A must-read for you "wannabe-bedroom producers"

Discussion in 'Genre Specific Production' started by LuckySevens, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I don't see how the video posted might have anything to do with me/us. "Pop" music is this ambient noise heard in stores and on randomly-encountered radios. It's the music of the world of shopping malls and get-shitfaced nightclubs, which are off my everyday map. It's something that really-young people outgrow. Its personages are pictures and text encumbering gossip/entertainment blogs from which I navigate when force-linked to them. It's the Lardassian family. It's talentless monkeys who are shoved down the throats and up the asses of the public. It's the dumbass magazines on racks by the registers at the supermarket and the drugstore. It's "who's-banging-whom" gossip, like in high school. It's Katy Perry's big floppy tits. It's Taylor Swift's robotic stage movements. It's Miley Cirrhosis's tongue and armpit hair. It's Kanye's incomprehensible blabla. It's Lady Caca. It's the Beyoncé/Jay-Z Power Couple hype. It's music for children to masturbate to. It's got absofuckinglutely nothing to do with my life nor with my artistic endeavors.

    Paul Joseph Watson is a true mensch.
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  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You cant really grow balls by constantly bending down,you can not grow confidence,artistic integrity and long time happiness with such behaviour.
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  3. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    This is not the only corp that went around buying up as many EDM talent and labels as possible to try to control the industry...

    Whenever anything arises it is co-opted buy corporatism. The combination of corporatism and the state is Fascism.

    If you ever read or heard of the book, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" warfare is first done thru economics, then, if they fail to take the silver, they get the lead. The actual struggles that go on between ppl with big bucks and bad intentions is usually kept opaque from the general public.

    I didn't really see this thread before, but don't think the general rule is: talent and luck can make you successful.

    It does happen but, more often, as I had the displeasure to experience myself, my wife had an affair with Howie Silver (Howard Silverman) from Paradise Productions*. Idt he still is there, because he was old (around 60 I forgot, best guess is 54), it was during the Presidential election cycle before Obama. All his friends were taking Russian chicks, so he wanted to be different and took my Puerto Rican (wife). She was really good looking at the time and was Belly Dancing with her friend she met at a Mommy and Me reading workshop at the public library, who taught her how to belly dance and have affairs. She eventually did open for the Gypsie Kings at one time. Well, long story short, Howard offered her parts in movies or promotion as a singer. This was mostly while she had part of him in her mouth. Manufactured "talent" is the norm.

    That's how most business is conducted in the entertainment industry and maybe, given the leaked Sony emails, most corps. How do you think Barbara Walters got to where she got? She slept with everyone including Yasar Arafat. Now that's going the extra mile.

    Consider the desire for fame and fortune a character flaw, because it is. Make music to satisfy yourself, or as I do, to find relief from my fk'ing life. Sia, if she's not just fk'ing nuts, has the right idea.

    @stevitch Paul Watson may be a mench, but he's not smart. Trying to influence ppl with facts, when Hitler said use emotion, is a fools game. Yes, I just fk'ing read Mein Kampf, because I was always told not to, and guess what? The same tactics he describes being used by the communists of his time, is in use with the grandchildren and their demon seed NOW. Once you see the tactics they become ineffective, so, dare not learn, mench. I mean, the communist left are so emboldened they fk'ing killed the Ubermencsh in Batman v Superman (notice Batman first). Superman IS the USA. Read the 36 Stratagems. [Edit] Not leaving women behind, Today I learned Hollywood thinks girls can kill God, in X-Men (which is funny as hell, when MockingJay says it and doesn't realize, she's not a man.) I assume since women have already swallowed that if in the movies girls hitting men really make them fall down, without gagging, a super girl could kill God. Good luck with that ladies.

    If you want to see your enemy, watch who the state lauds. If you want to see your ally, see who the state defames. If you want to see your champion(s), see who the state never dares mention.

    *I also had the displeasure of DNA testing my second son, because there was a "grey" week, where it could have been Howard's kid. It wasn't, and she was mad at me for 2 weeks after. Sadly, I was sad for the kid too, he could have had a richer life, if not a better one. How fk'd up is that?
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
  4. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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  5. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    Kids should just listen to liquid drum and bass and be done with that bullshit pop music.
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  6. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    DUDE!!! You need help!!!!!!! :woot:
    You are well on your way to an aneurysm, a stroke or a heart attack. Quite possibly all three at once. :rofl:
  7. SharkBait O-reily

    SharkBait O-reily Kapellmeister

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Wow for someone who states a claim that I partially agree with, he really messed up his arguments.. as a matter of fact, most of his evidence are subjective points or are misunderstandings or incomplete information or complete misinformation from the knowledge and research of OTHER people...

    this dude is straight up like a TV reporter.. reporting what other people say without understanding the topic.

    and oh wow... his 'holier-than-thou' attitude..
    irony of ironies: superficial knowledge complaining about the superficiality of music..

