrants have to do with Assange anyway ? With Von_Steyr it always comes down to that, even if it's not the topic.
    Well that and Cubase, obviously.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  17. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    "Israel is a beacon of first world freedom nested in a region overwhelmed by third world barbarism."


  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I am angry for several reasons.
    These people think they will be able to happily produce music when the shit hits the fan.I am trying to warn people about the Trojan horse and all they do is try to make me the hater.Yes i am angry and my reasons are well argumented.
    If you think i am the bad guy,then i can only tell you people havent seen nothing yet.
    Only an asshole would try to label someone a racist.
    Muslims are not a race,its a dark age ideology.
  19. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Most illegal immigrants get to America by way of underground tunnels. A Wall would be illogical and moot. Also you must be ignorant to what's really going on in America regarding the illegal immigration situation. You do know that thousands of employers and business owners hire these illegal immigrants to produce fruit, home improvement work and other industrialized jobs for extremely low wages. If republicans and conservatives were really concerned about hindering illegal immigration they could easily have done so by creating harsh laws and punishing the people who hire them. They haven't because they're in bed with these business owners who practice using illegal immigrants for labor. Some of them even lobby on behalf of conservatives in congress. Conservatives also, preach about how corporations and businesses are the backbone of this country and will trickle down wealth. So if they did hold businesses accountable they'd literally be sticking their feet in their mouths and turning their back on a large percent of constiuents who vote for them.

    Bottom line is republicans use immigration as a tool to rile up their bigoted and xenophobic voting base. That's all that matters to them, is maintaining relevance in politics. The republican establishment will say, do and play on any fears to achieve this.

    Don't get it twisted, democrats are the same way, they just use different means.
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  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Typical.Label an angry but peaceful guy with zero problems,no police file,no shit in my life only help in the community towards the weak and animals an you get labeled a radical and a racist.
    You sure are a fucked up individual.Get some professional help.
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