Whats the cheapest way to add more inputs to the RME fireface 800?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by jiggletiggles, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. jiggletiggles

    jiggletiggles Newbie

    Feb 11, 2016
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    I would like more inputs and outputs. I currently have a fireface 800 connected via firewire

    INPUTS: I will be using out of the box pres for these inputs so I don't need preamps. They will mostly be random sound sources I dont use often but would like them to always be connected to an input should I absolutely need to use that $10 casio keyboard on something.

    outputs: i would like to use an old teac mixer to experiment with analog summing. would it matter which devices outputs i am using to run thru the mixer? does it matter which one will capture the two track mix back into ableton?

    I will be buying used on ebay most likely. so new prices don't matter
  3. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Ok, so the question you need to answer are: number of ins, number of outs, budget.
    What you need is a dac with adat interface and dependant to what your answers to the questions above are you will come to a choice.
    Note: quality correlates with price when it comes to dacs. There is no good cheap dac.
    Cheapest and worst, as always = Behringer.

    And on a side note: for the best quality you will need a master clock, but that's really the icing on the cake.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2016
  4. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Not really, if the interface can output a clock, you can just clock the AD from it and call it a day
  5. I guess you would be going back into Ableton from the main output of the board. You will need as many dedicated sends from the DAW as you can manage/afford, and it of course depends on how many tracks the Teac affords you. The more you have the less summing will be done itb. Every group you create in Ableton is a sum, so less is better if you wish the summing to be external. Which Teac are you thinking of? If it is big enough it might even be cool to use it as the centerpiece if your studio. Faders and knob twiddling is more fun than a barrel full of monkeys.
  6. benzo

    benzo Newbie

    Jan 23, 2014
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    You just need an AD DA converter hooked onto one of your 2 ADAT ports and 2 toslink cables (1 for ins, one for outs).
    your choices if u're on budget are behringer converters which work fine btw. Discontinued ADA8000 stays at €80/100 used, the new one (ADA8200) costs under €200.
  7. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    I too encountered a similar decision 8 months ago. I went for a second hand Behringer ADA800. Connected to an M-Audio projectmix i/o. It has been perfect for my needs, though I'd avoid using high transient instruments like drums as there is no pad on the pre-amps.
  8. jiggletiggles

    jiggletiggles Newbie

    Feb 11, 2016
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    Value is most important to me. I am willing to pay more if an item retains value and adds more to my art. At his point in the development and design of ADDAs I catn image a bottom of the line berhinger unit really making my stuff sound that much worse than a top of the line apogee. A better war to say that is, Does the apogee make my lo-fi recordings sound 8x better than a beheringer would at 1/8th the price?
  9. jiggletiggles

    jiggletiggles Newbie

    Feb 11, 2016
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    thx. im looking at thes eon ebay. they seem to sell for $100.
  10. I gave heard that the newer 8200 Behringer contraption is not horrible and it will get you through until you feel you want that little more less crispy, more rounded top end.
  11. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Any old interface with an SPDIF will expand what you have. I bet there are some cheap Tascams out there, etc. I have an old one in my desk drawer. My experience is the cheapest way in audio is rarely satisfying. With audio, like any tool, you are better off to get the best tools you can afford, in the long run. Why do you need more ins and outs? I record drums with 9 mics and 10 channels. For live I run drums as a sub mix if I need to free more inputs. My PreSonus has 8 in 4 out, and I can add my ART pre amp through the SPDIF to get two more inputs.
  12. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    That's odd My presonus 1818VSL has:
    • 2 dual-purpose, front-panel, mic/instrument input channels with:
      • Combo XLR mic and balanced ¼" instrument input
      • Class A XMAX mic / instrument preamp
      • Individual channel-trim controls with 0 to +35 dBu mic gain range
    • 6 dual-purpose, front-panel, mic/line input channels with:
      • Combo XLR mic and balanced ¼" line input
      • Class A XMAX mic preamp
      • Individual channel-trim controls with 0 to +35 dBu mic gain range
    • 2 balanced ¼” main (L/R) line outputs
    • 8 balanced ¼” auxiliary (L/R) line outputs
    • 8 channels ADAT optical input and output (at 44.1 or 48 kHz; 4 channels at 88.2 or 96 kHz)
    • 2 channels (stereo) S/PDIF coaxial input and output
    • 1 stereo ¼” headphone output with level control
    • 1 BNC word-clock output
    • MIDI In/Out
    • 1 USB 2.0 port
    Be aware you have more analogue outputs than you thought my friend. And the price has has dropped $100.00 since we bought ours. Dang!
  13. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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  14. I don't believe it is of benefit to use your mathematical analogy to discuss the merit of how much better gear will infuse a sense of quality in your recording. It would more be, typically with some exceptions, closer to 2 times better spending 8 times more. I am not trying to be facetious, however it is extremely difficult to put a value in the former of a ratio of quality return in the way of monetary value. Think cars. Is a $125, 000 Porsche 8x less a car than a $1,000,000 Ferrari, is the Porsche 8x the car of a $15,675 Honda Fit? All three will get you from point A to point B in exactly the same amount of time (but of course not in a race).
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2016
  15. jiggletiggles

    jiggletiggles Newbie

    Feb 11, 2016
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    You need to factor in perception. If I BELIEVE the behringer is GOOD ENOUGH then that's all that matters for my needs since I am making music. Which is as personal and subjective of an art form that has ever existed.

    Bottom line: If I think I have better ears than you and the $100 unit sounds good to me then the discussion is over. All that matters is perception when it comes to this art form. My studio is personal and just for me so no need to worry about anyone else.
  16. One person's "muted highs" is another's "hey this sounds so analoge". Whatever works for you. I was eyeballing the Behringer 8200 in order to use it's converters which are just fine. At $30ish a channel for Cirrus converters (Prism Orpheus - Cirrus Logic. Some Lynx gear - Cirrus Logic. Some Mytek - Cirrus Logic. Some Apogee - Cirrus Logic) maybe a no-brainer. They fixed the bad overheating problem from the 8000 model and now with new the implementation in the design around these Cirrus chips we get a 3 year warranty which means they mean to overcome their bad reputation of throw away junk. I could now use my outboard preamps through the 8200 with the Babyface keeping clock and have the 3rd and 4th inputs to the DAW be the Baby's mic pres, which I happen to really like for some things because they are clean, clean and cleaner. I have no need at the present time for more than 4 microphone inputs, and being the snob I am would not be using the 8200's mic preamps anyway. $235 where I live, but is this really something to die for? I'll let you know if I cave and buy a Behr.....!
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