    -FIRST FALLACIOUS argument.. the usage of less complicated words in lyrics... what? really? the genius of a writer has NEVER ever been claimed to be the wide use of big words at a higher grade level.. However, it has ALWAYS been the PURPOSEFUL use of diction, structure, form.. rhetorical device.. meter..., all of which are independent on the difficulty of the word used ... why don't those researchers look THAT up ...

    Hans Zimmer says he loves simplicity because it enters the heart more easily.. I guess he must be an idiot for thinking that because simplicity leads to homogenization..? Damn . .. someone should've warned him..


    -second argument: less diversity in notes??? Oh I guess those Spanish researchers think music ONLY consists of notes??? no mention of the explosion of different timbres from electronic instruments and other sound sources, advancement of recording technology and its use as a PART of the music itself (tone), the amalgamation of other styles of music and acceptance of difference rhythms, such as South Asian beats???


    -third argument: compression, kills the music?? He read that on some blog... you can tell because he doesn't even says what a compressor does cause he only says how compressors suck the life out of music.. it just does "according to experts' -- hey buddy, did you know that a compressor set with a very slow attack that grabs right after the transient and and a fast release won't kill dynamics but can change the envelope curve to accentuate the decay to be on time with the tempo of the music? if you said that to him.. would he have a clue of what we are talking about?? prob not... but a lot of people will listen to him anyway...


    less individuality, then the dude from fuse says all these pop artists are adapting all these new styles it's hard to tell them apart.. oh guess what.. when you adapt new styles into pop music, what are you doing? you are exposing a lesser known genre to the ears of others... sheesh man

    so here is a guy, like many youtube faux experts, that make claims that have terrible evidence that are learned from shallow blogs and passive reading of clickbait articles,written by other "experts"..

    music is highly personal and experiential and is often dictated by forces we are not in control of.. just because we don't understand or like something doesn't mean the people who do are idiots. if anything, it speaks of our own lack of imagination that we cannot understand how someone else could appreciate things that we don't like.
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  8. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    I apologize that the US still has freedom of speech and ppl can express their views, whether or not anyone else approves. You have every right to enter a debate and defend your opinions or destroy mine with evidence, but just using ad hominem attacks makes you concede to my argument. If you had any evidence or ability to counter my assertions or inferences, you'd produce them.

    Do I give a fk what someone with unknown training or skillset that doesn't know me think: uh no.

    Enjoy the days we have left, it's far less than you think, dingbat.
  9. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I miss the Cranberries.
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  10. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Oh hai Interwebz. I was wondering where I put you... :/
  11. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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  12. I think the post was more out of concern for your health, taxing your body reflected in the frenetic paced Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots "You knocked his block off!" style of prose. It might be an acquired taste for some and not for the faint of heart. :mates::dunno:
  13. abcordle

    abcordle Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Mars Hill
    What i would give to see these guys bashing Joseph Watson debate him:rofl:Now THAT would be entertaining:hahaha::hillbilly:
  14. quaymat321234

    quaymat321234 Newbie

    Jun 24, 2017
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  15. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    fuck this. too much to comment on in this video. the guy is an idiot who has kind of got a point, but knows nothing about music now or then and certainly nothing about the underground genres that have been raped of everything they are worth by pop culture. fuck this idiot, he is the very product that he is complaining about in his own video

    got to the end. his points on the worlds decay and its relationship with the music has been the same since the dawn of man, and its kind of a good thing. im not saying we should forget whats happening in the world, but we certainly shouldnt carry that weight on our shoulders every day!
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2018
  16. Rock and Roll is about fucking. This much I know.
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  17. kims

    kims Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2016
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    right on, and thats also because nobody could even dream of using the shitty vstis as a synth
    "i play 3 real instruments and i hear no difference" lol
  18. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Pop music died when the "record" stopped being made and bought, leading to the death of the Top 40. Pop music is one of those hobbies that is reliant on the hardware. You need physical, vinyl records, record players and a Top 40. That's the equation. Anything else replacing that is not pop music any more. Adults, who were the majority demographic buying records would not take up downloading and streaming, kids would be that new demographic. So, naturally, younger minds have to be fed simpler music. Even with the advance of digital technologies, the record should not have been stopped. The CD was the first to replace the record, then the DVD, which would be loaded with live performances and interviews etc. These digital discs were the first to contribute to the death of the record and Pop music. Radio stations were once the only source of new music, interviews with artists, comentary on the music and so on. Radio created the Top 40. If they want to revive Pop music, a few indie record companies need to get together and form an alliance. They need to also make and sell the records and record players. And make a statement that their music will only be available on records. They then invite talents from all genres to record for them. If the corporate radio groups won't play their records they would have to rely on just live performances and records. If THAT became popular, the corporate record companies and radio might think again. We could see the return of pop music.
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  19. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Is that Mika Hakkinen with a hat on 1:55 ?
  20. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Couldn't agree more my friend. And I know that from the inside. I work with this sh*t all day long .F*ck TV
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