Created Dreams new track: Lost In Time

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by kolutshan, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. kolutshan

    kolutshan Member

    Dec 1, 2014
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    Dear all,

    after your great feedback for the first track "Drive" John Holmes is back with another movement and traveling based concept track: "Lost In Space". This time the song lifts up through space and time to uncharted galaxies and unknown places. I hope you like and enjoy the following minutes with it.

    Im keen for any feedback from you and really appreciate your *insights. (edit: thnx famouslut ;).

    Thanks and all the best,
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  3. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I also appreciate my insides! XD Anyway @ 1st i was liek "fucking didgeridoo" but fortunately it stopped. Please delete! Rly off-putting even if ur Aphex Twin. Quite liked (maybe even <3) the non-musicalness of that horrid (brilliant) Mellotron squeaky string horror. (song) Ended up being quite hypnotic liek u intend, well done. U could maybe have lil moar variety in the conga part, lil annoying, sound of it was lil cheap also? U kept up wi driving insistence of teh "hype train" thru drums etcs, but u cud have used just side-chain with lil gated wind sfx* 2 transition into stop? Dunno.

    * difficult 2 explain what I mean without saying chopping up that "train going into tunnel" fx and making it into a rhythm. I think it's called smthn like compression wave, recorded from inside.
  4. kolutshan

    kolutshan Member

    Dec 1, 2014
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    Thnx for your review and for the hint of my insides error XD
    I really liked that didgeridoo but guess it would be annoying if used more often in the track. I never tried sidechain compression and need to check that out, got some tipps for that? But I could imagine that this would work well with the "steam-train" gate, chopping sound thing.
  5. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Sidechaining is just sort of quick and easy way 2 cntrl (ie) compression using an instrument / whatevs. It usually means that u have 2 have ur (ie) kick on one (separate) track, which can be bit annoy when u have 2 cpy. It (kick, whatev) basically acts as a trigger for the effect, which is "chained" onto separate track (ie pad whatev). There's loads of tutorials on Youtube, prly just input ur DAW name + sidechain. I mean, u can sidechain anything rly, not just compression, but it's just quick way 2 rhythmically duck stuff. I dunno, i kinda thought u built up solid, driving foundation, and cud almost start 2 "leave out" most (all?) the drums as u got near the end. But u know, it's ur ideas.

    Oh yeah, it's ok about didj. Everyone likes the idea of it & messing around & sound of it. It's just a bit overused and cliché, generally. Also, i dunno what it rly says in context of the track?
  6. kolutshan

    kolutshan Member

    Dec 1, 2014
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    I see and have a look on some Cubase tutorials. But I also have the feeling that this kind of effect may be kind of overused er even cliché in terms of EDM music? But maybe I just don't know enough about the stylistic aspects of EDM.
    Regarding the didgeridoo sound, as I stated befor, I just like it and I think that good electronic music should have some kind of "organic" (sorry for the esoteric term) touch in it to be interesting (to my ears anyway). And the sound of it is kind of unique and interesting to mess with. Maybe thats the reason it happens so often (not that im aware of that)?
  7. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    The didgeridoo is fine for me, the problem is it's quite static. Try to change at least how it starts. I don't know what kind of samples or what you used, but in most songs, when there's a didge, it's quite dynamic with huge "POWW" and slow attacks and various stuff. But it shouldn't be a problem since it stops quite quickly

    I liked a lot most of the sounds. The conga and the drum part was kinda cheap I admit it, even the slut above can confirm it :bleh: (EDIT: I meant it's cheap compared to the previous part of the songs)
    Maybe it's just my ears and my headphones (can't listen to speakers rightnow) but the highs are a bit stronk, but it's more of a personal taste i think

    Can't tell you more than this about composition or anything, but I enjoyed it ))
  8. kolutshan

    kolutshan Member

    Dec 1, 2014
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    Thanks for your review and thoughts about the track :)
    The fun thing is, that I espacially choosed this kind of didgeridoo cause it had no poww and other dynamic changes in it. I liked it for its static nature for the context I wanted it in the song. But I guess thats how taste is different :)
    Can you elaborate what exactly you found cheap on the conga part?
  9. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Yeah, lil bit! But I thought if u used it 2 emphasise the (ie) lack of kick, it cud b effective. Just an idea that seems stupider in retrospect! Anyway, tis useful 2 know how 2 do it, if u need 2. It's only cliché because it's popular.

    It's a lil bit tinny and GM-ish, plus u can't imagine anyone (human) actually playing that with their hands. There's lots of good (tunable) libs for world music / perc that u can use on sister site. Or better yet just record urself playing bongos / whatevs!
  10. kolutshan

    kolutshan Member

    Dec 1, 2014
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    Yeah I'll definitely learn about sidechaining for the sake of it. Someday for another track it might become handy.
    And for the conga part I totally failed to see/hear the GM-ishnes that kinda sucks ;)
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