mild pump milk: I became a father!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mild pump milk, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    @jeffglobal Just wondering.Do you use voice dictation or you type all these on your own? Cause i've seen many posts of you (and on other threads) that are looooooong. Just being curious .
  2. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Nah, it just parallels all the women in my life not believing my length either, because my hands and feet and nose for that matter are smaller than they should be.
    I always told them, it's a head above the rest. They always looked at me disingenuously. The only women that now believe I'm just longer are the women that actually have seen it so. They learn as well how width is important too at the same time...


    The only reason I can give for my longer than normal comments, in no particular order are:
    • I'm from a time where I was forced to learned how to type (@db I'm that old too, I've lived thru it to @db), and had a job once where I got up to 80-90 words per minute typing because I made it a meditation, so maybe I just type super fast.
    • I have an attention span longer than the average person, which nowadays is beaten by the average goldfish, so it just seems long, compared to others
    • I need to distract myself from being such a pussy, following the law, as I watch my government in general and now personally affect me by playing keep away with my sons over accusations without any evidence of any kind, from ppl that now have been shown to be completely untrustworthy. Not for nothing, but as a person used to taking charge and being the person in an emergency that's the calm one and just fixing the situation, being kept, government guns cocked and aimed at my head, under a standing threat of imprisonment, with constant delays for my day in court to exonerate myself, for years now, takes herculean effort, so I may be using this at times as a means of distraction, though everything I say, I stand by.
    @superliquidsunshine Hmmm, as a medic, I agree that death was the only smell (and at least while I had to witness an autopsy*, those body smells are different than the general decomposition smell that really gets me) that I never got used to, (animal death, for some reason didn't turn my stomach, which now that I think about it, seems weird...human death smell is hardwired into us, imo) but a homeless person with his foot decaying was worse for me. I still consider a good baby dump as gross to me as that guy's decaying foot (with the cartoon maggots, that's actually true!). With the death smell, I get a very uncomfortable stomach agitation I could never stop, but poopie diaper smell is just as offensive, sans the stomach flips. I missed nothing not changing ONE poopie diaper of my second boy, and you're job is way harder with a girl, I'm told^.

    I was able to eat M&Ms next to a puking patient waiting to be triaged, (I deserve a treat sometimes, damn it) so I'm talking about that level and comprehensive exposure to the gross smells of ppl.

    @LEGEND we're passed that now, now they are on to destroying the self, saying a kid is neither a boy or you understand the danger of that? The culture destroyers destroyed community thru destroying things "like" churches, they destroyed the family, now the coup d'grace, they are going to destroy the self. Feminism is no longer necessary, it did it's job, families in general don't exist. Government will now have no thing to oppose it. Or should I say, governance, Kings?

    *Did you know MEs use soup ladles to scoop out the general liquid that pools in the abdomin making their access to whatever they flip around harder to do? Did you know they use curved blades, and a leather belt to sharpen them before they take a body apart so fast, you think, damn, if he had to get rid of a body, 30 mins, and they'd never find you dude. Or eat you as a roast and never know. It was amazing how fast that guy cut up that body, and then chucked all the organs back into the torso. The only physical part was cutting the brain out, because it looked like the scalp is really strong, his helper literally used his body weight to pull the scalp back.
    ^I'd be a house husband in a second...women in the 50s and 60s fought for going to work and swallowing crap all day...(husbands would then return home, to swallow crap at home all night, yay) I would stay home, finish cleaning the whole house in at most 45 mins? Oh, hard life. Drop the kids and pick them up at school? Make a lunch. The horror!!!
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016

    LEGEND Guest

    Don't make your son support feminism. We the mighty men rule the world. Bitches suck.

    • Funny Funny x 1
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  4. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Now that's an awesome thread I didn't expect to see here. Congratulations, young daddy!

    Raise your son with tolerance and open minded. And enjoy the love he will give to you.
  5. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
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