
Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by angel, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    dude its a tough time for anyone in your trade at the moment, but talking crap about speeds will just put more people off.

    I was singing zeveras praises just a few weeks back. been a user for a while now


    my advice
    stop 'chatting shit' on forums
    'sort the downloading speeds and availability out'.

    or you'll have to do something else for a living.
  2. aceraceracer

    aceraceracer Newbie

    Apr 8, 2012
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    Let me add my 2 cents worth.

    I paid for an zevera premium account because i thought I could use oron too. Upon logging in I discovered that I needed to buy traffic from them separately. This was misleading and only in the fine print. So I did and paid for 30 gigs and was promptly billed twice. I contacted them regarding this and said just double my traffic to 60 gig and received this reply


    Double code can only be used to double your Zevera account – it will not double your extra traffic purchase (Oron/ul.to)."

    In other words get stuffed. I don't see why buying to blocks of 30 gig traffic doesn't equal 2 blocks of 30 gigs as they were 2 transactions of buy 30 gigs.

    I then got an email from 2 checkout stating I will be refunded for the following reasons

    "A credit/refund has been issued on the following order.

    Sale: 46781***6
    Amount: 12.68

    Additional comments: Fraud

    A refund can be issued by 2Checkout for various reasons, including:

    1) Requested by the cardholder.
    2) Requested by the vendor.
    3) Failed internal fraud checking.

    Your refund should appear on your credit card/bank statement within the next 7-10 days."

    Hopefully I will get a refund. In any case the Zevera end couldn't have cared less.

    Now, let me talk about their service.

    Very slow Oron traffic and I have yet been able to download anything from any of the other hosts. I just get "Temporarily Inactive try in 30 to 180 min."

    Maybe I am being unfair and I am getting what I paid for - a substandard service. You may think you are saving money and in theory it is a good idea, however if you can't download anything easily or quickly it defeats the purpose of the service.

    Summary, steer clear of this donkey.
  3. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    So nice to see people register here and have only 1(!!!) post just to say something negative about us... I think i do not need to elaborate more on that....

    At least we are here with our name stating who we are... Replying and showing that we care about our customers....

    As you said in your post, you received an email from 2checkout... So why is that a Zevera issue? Please tell me!! 2checkout have a fraud check mechanism.... If they think you are trying to trick them they will cancel the transaction and refund you the money....

    There is nothing Zevera can do about it....

    Ask and you shall learn.... If you had just written to us all of this could be avoided....

    PS: You could not download from other hosters probably because your account is not premium after the fraud fail of payment...

  4. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    I hope that now that everything beggins to gel, things have improved!
  5. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I think this is an issue that MOST of the Debrid services are facing.

    I have a Premium account with AllDebrid and have had nothing but GOOD to say about them for the last 3 months.

    HOWEVER, it has seemed that over the last few weeks the number of links "actually" available is diminishing by the day.

    I guess this is due mostly to the Hoster`s catching on and just making life harder for the Debrid providers.

    We ALL knew things were gonna get tough in the Sharing game. The Debrid Service seemed like a ray of light in an otherwise VERY dark world.

    My hope is that these Guys manage to get the system sorted as paying the reduced monthly fee for near ALL Hoster`s instead of the over-inflated price for just one is a simple and effective solution for Me.

    btw ZEVERA, My AllDebrid account is up for renewal in the next couple of days so I think a "Test" account is a great idea. Be seeing You real soon. *yes*
  6. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    no oron(without paying extra)
    no upload.to(without paying extra)
    no rapidgator

    Speeds slow as shit 20k on a 30meg connection

    i'd give 5/10

    positives are:

    block GB account available
    no capcha
    99% of downloads work correctly

    looking around to other providers with block accounts
  7. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    http://extabit.com on zevera

  8. aceraceracer

    aceraceracer Newbie

    Apr 8, 2012
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  9. aceraceracer

    aceraceracer Newbie

    Apr 8, 2012
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    Yes I was so annoyed with your service that I looked for a forum to write a negative review. Being as lazy as i am, this speaks volumes. The fraud issue may have been 2Checkout, however your system was the system that billed me twice and then refused to credit me for the service I paid for. Enough said isn't it? I was just lucky that I got a refund. You might say it was negative Kama playing out against you.

    In any case, I think you could avoid all this negative publicity if you just clearly stated that extra must be paid if you want to use ORON. Stating "ORON traffic is not free" in fine print under a big ORON HOST icon is deliberately misleading.

