How to watermark my audio? Software or manually?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Mundano, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    How did you arrive to that conclusion?

    @Mundano - Actually REAPER is paid software from the start. It used to cost $40 until v3 rolled out, since then it costs $60.

    At the same time, not all countries have a sane copyright registration system, for some you have to be registered artist first, give up half of your rights and at the same time pay inhumane fees, so going through the watermark way isn't that surprising.
  2. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    The last free version was v0.999 from 2006 or somewhen. Without many, many important nowadays features. I don't think that you stick with such an old version, especially when you're able to get actual Reaper version "for free" at this forums sisters site, as well as many other commercial plugins.

    Did you came here (to this forum) accidentally? I don't think so.
    I don't believe you when you say "I'm just using free software!". I won't believe it from anyone who says that here. And nobody would believe me if I'd write that here... (for reason! :D)

    Furthermore, you say you bought a lot of gear (worth ~10k bucks) but you're too greedy to pay $60 for your daw, and you're not willing to pay for a watermarking software. That's kinda nasty.
  3. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    I use Reaper because i downloaded it from it's official website and it works until yet without a limitation from their authors. Its a wonderful software, and when it would stop because of it's rules i will stop to use it.

    there are ppl here that ask questions because this site offers knowledge about audio, software, recording, etc. Thats because i came here in first place looking information about it.

    I've bought my gear through the years and i don't have to show you how i live and how my actual finances are. You are a very disgusting person to judge without knowing anything. You should better contribute to the Original Post or question if you know something about it!
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  4. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    My first contact with making music on windows was a cd full with cracks n stuff, many many years ago. I'm teaching music to young ppl, sometimes I'm giving free lessons, especially to poor ones. Nowadays almost everyone is using computers to make music. Everyone, literally everyone I was working with had pirated/cracked software on his computer. It's the daw, plugins or sample libs.
    For me it's ok as long as they use them just for personal fun. When they want to make money out of it, I insist on buying the software they are using. It's about ethics. I know, most of young ppl don't want to heart that, these days.

    I try to give something back to the society - and the scene. I was using cracks n stuff for a long time. When I started making money out of music in general, I bought all that stuff, what was necessary for me. Of course I'm still using cracks, because sometimes the demo versions are shit (or not available). When the plugins or software is useful, I'll buy it. Simple.
  5. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    right, i shouldn't write reaper is a freebie, but that it allows to work with it as a "freebie" until you pay it.
  6. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    So, you're using an actual version of Reaper. Read the terms of use from them. You have to buy a license after 60 days. Just because it's not stopping working it doesn't mean it's free. You said it's a freebie, but it's not.
    You're simply wrong.

    You should buy it when you're making money with it. Simple.
  7. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    i agree with this
  8. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    no i don't
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    @Mundano - I wouldn't worry too much about watermarking. You can submit your tracks to Jamendo to get some exposure and donations. Those who'll steal your music wouldn't be able to produce more that what they've taken. You as an artist can always produce new tunes, which the "pirates" can only copy from you. :thumbsup:

    @bigboobs - What is your stance then on discontinued software, that cannot be obtained by purchase and the only way to get your hands on it is through "our sister site"?
  10. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    here is the only part where you are right.
  11. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    look man i understand the anxiety for releasing a number of tracks you think are good out there

    * its one thing downloading a cracked software to add some fx or make some leads while i am composing a tune , and once i make money off that tune thru beatport i go to the cracked softwares page and purchase the legit plugin

    * its another thing downloading a cracked software , copying and pasting its code and soundsamples , changing its GUI and because i have a cool circle of friends and know hows , i release it under my own company and make it famous and sell it as my own ---> this is exactly what i think you are fearing my friend

    it wasnt rare at all especially in psytrance/techno music circles where many of us knew each other , that one would steal another's complete track or sounds and play them live at festivals bragging about their musicmaking skills or release them thru labels as their own , since the original creator hadn't even copyrighted his original

    so my best advice is forget about this watermarking crap and search for the official copyrights holder site in your country , after that you register there and with a fee that could be from 1$ to 5$ per track you can copyright your original without any fear of someone stealing your original composition in the future (take care to find the official copyrights site - which usually has the lowest price per copyrighted object too -- lots of scammer sites going around)
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  12. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    my final words to your accusing post (and disturbing the thread out of the main question): read slow and carefully the OP please. words like "share" appear there, and i am not making money out of this, although it would be very nice to receive some bucks out of my compositions!

