Guitar Tabs

Discussion in 'Education' started by Bunford, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Anybody know the best source for these? I have used Ultimate Guitar Archive previously but find that a lot of it is just wrong, largely due to the user submitted content element of it. Would be good to be able to download official tab books from somewhere, but happy for any suggestions for a good resource.
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Hello 'Bunford',

    Have you tried to find your happiness via :

    The Tabs provided seem to have been done by Professional Transcribers. By cons, these aren't Free ! :sad:
    ...BUT, it seems that you can have a 'FULL Access' to most of the Tabs for a fee of $2,99 per month. :winker:

    As it seems that most of the Tabs are available at a price of $1,99 each one... you guess that the 'Monthly Fee' may certainly be of great advantage/interest for you ! :thumbsup:


    : As I saw your Article concerning : 'Favourite analogue outboard gear emulation plugins ?',
    I added some suggestions, maybe you can check it :
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    there is also a thing from way back in the day called the OLGA .. online guitar tab archive.. you would have to search
    around for it tho.. as it got shut down.. it may still be possible to find a link associated with Harmony Central...

    then search for tuts on youtube sometimes they post pdfs of tabs they used, or do walk throughs..

    then of course you can browse the sister site... mucho guitarro stuff there too
  5. nastybobby

    nastybobby Kapellmeister

    Oct 27, 2015
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  6. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    First off, there is no one stop shop for guitar tabs. Second there is nothing wrong with Ultimate Guitar Tabs. Its a great site. The only way I know of to get exact transcriptions is to buy the books yourself or get whatever is available on sister site. Tabs from sites are always going to be wrong, ALWAYS! I use a lot of tabs and the death metal I like is not that popular (surprise). So its really hard to find tabs that are accurate. Usually I have to learn at least 2-3 of the online tabs and listen to the song I am trying to learn and work it out myself. I always check the user ratings on the tabs too. A tab with one star on is more than likely not going to be any good. Get the ones with higher ratings and more than likely you will have to look at a couple to get it right. I usually go for the highest rated Guitar Pro ones. But if they are songs that have been released in a tab book, more than likely someone has just copied it to the website anyway.
  7. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    There is nothing wrong with non official tabs. Because a LOT of official ones just sucks big time.
    I'm a Megadeth lover, i looked at official "Rust in peace - Turnado of souls" tabs. They are WRONG at the first harmonics...common !
    What are those "professionals" transcribers who can't even transcribe such a trivial thing ?
    And as a metal lover, in a very technical musical genre, i can tell you (again) it is not an isolated example.

    The best way to get accurate tabs :
    -being transcribed by the artist him(her)self (very rare). Official "verified by the artist" don't cut it.
    -taking several tabs and crossing them, looking at videos (live,studio...) from the artist.

    It is like the internet. There is no Truth : make it yourself ;)
  8. oldskoolproductions

    oldskoolproductions Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I agree.. I Spent a lot of years learning Megadeth songs.. All the "Cheery Lane" Books where kinda close... Most Tabs on Ultimate guitar are close.. But you just have to find the fingerings that work for you.. and use your ear..

  9. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    This is so true! i started learning by ear in the 80's, Megadeth,Metallica,Testament,Slayer,Anthrax an so on \m/ never used a tab book till bout the mid 90's only to find out that it was not as accurate as what i learned myself ;) most are transcribed by notes only and more often than not in the wrong position on the neck lol... if anything use the notes for reference and find the correct position to play them that makes sense to you ! wen i was a kid i would play a Record on slow speed and tune my guitar down to the pitch and learn leads that way then tune back up haha.... good software to slow down and keep pitch is prolly the best way to do it an thats the way the transcribers do it... they prolly cant even play a guitar>>>REAL TALK \m/
  10. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Even Pro videos can be wrong. Lick Library Motley Crue tells you to tune wrong, so that means they are teaching wrong. I hope not all of their videos are like that. (MC is drop D btw not D#)
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