The Place We Called Home - Downtempo

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by zero-frag, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Hey everyone,

    I decided to experiment a bit.

    I love soft/sad piano tracks with strings and I also love vinyl hip hop drums.

    I combined both worlds and created this track, I think it sounds pretty dope but I'd love to hear some feedback on it.

    Let me know what you guys think

  3. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Listening right now.
    I don't know if the noise crackling fits the song.
    Digging the piano, very nice and enjoyable melody! Love the strings too. Volumes are really good
    Wow these drums are really cool. I kinda understand why you put the noise at the start (it's still playing actually), but the vintage/crackling stuff works very well on the drums. Still not convinced on the noise, I'd remove it completely and see if it works well without it.
    The closed hat (the one that plays fast) is a bit too high/prominent, it's almost replacing the piano in the foreground
    I'm really liking the composition. I mean to me it looks "simple", just some notes on a piano and other instruments, right? Very well made, the drums were awesome.
    PS: the vinyl crackles could be good only at the end/start maybe? I'd remove them anyway actually, it's as if they don't fit with the piano

    Good job, you have my Love it! rating


    EDIT: How would you tag this kind of song on Discogs? Downtempo / Piano music? I'm checking your stuff, neat! Are you participating in the cinematic contest?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  4. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. I'll open the project up later tonight and try the crackle only at the beginning/end. I did that on a track before, maybe you're right, maybe it will fit better as intro/outro. I'll see if i can decrease those high hats a bit without losing the flow of the drums.

    For the genre of music, I have no idea what this is :P. I know Tom Day makes music sort of similar to this, and he calls it downtempo so that's what I call it but don't quote me on it :D

    For the orchestral contest, I am on the list, yes ! But I have yet to finish something based on the theme :D. Deadline is getting close so I dunno if i'll have something out of the oven by then. Got a few ideas down, some epic 4 bar loops but nothing concrete yet.