  13. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    @bigboobs: why is your approval important to Mundano? Why are you so judgemental?
  14. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Reaper isn't discontinued. Mundano is using Reaper and makes money out of it without having a valid license.

    It's ok for me when you're using cracks if you can't spend money on that - as hobby.
    When you're going to make money out of it, buy the license! The coders also need to pay their bills.

    It's ironic, the thread opener don't want to pay money for the daw, nor for watermarking software. But he want to "save" his music from beeing copied or whatever.

    Here's an analogy:
    Mundano stole a car, because he wants to earn money as taxi driver. Then he says "nobody sued me regarding the stolen car, so it's legal!". But no, it's not.

    Let me write it a third, last, time: It's about ethics. Using cracked software is ok, for your personal use. If you can give something back, e.g. free music on your soundcloud site or as Audiosex Album... perfect!

    But when you "steal" software to earn money, it's not ok anymore, you crossed a holy border.
    I'm pretty mature, I started in early 90's with modems and bbs and such stuff,... "real" scene things, which I didn't understand really at those times. But I got it as "Try before buy", and it was extremely helpful to me. I've met ppl who were cracking software, mostly nice guys (some were REALLY strange, but anyway...). They also told me, it's just a game for them, but they don't want to make money out of it. Most of them were working in IT related jobs.
    I supported some groups with software or sample libs I bought. Just giving something back - they helped me with cracked software, I helped them. Now I'm working with poor kids, giving lessons or teach them how to make music as good as I can.

    I also give that advise, getting software at "AZ" site to "try before buy". If you can't afford buying software, it's ok to use cracked things for your own. IF it's getting serious, buy the shit you're using. It's about fairness. That easy.

    The whole discussion about watermarking is void to me when you're using pirated software. I don't trust anyone on this board when he says "Oh, I'm only using freeware!".
    We ALL know, why we're here, don't lie to yourself, just be honest!

    ...and as I wrote.. it's ok! For your own. Not for making money. That's my point, and I hope it's now clear.
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  15. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Hey, it's not that I don't agree with you - it's my profession, too. I just don't think it matters wether you approve Mundano's practice or not.
  16. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Truely not. Such ppl are thinking they're always right, it's (mostly) time wasting to discuss such issues with them.

    However, I denounce them anyway. I don't care what's the name behind that behaviour, it's about the fact itself - buy software when you're working with it to make money. Not just for music! If you have income with video editing, buy the software (adobe premiere or whatever you're using). You're coding? Then buy the IDE you're using. You make music? Buy DAW and plugins. And so on...

    Buying gear worth thousands of bucks, but not spending even 1 buck for software is just stingy and nasty.
  17. injun joe

    injun joe Newbie

    Nov 22, 2015
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  18. LV4-26

    LV4-26 Guest

    It's not done yet? Since the time it lasts and the countless messages. :snuffy:
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  19. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Dear Big Boobs, i don't hate you. In general i love you, you are a human being, and in general i agree with you in most of your statements. BUT what i hard disapprove is your judgement. HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW IF I AM MAKING MONEY OUT OF THIS? you are a very judging human being and this is going to get you problems.

    The very truth out of this: I am ignorant in very very aspects of the music industry, that is because i ask questions like this. Listen, i have made a DEMO for a DEVELOPER. I have received nothing in exchange more than his library. My concern is that i composed a music that is now on the web. Thus my words "I started to share my music over the web, and would like to protect sensible compositions." There you have it. I win, you lose. Because is all the truth! I haven't received any money, but i want to keep the right to protect my work, because it wasn't cleared how to manage this. Now i see it depends on me, i am looking for tips, hints, etc. This community is awesome and i won't hurt anybody here. You have the right to express your opinion, but i recommend you before judging, knowing!

    Sorry for you in this case, but you are wrong. Instead of blaming you, i wish you all the best in your life. If you have children i wish you all the best for your family. Have a nice Sunday! :)

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    I've tried it several times, never gotten it exactly as clear or inaudible as in the video but then again I'm impatient lol

    BTW it says FL Studio but all you really need is Harmor (which is available as a VST *cough* check sister *cough*)
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