Why are so many idiots attracted to music?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Zenarcist, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth

    I come across many people who don't know what they are doing or what they want, but they are convinced they want to be in music because they spent an evening or two doing karaoke or attended a concert.

    Why does this happen? Why is it so hard to find people who are serious, respectful, knowledgeable AND talented?

    Has anybody else come across this phenomenon?

    The world is full of ignorant people who think they are smart, yet they haven't achieved anything and probably never will.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
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  3. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Maybe just Why are there so many idiots :dunno:

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  4. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Psychology and neuro-science are very interesting subjects indeed. Makes it clear that a love for logic AND self-reflection is not the things evolution has instilled in most of us to a great degree. Respect and knowledge need a devoted soical fundament to develop, and even then often fails to develop in many. I am not quite sure these penomena show up to a lesser degree within the muscial domain as compared to others though.
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  5. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    Quack quack!
    1. He saw Clapton playing and thought "That's easy, I'll be a guitarist, too".
    2. The teacher praised his essay in class, and he thought he could start a writing career. He would write better than Dostojevski.
    3. Somebody told her she was pretty in order to have his way with her, and she decided to pursue a career as a model.

    Quack quack, poor people in a sea of ignorance! Poor squirrels, poor, poor bears!
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  6. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Read too much youtube comments?
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  7. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    I kinda get what you mean.....I do think that just because you dont nececarrily achieve somethin "IOnly mean when programming a Composition" ,doesnt mean your not talented/just unknown/wrongplace/wrongtime/or not networking your work i guess they,d be legitimate reasons for it idve thought.....
    To be fair whilst not intentionally meaning to sound an asshole ,But the world is unfortunatley filled with idiots my friend
    And although the big trick is to ignore then,sometimes its just not possible to do so ,know what i mean..
    Ive often found that people ive come across who were initially so head to heels in love with the prospect of making music ,That when they actually would see what was involved "certainly in the days of hardware only" would run a mile ,if they didnt have a degree of intelligence to operate em... Even now its no easy feat to come up with a production all within the box that sound proper ya know "and know of many people incapable of using these daws to any sufficient level yet still call themselves musicians....
    I personally view myself as a programmer ,Dont quite know why i see it that way but id defo classify myself a programmer and not a musician.....goin of topic sorry guyz!!
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  8. [​IMG]

    …and a triple macchiato with blueberry and zero fat cream, and a New York cheesecake with agave syrup, and if I HAVE to touch that console I’d like a box of small powdered vinyl surgical gloves, and I can’t stand that shade of blue on your desktop wallpaper it’s interfering with my yobba rays, and I really don’t like your face please grow a beard, and…

    Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.
  9. Montgent

    Montgent Kapellmeister

    Jun 22, 2014
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    This is hilarious. It's my belief that everyone thinks that musicians are cool, and a lot of folks make the assumption of "Hey, they make it look easy, so it can't be that hard if that loser can do it."
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  10. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    It's not just music, it's art in general. They take the highway, so to say, ignoring the hard working and learning part, to get straight to success (aka money). In some cases this works out, especially if you're the son, daughter, nephew of some celebrity.
  11. We live in a world where one can be famous for being a fool. It sets the bar lower than even a Jamaican limbo master could wiggle under. "I do not think, therefore I am______"...fill in the blank.
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  12. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I know at least two "sound men" ("engineer" would be really stretching) that really don't understand what they are doing. Terrible mixes, feedback in the monitors--- and other musicians I work with keep hiring them. Not sure who that makes the real idiots.:dunno: But the percentage of misinformed, misguided, or just plain annoying people probably cuts across any large enough sample group. It would probably be that way even if you were a pastry chef.:rofl:
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  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Buying a cheap instrument and learning a few notes is in the domain of every fool,you can get there quickly.But learning the instrument inside out, songwriting, mixing, etc,that takes a lot of time and balls and most people dont have balls they are just mannequins trying too look cool on instagram.
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  14. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I'm kinda leaning towards the idea that there is a huge fantasy element in play when it comes to music, and people imagine themselves being in the final rewarding stages of a successful career, without having done any work, nor knowing the first thing about music.

