Serum timebomb fix?

Discussion in 'Software' started by DarkLizzard, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    I have handsoff. I'll have to you around with and block.
  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    That's fine. That's a subjective evaluation.
    That, however, is not. To an extent 'most complete' is a subjective term, but capabilities and features are quantifiable, and Serum blows most everything out of the water. You could make an argument for Zebra perhaps, but Sylenth and Diva aren't even trying to accomplish the same thing. They're just trying to sound like analog synths... to say nothing of u-he, because their stuff is fantastic (I'm less a fan of Sylenth). But those synths offer a fraction of the functionality of Serum.

    This isn't meant to be a condescending question - do you really dig in on synthesis and sound design? It kind of sounds like you're forming your opinions based on what other people have said about it. I'm not saying this is you (because I have no idea), but if you're just mostly loading presets and making a couple tweaks, then your opinion of any given synth is basically limited to the competence of whoever is designing the preset packs.

    Lol. I call bullshit. If you don't own serum, then you did not in fact see complaints on xfer's site, as the Serum forum is private to people who own the synth.
    And Diva is $180. Sylenth is around $140 I believe and the good folks at LennarDigital went ahead and charged users for a new version that adds a whopping nothing to the previous. By contrast, Duda updates Serum all... the... time. He has added more than enough features to constitute a verision 2 for which he could have charged for an upgrade, not to mention a positively top notch multiFX version of the plug-in free to Serum owners.

    The guy put years into Serum before he released it, and still treats improvements thereto like his primary job, and has never charged his users for updates or upgrades, and is faster with support than any developer I've ever bought from except maybe Soundtoys... and you're calling him greedy for the $190 price tag?

    First off... who was calling for help? Me personally? I never made a big deal about the Windows privacy crap. My music computer is offline.
    Secondly... what does that last part even mean?

    You are welcome to your conspiracy theories about how Serum will become rental only (which is kind of a moot point since it works on simple serial activation), but before you go calling my comments cheesy, I would respectfully suggest you make an effort to know what you are talking about.
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  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I'm also on MAC Yosemite 10.10.5 and after having patched SERUM v1.113 blocking from opening links
    IT DOES request a Serial Number! To block the function asking for it, the code inside the binary must be patched!
    Then once the code is patched it doesn't load any Preset, refreshing the content (scan) doesn't help, when trying
    to load Presets SERUM crashes. There are more spots in the code needed to be patched.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
  4. kostovas

    kostovas Kapellmeister

    Sep 15, 2013
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    I like the preset timebomb thingy because it might block people from making presets and selling them without a license. I wonder if anyone has tried saving a preset with a non legit Serum but load it in a registered version to see if there will be a message of some kind.

    MORTIX Kapellmeister

    Sep 22, 2015
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    In el capitan it crashes when i load a preset.. So no luck here.. Thinking about buying it with this splice deal.. Is a great way to stop the headaches..
  6. mouse

    mouse Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    If you need it then buy it. I have worked in business for 40 years and if you can't afford it then you don't need it. Try the crack to test and then do what you think is required. JMPW.
  7. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I defo think that teh Duda's de-de-de-de de-do-Duda dancing is well underrated and unappreciated, also (NSFW):

    Compare. Contrast. 5 seconds vs ~2 years. It's quite generic, quite overrated wave synth, that sounds ok and borks (various things) from time 2 time. But pretty!

    Yes, yes we can. And I will. Kinda. Teh good thing in Serum is teh interface. Which is pretty. And has lots of oscilloscopey wibble <3. Which finds my approval, cos I <3 teh scope. The problems are most eloquently explain 2 us by teh Duuuuda. He proudly proclaims himdelf "a mathematician" in an entitled, superior sort of way. As if he auto deserves deadmau5 $ 4 studying math @ school. As if musicians aren't much interested in math. But he uses this is to dismiss automation of switches, for example. I, personally, wanna have everything controllable by MIDI. I wanna be able 2 assign keyswitches 2 shit, and aftertouch to piss, if i so desire. Apparently "mathematicians" dismiss this as a silly fad, and "do it quicker" than us empty-headed musicians by typing stuff in rly quick, or smthn. Kinda permeates the product, rly. Ditto the silly AP thing that exposes info, opens sites etcs, something that automatically puts a dev on the "don't buy" list, for me. But it is pretty!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  8. lmms

    lmms Newbie

    Aug 27, 2016
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    I know the video, he said he hired a mathematician, not he is one. You sound like you're looking for reasons to hate...
  9. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    I understand that there needs to be more patching and sorry if I typod but I'm actually on 10.11.5 and it time bombs in a weird way in which I don't have to register anymore. It does load the website on certain patches but I no longer have to add serial at all. It's a weird glitch maybe only my computer is experiencing but it's an awesome one where It doesn't render serum useless.:beg:
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
  10. 2brokegirls

