what about this piano sound and reverb?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Uraz, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. Uraz

    Uraz Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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  3. Uraz

    Uraz Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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    Is there anyone here?~
  4. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Yes some one is there

    So far it sounds lovely. Excellent sunday morning music. Thanksfor that.

    Reverb/room sounds great.:like:
  5. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    well now i've listen all the way thru your pianoalbum and what i would do on each track is:
    Each track sounds too much alike except the first one, i would explore the posibilities with changing the Reverb/room setup on each track to better suit the emotion and feeling each songs gets across. To make the different themes more nuanced an create a better atmosphere with more depth.

    hope this helps
  6. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I like your work very much.
  7. Uraz

    Uraz Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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    Thank you for you Reply.
    My english is very very bad..because I'm korean. but I know what you say
    I learned a lot from you. Thank you
  8. Uraz

    Uraz Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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    And i like your Reply :)
  9. I enjoyed your melodies and the feeling that you are able to share through your compositions and with your hands.
  10. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I know repitition is boring, but I have to agree to sunshine. You have a sensitive soul, man. You can transport feelings - and I'm glad to hear a proof of my thinking that musicality is way more important than any mixing/mastering skills.

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Those songs are a wonderful collection of emotionally compelling music. I especially like, "Our Talk In My Dreams". Beautifully rendered... As far as I'm concerned, any talented performer will always shine, whether "digital" artifices are used or not. Makes me want to sit down at the piano and finished one of my own compositions...
  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @NYCGRIFF get with it kitty... we are awaiting your first full length release.. and don't Faoki us ok?

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Well, right now I'm composing a melody using just my right hand, as a car accident months ago put an end (not permanently I hope) to my two-handed attack. Been seeing a therapist for what seems like forever. As my forte is "Jazz", it remains to be seen how many folks will take to anything I might post here. In time, it'll get done, brother.
  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Jazz is cool... but yeah that sucks about your paw.. and it's your melody paw too... arrgghhh

    well..just do like the kitteh and bang it out anyway... stiff arm... :bleh:

    Jazz has never been a dirty word... so.. whip it out ! :rofl:

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Ha, ha... Thanks for the encouragement, man. This is the time I could use some Oscar Peterson skills. <lol> But right now, the left mitt and forearm feels as though a vice-grip has it in its grasp. The doc says I'm lucky to even be able to pick up a spoon. Hopefully, because I'm still relatively 'young', I'll be able to get it together. Remains to be seen...
  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    wow both of them are that messed up...?? how do you go on.. ? I would be near suicidal if I couldn't pick up my guitar
    and pick some notes out and strum a little .. seems like it's the only thing I have to keep me sane, and at least a little happy..
    don't mean to bring you down, just sayin' I feel for you with that man.. fo' real... :mates:

    speedy recovery .. get the physical therapy if you have to !

    worse case scenario .. you could end up ( ugh ) a drummer ! :rofl:

    nice tunes by the way @Uraz
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2016

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Thanks, bro. A drummer? Not hardly! <lol> By the way, it's not 'both' mitts. It's mainly my left hand and forearm. I can still perform fairly adequately with my right, but as you know, it just ain't the same. What keeps me from going stir crazy is messing around with my DAWs; putting some orchestral stuff together. Really don't need both hands to do some runs and phrases using some brass and wind Kontakt instruments. Before all of this drama, I was working on a fairly ambitious piece (a tribute to my late uncle (Jazz musician extraordinaire). I'll probably end up getting my "little" sis to finish the piano parts. I've been in physical therapy for months, and it's no picnic as you might expect.

    Yes, Uraz has a nice compilation of some really romantic pieces. He's got talent, for sure. Be easy, and thanks again.
  18. @NYCGRIFF .. Healing happens .. NOW!

    The very first time that I rode a motorcycle (1974 Yamaha FG350, that was one super quick bike) I crashed out. As I was falling forward I tried to scoot myself in the direction of my fall with my hands, but what happened was that my entire body weight came down and caused the fingers of my left hand to actually go backwards and opposite of my palm, my fingers actually bending backwards until they touched the back of my wrist. Snapping noises are never good in scenarios like this. Snap then my scream echoing off the canyon walls of Old Topanga Canyon Rd. I did some decent tendon and ligament damage. I was so terribly frightened that I would never again be able to play the guitar again, but two weeks later was able to begin wiggling my fingers every so slowly and without much range, painfully, holy shit how it hurt, but over the span of the next year from working very hard, began again to play. To this day I must dig in there daily and stretch and strengthen, but 20 some odd years later am able to play as if my accident had never happened.

    You will be fine in the end, you can count on that.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Our "digital extremities" are always at risk for injury. Compared to the rest of the body, they're really tiny. Think about it. We use our hands and fingers for just about every daily task you can imagine. Perfect example is what you described. Falling [awkwardly] backwards, you instinctively put out your hands (tiny fingers attached) with the hope of breaking the fall of your much larger body. Obviously, something had to give. In effect, one could say that your tiny fingers 'sacrificed' themselves for the good of your entire body. Imagine what could [would] of happened to you if you did not extend your hands to break your fall; the consequences would have been catastrophic. The point I'm making is that our hands are asked to do a whole lot for their relative size when compared to the rest of our body parts. For a musician (especially pianists and guitarists) the almost 'perfect' functioning of these little digits is beyond crucial. I definitely feel your pain, man. My auto accident, months ago, left my entire left side in bad shape -- especially my hand and forearm. I guess I should be grateful, because others involved in that horrific incident ended up in far worst shape. As you have stated, over time (with lots of physical therapy) things will get better. It's been tough, but certainly worth it. We don't realize how much we rely on these digits until something bad happens to them. I'm pleased that you you're back to playing normally. Stay healthy, bro.
  20. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I stubbed my toe last night, and wanted to pick that piece of furniture up and throw it.. resolving to never allow it to attack my tarsals again. It will be donated. Yes those digits are ever so delicate and unappreciative of hard impacts. Studying a piece I want to learn on piano my carpal tunnels start to revolt sometimes. I suppose you had to face hand pain just from playing sometimes eh @NYCGRIFF ?

    @superliquidsunshine good on ya that you got all your dexterity back.
    Maybe I will reconsider getting that ( eww ) used old Virago one of these days.. :bleh:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2016

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    <lol> Damn that reckless toe! Growing up, I had to have one of the most brutal piano teachers the world has ever known! Mr. Arthur A. Phillips (now deceased) was a real #%@$! But, his unrelenting methods ultimately stood me in good stead. He taught me about persistence, and gave me the mental music tools that enabled me to have a certain discipline towards practice. Unfortunately, his personality sucked, otherwise I would have stuck with him longer. On the subject of "practice", I recall comments by pianist, David Benoit, where he stated that he never practices. He said that his actual "playing" the piano is what he requires. An interesting poll here (might have already been posted) would be to ask how many minutes or (god forbid) HOURS are spent practicing on their instrument of choice. For me, those long practice sessions went bye-bye years ago. Like Benoit, I prefer to just play (time allowing). What are your thoughts on the subject? I would imagine that if you are an accompanist for a vocalist, part of a performing band or orchestra, or perhaps a solo concert pianist, then extended practice sessions would be in order. But, those damn drills we did as children are another story.

    Please don't remind me. "Tortuous" would be one description.
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