    Positives are that Jetdownloader is a polished app. My suggestion is to focus on quality of hosts rather than quantity of hosts. Get rid of misery traffic caps even if you need to double the subscription costs as most value a frustration free service over cost. Purchase of extra Oron traffic should be clearly stated and spun as a positive as it is one of the few ways to use paypal to purchase the service.

    The sad thing is that all the seeds are there for a great service. Just deliver it and you would be so successful.

  10. Zevsux

    Zevsux Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    You can read their highly "moderated before your posts go go public" forum or facebook page for initial impressions. I was a user there for a month and I can relate my experience.

    1) BT and batch download support (Went down real quick though *No longer supported*)
    2) Expiring traffic on unused hosts (Might occur on random)
    3) Pathetic daily bandwidth for uploaded.to (2gb?? LOL)
    4) Bloated download manager (Jet, 100+mb.. why must NET+ be integrated into the installer? Look at IDM which is only 9mb+ in size and even the feature rich jdownloader is only a quarter of the size. Kiddy script programming?)
    5) Generated links error out frequently (file not in server etc) when links are intact in their respective filehosts) Even correctly generated links queued in IDM will still error out sometimes.
    6) Admins like to argue with their customers. Tons of lame excuses when users file complaints (File hosts are overloaded (Total BS IMO, I am on another similar service and have never encounted such crap)
    7) The most used response (Send us links so we can check). I want to download with ease. Who the hell in their right mind will want to waste time doing this everytime some shit appears? I use IDM and do not want to install your buggy jet crap which doesn't seem to do wonders as well
  11. Zevsux

    Zevsux Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    I'll definitely recommend alldebrid for the number of hosters which far exceeds zevera and the price.
  12. samsong

    samsong Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    I am a Zevera user and have been since last year. And yes, I registered just to post this because people were showing off their download screenshots, so I thought I'd share some of mine.

    To me, it seems that the bulk of these comments saying 'Zevera is a scam', 'Zevera doesn't work' comes from a core group of people who are for some reason driven to share their views all over. Due to the nature of Zevera and how they operate, I'm sure there are people out there with legitimate gripes who need to air their grievances, but there are absolutely people who jump from site to site to post their half-truths, lies and everything in between. The motivation for this group is abundantly clear: they're out to smear Zevera's image.

    I'm not, by any means, saying that all of these negative posts or views are from 'Zevera competitors' or others who may have an interest in defaming Zevera: I'm certain there are a number of legitimate gripes out there. On that vein, here are some negative points about Zevera from my personal view:

    * Their 10-file-download limit restriction in their refund policy is ridiculous. I have no issues, personally, with their day limit (I think it's 5 days) or bandwidth limit (I think it's sufficient), but seriously -- you can't even attempt to accurately gauge the value of a download service by restricting the refund option after only 10 downloads. I think this restriction would actually hurt business.

    * Their support is not perfect. Don't get me wrong -- I think they try to do a good job (and mostly do a good job) and they really do work to try and help their customers and be sure their customers are happy, but my perception is that if you push something too far in their opinion, they might ignore you. Some of the people I've talked to have been exceptionally nice and helpful, others... they're helpful to an extent and it seems if they get annoyed by you, you won't get any help. I say this as a user and as somebody who spends a lot of time reading feedback on the service.

    * In the past, their website has been unreliable. It's well-known for being slow, but there were times for several days in a row when the site would either simply not load or say something like 'service not available' at random times (this year). While these issues were short in duration, they still happened and were annoying. Then, you have the database errors printing out to the screen -- that happened regularly for a while, though I didn't see where it affected downloads much if at all. In fairness, lately the site has been good -- it loads pretty fast and I haven't run into too many errors on the site itself.

    As for download speeds -- Zevera download speeds are mostly good or great, and they have been since I started using the service. Sure, I'll run into the occasional dud that crawls along at 30KB/s, but I'll normally get my VPNs' max speeds when downloading, which ranges from 2MB/s - 4MB/s+ depending on whether I'm wired or wireless. Here are some examples. The first one is this month, the other is from back in February and both are browser downloads:



    I've now used both their Gigabyte packages and their monthly packages, and they're both good options. However, if you don't download every day, opt for the Gigabyte packages so that you can use up what you purchased at your leisure instead of worrying about losing access after xx days.

