Plugin Alliance is GROWING!

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by coolbeanz, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. coolbeanz

    coolbeanz Platinum Record

    Jan 13, 2012
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  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    that sounds good :) but we have no team to get it cracked :sad: :snuffy:
  4. toleypuss

    toleypuss Newbie

    Oct 28, 2011
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    buying software is still an option
  5. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Will you please stop being old school.
  6. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    rich people should buy it, poor people could donwload it ?!?!?!?
  7. toleypuss

    toleypuss Newbie

    Oct 28, 2011
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    poor??? really??? quite sure about that are you? whilst sat indoors in front of a computer, monitor speakers ,souncard, midi controllers, broadband subscpiption...hmmmm i wonder what your average somalian or bangladeshi thinks of your definition of poverty.

    It always amazes me on these forums when people stangely have the cash for decent mics , genelec speakers , uad cards etc but the minute you mention the mere possibilty of occaisionaly paying for some of the software you use, then all of a sudden they turn into some cross between an albanian romany beggar and che guevara..."all stuff should be free maaan" ok dont forget to mention that to your boss when your looking for your paycheck at the end of a long week.

    Incidentally every scene nfo since the begining of time says exactly the same thing "...dont forget to buy the software you use"

    sadly theres too many pathetic douchebags who think the whole audiowarez scene is an endless free ride and on demand /online supermarket service where they can perpetually leech everything without ever paying their dues or supporting developers, you're basically pissing in the soup and are too stupid to realise it.
  8. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I suppose you would speak about the uploaders who are the first (and so often the only ones) to make money from the "warez business", isn't it ?
  9. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    if you want to know the truth , i ´m student and only have 190€ a month to live, i dont download everything but 90% iswarez the rest is orginal

    if the time is coming and i make moneey with music i will buy everything

    i dont know what you are talking about """ decent mics , genelec speakers , uad cards etc """ i have only the cheapest equipment thats avaiable on the market
  10. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    I paid for Reaper because it does WHAT I WANT not wtf some lame ass company aka Steinslut wants

    -I paid for all my guitars ( some on ebay and other sites)
    and I fix all my gear, tons of tools to repair anything from cars to guitar
    -I paid for Cakewalk studio 9 years ago
    -I paid for Studio One Pro
    -I paid for Edirol FA101 Interface
    -I paid for my mics ( for some favours lol, work free exchange)
    -I paid for all my computer gear
    -I paid for My Digitech 2112 Interface ( 1997 still running it every day)
    -I paid for my Line 6 Spider III 150 Amp
    -I paid for my Line 6 POD HD 500

    Okay this is just some small stuff but now I ask

    Most of the extra money I make on top of a 8-4 job is from doing some live mixing and some jobs around town

    so: Why do I steal (download software)?

    For me it's the concept of "It's for engineer's and pro's and you suck and can't afford it. therefore you have no right to use it or learn it" I can't stand that mentality and I see it all the time on mac users, the "I am best mentality" they get confused that apple does even even have an OS of their own last one was MAC OS 9 FOOLS!!! Mac os X is FREEBSD with their mac kernel from nextstep, STFU and move on!!"

    You know that fucking mentality is why no one today can hammer a friken nail on a piece of wood. It's why all our "learn on site " programs were killed, and is why our society is falling apart.
    Simply because "well it's for pro's and we shouldn't mess around with it"

    A big FU to that mentality

    just my 2 cents, can be arrogant but I can guarantee that some of you hate that mentality as well of being told well to bad lass you just a poor boy so f off.

  11. toleypuss

    toleypuss Newbie

    Oct 28, 2011
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    how is this in any way related to the above topic....random very random, but if people making a few tragic pennies from uploading warez bothers you then the answer is simple...dont download any or at least avoid those who use those hosting sites. simple really.

    nobody mentioned or implied that in any way, i think youve just gotten a little over excited. The "try before you buy" culture of warez groups has been a noble tradition for a long time , i have absolutely no problem with the impoverished amateur getting a crack at high end stuff, the problem only begins when people who have no intention of ever buying anything start moaning and whining because this weeks latest hot shit is not immediately available to them.Its a very short sighted and ungrateful attitude.

    ...or Let me put it another way, most of the records you love were recorded by people who had considerably less access to the tools you all now enjoy .

    Do you require anything new to help you fulfill your musical vision? (bearing in mind the already huge embaressment of riches you already posses).

    Theres no point in anyone crying because assign or air or whof*ckinever hasnt or wont crack the new plugin alliance or nexus or cubase 6 or whatever people are crying for this week, because the complete truth is that if you cant get by with the stuff you already have then your proper f**ked, you probably lack the talent in the first place and you'd probably be better off playing golf or computer games.
  12. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    First of all, I'm sorry for Coolbeanz, as it seems that his started topic about the new 'Plugin Alliance' 2012 Collection is going out of its context... :mates:

    So true !!!... *yes*

    Once again, partly true ! *yes* as I wouldn't be as 'sharp' in my argument because the 'Real Talent' is scarce and there would probably not exist so many artists and musicians (me first !!! :rofl: ).

    As so well stated by Toleypuss, older generations don't even had 20 % of all the quality gears we can afford now - either by buying them legal or 'trying' them 'warezed' :rofl: - and this doesn't prevented them from making very Great music ! *yes* :boombox:
    So, if you're an inspired (and if possible talented !) artist or musician, you don't have to care if you own only Cubase 4 or 5 rather than the 'last-in-date 6.5' with all the options available.
    In life, we must do what we can with what we have... (inspiration, talent, ultra professional material or less professional gears,... ). Reach to know and use what you have in your hands at the best you can, then be happy with that... :)
  13. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    To say the true, I was only sarcastic (for joking, as usual) - forgive me.
    You're 100 % right, and you've pointed out one of the two reasons why I'm going back to torrents each time I can.
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