    I really appreciate Audio Sex, as this is where the grafters and the sloggers hang out, with never-say-die attitudes in abundance :wink:
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  15. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Part of that is because being a successful (mainstream) musician is one of the most glamorous positions possible in society. It's one of the very few things you can do and have people literally idolize you (the others being pro sports and acting). Also, because art is partially a matter of taste, it's something that can be faked without disaster. You can't really pose as an Indy car driver because as soon as you hit the track you'll wind up in a wall and that's too obvious of a failure. But say you're a singer in a band, and all you have to do is move your lips on occasion. Sometimes (Lil Wayne guitar solo?) you get called out for being a talentless hack, but often that just doesn't matter if your posturing is good enough.

    Something that facilitates that is ignorance by the audience. It's obvious when an NBA player misses a dunk, but not everyone can tell if a note is sharp, flat, or out-of-place so you can get away way more "yeah, that was an artistic choice. You just don't understand what I'm expressing" kind of nonsense. Of course, sometimes the artist actually *is* in the right artistically and the audience still doesn't get it. I've heard people mention things about certain vocals being out-of-tune, etc. when they were actually dead-on. It's those types of things that muddy the waters enough for clowns to be hired all the time when talented people are out of work. Success (in art especially) is just as much a social game as anything else. Extra confidence (false or not) can take you farther than someone more talented simply because people instantly gravitate toward someone that seems to know what they're doing, even if just superficially. People have trouble discerning the skill level / talent of others, so they rely almost exclusively on what that person thinks about themselves when that's very often highly in error. Many untalented people think they're amazing and many talented people are too humble and sell themselves short.

    And then there are the paint-by-numbers construction kits, downloaded "beats", etc. It's super easy to take credit for musical work that you really played a minimal role in creating, not only in the studio, but live as well -- just hold a cigarette in one hand, tweak a couple knobs, and drop the bass. What's especially aggravating is that some people actually do amazing things in such a domain but are drowned out by all the imposters. For every Jeremy Ellis or araabmuzik there's some clown just turning a knob to change to the next pattern on a drum machine and unless you live and breathe music yourself then you'd have no way of telling the difference because the end result (what comes out of the P.A.) is indistinguishable.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
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  16. Got to pay your dues, if you want to sing the blues.
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  17. coconut8

    coconut8 Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2011
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    Yesterday I had a gig (dj) for some hotel management people in Belgrade (Serbia). Everything was cool, the place, the sound..except after few hours of good (soulful house) music, some girls came to ask for shitty serbian folk music..I tried to explained them that I will not play that and that they are in treat of some music and culture which they obviously don't acknowledge at all.. so, this is not a perfect world where some of use with talent for music and the good work that we do will be dismissed by stupid idiots and some of them will be Dj's , musicians, Paris Hiltons....
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  18. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I feel you am from serbia and i know that electro folk music (biggest trash in the world) and we invented it, as for the idiots who are attracted by music, it's simple music is free to express your self but idiots will express idiocracy and mediocre, i hate todays liberalism in everything, i understand freedom but overused as for music! today if you have money you are on the horse!:trashing:

    Ps. if i had a time machine i would travel back in time and kill the inventor of autotune because there are milion of idiots with out talent using that shit and claims that is legit art, but who am i to judge!:winker:
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  19. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I agree. I think its clever people who don't realise just how smart they are.

    Aren't you missing the point though? You were hired to play music for people. Playing music that is requested, forms part of that contract. Whether or not you hate it is irrelevant.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
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  20. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    idiots are great, they are always cheerful and happy

    who else can laugh about nothing?
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  21. Kanishk161

    Kanishk161 Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2016
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    This was one of my major reasons for joining audiosex, to find people who acknowledge music and respect it.
    i've had encounter with people who say EDM is just computer and a mouse, anyone can make it and that if you dont play any instrument then you dont know what music is, stuff like that. but thats just some of the people in this world who indeed are stupid. only thing to remember is "ignorance is bliss". i've had my younger brother say to me that every other music genre is bad except rap and that sure pisses me off but in the end its his opinion and it does'nt bother me anymore since i enjoy music whatsoever.
    cant say for sure but i've noticed music industry change its focus from music to showbiz more which is one of the more reasons why nowadays everyone wants to be in the business so as to get the same luxury and things big artists have.
    in the end "ignorance is bliss", enjoy yourself and forget about them ignorant peeps.
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