    2brokegirls Newbie

    Aug 28, 2016
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    Solution to solve this problem is to use the 32-Bit VST version. Download the Demo from Xfer, install the Demo. Download Update to 1.068b and Patch it. After Patch 1.068b you can install 1.11.b3 very easy and without problems. After that your Serum will run without any problems, you can save files and add new files without even closing the programm and serum will not longer open any website wich means you dont need to block anything. If you dont want to do this just rent it on splice. very ez
  11. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Then they offer something else (quality, perhaps).. otherwise all other devs, like it was already said 1000 times on this forum, would be broke. (BTW I just named 4 "famous" synths, not even the right ones to remotely compare..)
    Busted! was doing that on DX-21 and commodore-64
    Well here you are not expressing (aggresivly) your opinions anymore, but you are calling me a liar. That is not nice! Please try xferrecords . com -> Forums (a bit right from "Home" button) -> General... "I would respectfully suggest you make an effort to know what you are talking about." (borrowed this from your post)
    Don't know. don't care. My post was an opinion(!) and I wasn't addressing you - I wasn't even quoting you.

    Like every other SW that became rental only.

    Now I would kindly suggest that we agree to disagree and rather make some noise /w our fav synths!
    Take care! :wink:
  12. MORTIX

    MORTIX Kapellmeister

    Sep 22, 2015
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    @2brokegirls The fix you are saying is only for windows right?
  13. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    is this working for both mac & windows ? ( I'm on mac )

    + on a personal note: your avatar/nickname is taking to me :rofl:
  14. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    first it looks like you talking about things you dont have a knowledge for and dont even own Serum too . your opinion looks like are borrowed from reading crap somewhere else .

    did you even have bother to read ? the General Forum Posts are from Guys which didnt even own Serum and running a cracked Version and or the demo and dont even know to find the Serum Preset Folder .

    if you dont like Serum thats ok , but talking bs without even owning this synth and opinions on other user which running a cracked version and are a no go . again the preset thingy and serum does not work thingy over to this Xfer General Forum are from guys running a cracked Version and or the Demo .

    all in all , i also suggest you make an effort to know and learn yourselves what you are talking about .
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
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  15. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    YES I did! Did you?!?! Steve Duda is hosting a forum for users of cracked software?? And he is spending time solving their problems??? You must be joking...

    For the record: if I think that the synth is overrated or overpriced that does NOT mean that I don't like it. I've never said that! I wrote in this very thread that for certain musicians it can be the ultimate synth. You can check it anytime.. and I hope this stops here.

    I apologize @DarkLizzard for the intrusion. We should try to help or get out of here. I have difficulty solving any Mac related problem. On Win7 64 everything OK. Please, always specify your OS..
  16. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    no i´m not joking , read it for sure , and i also know exactly what i´m saying . again , you are talking again about things you dont have the knowledge for . The General Forum is visible for everyone which dont own any Xfer Products . the Serum Forum you see only if you have buy this Synth and own it . he is definetly not hosting a Forum for user of cracked Software and he suggest there those user to buy it before .
  17. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Im using 1.074 on windows 7 without ANY issues.
  18. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Oooh BURN!

    Your post started off by addressing the rest of us as "ladies" and saying our comments were "cheesy", ultimately borrowing/responding to two unique phrases directly from my post, in what could easily be a condescending tone. Yeah, you weren't adressing me. You were taking pot shots - just doing it in a roundabout way so if I retort you can play the "noo that's aggressive stop it you're being mean" card.

    C'mon guy. You were acting a little dickish. It's fine, in a day or two we'll both stop giving a shit and probably post helpful responses in each other's threads or something. All I ask of anyone is man up and own it. You won't get points for painting me as the aggressor.
  19. DarkLizzard

    DarkLizzard Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Sorry for not mentioning my OS. I have Windows 7 64bit

    The patched version of 1.113 that was released worked fine for me so now I don't have any problems.
  20. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    AMEN to that. English is not my first (nor second) language, as you may have noticed. So I am a little rough around the edges /w it. I'd like this forum a bit "loose", a place where you don't need to think twice before you (re)act and where a joke here and and a tad of conspiracy theory there doesn't start a war. As I don't get any "points" for let's say 70% discount on gear ..and the guys at KVR will soon start laughing at us I suggest we stop giving a shit right here, right now. You seem like a clever guy and someday I may well need help from you or something.. :wink:
    Don't be sorry. it's just easier to help if we know something about your setup. Sure those who solve or don't have the problem don't come here and report it.. which in this case is OK! That way the dev's give us a little more time to "evaluate" the SW. :)
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