M.Lane answered on gearslutz that this plugin will not do things that DrMS can't, this plugin is a simple one-knob version of DrMS instead of its many knobs. So if you have DrMS, and you simply do things with it, stereodelta is nothing. IMHO this doesn't worth it, very expensive in comparison with pro version such as DrMS. It's better to be very cheap or even free...yehh???
His Other plugin is a peice of shit. Just because industry endorsee whore Pensado recommends it doesn't it make it great. Likely this knob is about as useful as a reach around with sandpaper gloves.... I'm starting to really hate this fucking industry.
To leak stereo into mono, I think it may use Reverb. To expand, it may use combing. Both these methods are available in free tools. Unless it uses FFT to align for true mono compatibility.
If it was $20-30, I might be interested in trying. But 60€?? For a simple one-knob plugin? No thanks. I mean, I haven't heard it, so I can't really judge. But the functionality is obivously limited. This looks like it should be freeware TBH, in the vein of Klanghelm's IVGI. If you want a highly functional, ilok-free stereo imaging plugin, Credland Audio Stereo Savage is the good stuff. It doesn't cost that much more, at ~$80, and is well worth it.
I didn't like DrMS. Too complicated perhaps and not with the desired result. As far as imagers go, I now use Stereo Imager D from AOM for mid/side processing and sometimes Stereo Imaging from iZotope or just Logic's Direction Mixer for mono/stereo. Brainworx Control V2 is also helpful btw. But okay, this thread tells us something about the tools from Mathew Lane so let's stick to that.
pensado isn't the industry, they would like that. their show is like American cable tv from what I've heard, 99% ads Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
I used to use the Waves stereo imager. Then AOM. Now I use the Credland Audio one. It is by far the best I've used. Does everything you need and some stuff you didn't yet know you needed. Skip this and go get Stereo Savage.
IMPORTANT NOTE: StereoDelta v1.0 currently does NOT support offline bouncing - we are working to solve this very soon in v1.1 ! Due to a PACE iLok related bug, StereoDelta will not always see its license during offline bouncing. This will result in fade-outs and/or silence in the bounced audio. We are working with PACE to solve this, StereoDelta customers will be notified by email when we release StereoDelta v1.1. Meanwhile, StereoDelta realtime processing is completely fine, and DrMS is also unaffected. Apologies for the inconvenience.
i don't know. it looks a little too complicated for me. when are these developers going to start coming out with zero-knob processors? i mean who has time for all this knob twiddling shit?
iLok2 now applied on every single little fart by developers??? Absolutely embarrassing! Guys, i studied hundreds of software codes, i can tell you that most software is packed with 70-90 % of copy protection code. They're literally selling copy protection only! That's the truth nowadays. Years before developers were ±fair and honest, all has changed since they created their new "strongholds". Now even small developers jump on that train, offering small software with resources eating codes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________