    From my perspective, the one major thing that Zevera lacks is a 'wow' factor. I'm sure there are plenty of generally-happy Zevera users, but the problem is just that: they're generally happy and not pleased enough with the service to go out of their way to post their positive thoughts about the service. I can see that Zevera does a lot to make their customers happy, but I think that some of the problems that some users experience kind of washes some of that away so they see Zevera as 'pretty good most of the time', or 'decent', or 'it works' and so forth.

    I'm not here to rag on Zevera or even to defend them too much, really. I just wanted to add an equalizing voice to this conversation that seems to be dominated by some with questionable intent.
  13. Zevsux

    Zevsux Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Are you only getting cruising speeds with VPN? Not everyone has a VPN though it is an option but expensive. I hit max speeds on my other similar service but without any proxy/VPN shit. Maybe you are one out of a handful which has a smooth experience but zevera needs to cater to the majority of their users.
  14. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    some host fast some hosts slow

    what speed are you with extrabit?

  15. samsong

    samsong Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    I only download using VPNs, but very few give my actual available speed, and none of them do it consistently. I use them for privacy from my ISP and from Zevera. They can be expensive, but some of the smaller sellers are more affordable than the major VPN suppliers.

    I didn't say my experience with Zevera has been smooth, rather that downloads usually work well. Especially when I first signed up I was quite unhappy with their website until I learned how to download files without having to use their site. Had I purchased a monthly account versus a GB account, I wouldn't have stayed with them... their site was way more buggy then than it is now. I know there are a lot of factors that affect file download experiences between users, but I can't relate to people who say no downloads work or they're all slow because I don't see how it's possible: I use the same service and that isn't how it works for me. I'm not doing anything special, if anything, I was going against Zevera's advice for a long time by only using browser downloads. I've since switched to the Jet Downloader and although it seems excessively large and it's not fast-loading on my old laptop, I get great download speeds for most files I download so far.

    I don't know why others claim to have such poor experiences, but I do know that if the bulk of Zevera users were so unhappy with the service as to post things like this, they wouldn't be in business anymore. People can make up multiple accounts to post their thoughts about Zevera all over the internet, and legitimate one-off complaints from former and current users may scare off some potential customers, but they'll continue to have members like me that continually renew their accounts because they find the service useful. Plus, they are much more 'privacy friendly' than other similar services that I've looked into. Which, to me, is a huge selling point.

    If this is directed at me -- I don't know, but I think I was using Extabit when I had a slow download the other day -- maybe 30KB/s to 40KB/s. When I download, I always choose different hosters because I don't want to max out any particular hoster... but I rarely download more than 3GB per session, usually 1GB-2GB with 5-10 files. I plan on downloading some stuff today if I get time and I'll look for an Extabit link. If Extabit allows free downloads, I'll download the same file directly using the same VPN around the same time as a form of control, though I suspect that in many cases, if a download is slow with Zevera, it's slow with the hoster as well.
  16. Zevsux

    Zevsux Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Users are just hoodwinked by their ad which claims :

    Premium Downloading from 58 file-hosters
    Download any files you want without worrying about on which site they are hosted.

    Money-back Guarantee
    If you are not satisfied with our services, we give your money back! With ridiculous terms and conditions

    No daily limit on downloads
    Download unlimited number of files at incredible speeds! Oron traffic needs separate purchase

    Unlimited Parallel downloads
    Download as many files simultaneously as you want and never wait again!

    100% Secure & Anonymous
    Your downloading is totally anonymous as we are like an anonymous proxy server. Your credit card payment is processed via reliable third-party companies like PayPal, AlertPay etc… and we have no information about who you are.

    Again, their service is always unstable. Just go thru their facebook and forums (which is heavily moderated in THEIR favor)

  17. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I like zevera for a few reasons

    no "captcha"
    no silly "so many files per day"
    "block accounts" (i'd have used mine up quicker if zervera was fast)
    does quite a few hosts

    "customer service" is alright

    - negative
    but speeds are pretty dire

    i dont feel like i wasted my money.
    but sometimes i feel a bit "dicked around."

    if there was a faster alternative with more hosts and block GB accounts i would probably change.

    i get bigger stuff through NEWSGROUPs ie Astraweb
  18. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Did you consider the possibility the low speed to be because of extabit and not zevera?
  19. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    I was sure you would recommend them or the other site owned by them...... Enough said....
  20. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    My suggestion stop using browser for download..... Use any DM..... Also consider that speeds might be low because of hoster itself and not us.....
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