Br(exit) and Pounds

Discussion in 'humor' started by thantrax, Jun 23, 2016.

  1. jonathanrodhes

    jonathanrodhes Kapellmeister

    Apr 17, 2015
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    so sorry about the markets...they are losing money...brits, you should reconsider your decision
  2. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    The Crimean Peninsula's 90+% people voted for entrance to Russia, but other countries that under US say that Russia occupied Crimea. Sounds like we invaded. If not we, they lived in Ukrainian ass. We are happy, sanctions do nothing bad, only badly affect EU. I hope Britain will live much better, without EU and US dependence, if they will not say shit like "Britain occupied EU territories of Britain after EU exit! Let's introduce sanctions". Or something like that.
  3. jonathanrodhes

    jonathanrodhes Kapellmeister

    Apr 17, 2015
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    what? i dont understand...are you talking about gibraltar? :)
  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Nope, not Gibraltar. I m talking about that EU and US like to tell shit to confuse others, to mixup everything into the new misunderstanding shitcake. Just, politics is the big circus last years...
  5. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    I have woke up today and find that we are meant to be leaving the EU. Great result. I am also sober now and was hoping that I didn't say anything that I regret (which can often be the case after lots of cider), and being honest, apart from ranting a little with talk of a revolution I haven't really said anything that I regret. I was talking from the heart.

    I still believe we have a long long road ahead to escape the clutches of neoliberalism. I just hope that it inspires other nations to stand up and move ahead. Thank you people.:winker:
  6. U.O.L.

    U.O.L. Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    EU/GB = GB/scotland/northern ireland
  7. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I actually agree with a lot of what PCR stands for and argues about although I did only look at his Wiki page. He was part of the Reaganomic policies which stopped wages rising in the early 80s. They haven't risen since... He seems to be more anti-establishment and anti global corporations. He's honest enough to say USA is Oligarchy.

    Time will tell on who got the predictions correct before the referendum. We'll still rely on EU for many things so we'll have to see how they go about renegotiating with us. I'd be concerned about who is going to invest in Britain. Can UK go another ten years of little investment ? Can our economy continue to manufacturer anything at competitive rates or will we become a 100% service driven economy ? Which is pretty close to what we are already.

    There are many opinions about the reason for the outcome. I'm sure all have a certain validity. A lot of people are going to be disappointed when things don't get better. Personally I see things getting worse. Judging by the politicians on both sides of the debate it looks like Britain will become even more right-wing in terms of money.

    It'll all be left to the markets to decide. Being a more left leaning individual I doubt it'll be of benefit to the average person.
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  8. burgvogt

    burgvogt Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2015
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    I am deeply disappointed about UK's exit from EU. What will happen is that Britain will even more become the American poodle. Sovereignity - ridiculous. In a globalized world there is no such thing as sovereignity. True, EU needs more democracy, and achieving this will be a slow process. Simply quitting is cowardice or stupidity. I tend to think it's the latter.
  9. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    I agree with where you are coming from. Yes the neoliberal era certainly came about under Reagan. Indeed that is true, so it is rather confusing that the man in charge of the treasury, at that time, would form the opinion that he does. Counterintuitive indeed. But I also think that if anyone knows - it's him.

    I am not as naive as to think that suddenly disengaging from Europe will solve all of our problems. Far from it. The neoliberalism will continue. The austerity will continue. The constant regime change agenda will continue. Of that I have no doubt. But what I see as important here is the message. The people have spoken. I think that in itself should not be underestimated. I would even go as far as saying that this is seismic.
  10. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Congrats to ya Brits, proud of you! Hope this will be a wake-up call for all Eurocrats, but somehow I doubt it. They could cook up some treaty that keeps it all the same.
  11. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I don't think the Austerity can continue.

    The under 30s in UK have never had it so bad.

    Ridiculous housing market that has been kept artificially high by landowners refusing to build, lack of social housing and crazy capitalistic nature in the private market.
    A university education that puts 'em in £45,000 by the time they are 21.
    Even in solid Jobs like Nursing, Police and Teaching, salaries are not enough for mortgages. Not to mention the death of the middle classes as the elderly become a HUGE burden on the welfare state. This will also remove the middle class who rely on inheritance as it will have been spent on end of life care.

    More austerity definitely won't work. We need to reinvest in energy or risk being held to ransom by EU and also need to build loads of new public and private housing.
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  12. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    You are correct about globalisation. US hegemony will not suddenly disappear. Anywhere. I wonder if is possible that the UK could be any more of the poodle that it is? So in some circumstances, if people are in a corner - you leave them with little choice. It comes to a point that something, somewhere has to give.

    The state of austerity that has been imposed by the corporate elites is beginning to create a reaction. Let's just remember that austerity is a political choice. It is not an inevitability. What is also not mentioned is that the UK government has every right to interest free loans. So one wonders who really is running this whole show? As I am sure you are aware it's really the banks!
  13. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    You sir have hit the nail on the head. All we need is for more people to understand that. It really is that simple. You know it's the WAKE UP thing. Realisation is the key to addressing the problems.

    I do have faith in people.:mates::disco::wink::):winker:
  14. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    Well the U.S dollar is stronger now woooohoooo..great decision U.k!!! Also now 40% of the brits who actually had a chance at euro trade are fked ,now enjoy the huge amount of wealth and so called freedom you never truly exercise anyway!!Well done
  15. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Hang on a minute. We are not actually out of the EU yet (it will take at least a couple of years). But if being in the EU is so disruptive to our currency we ought to hurry up a touch and get the f**k out of here!:rofl:
  16. Mladbambuk

    Mladbambuk Noisemaker

    Jun 17, 2016
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    Time to buy some cheaper sample libraries...
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  17. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    hahahahahahahahha classic audiojunkie hahaha
  18. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Austerity was not chosen by the banks. It was the right wing Tories who wanted to protect their own interests. Considering the Scots SNP are so strong and Labour are so poor. It's impossible to see any government coming to power apart from the Tories. It's difficult to see anything but austerity from our one party system.

    "Vote Leave!' they said "excercise your right to democracy." Now we have a one party system hell bent on destroying public owned bodies and creating a sub-servient class.
  19. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    All the geniuses who think leaving is better have never benefited from staying or leaving ,it's just believing the hype,"they are taking our jobs" get the fk outta here with your under achieving bull,unless they're flying over and taking up all the teaching,lawyer, doctor ceo positions shut the fk up and aspire to do something more than low level minimum wage jobs, cuz thats the majority of what theyre getting. "waaaaaahhhh they're taking our welfare housing" really ? you're worried you won't be able to get government handouts? thats like me being pissed about someone having access to all the foods i don't eat or my leftovers GTFOH!!!!hahhahahahhaa
  20. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    So what does Brexit mean for your money?

    In the space of just a few hours overnight, the British pound dropped to its lowest level in more than 30 years.

    As the Leave campaign gained momentum, the pound hit 1.33 dollars, knocking around 10 percent from the value of the currency and reaching a low not seen since 1985.

    In reality, it means you now get fewer dollars for every pound in your pocket, so goods from sites like Amazon US will cost you more. And if you’re heading on holiday to the States, you will get fewer ‘bucks’ for your pounds.

    So what happened?

    Thirty minutes after the polls closed on Thursday night, the sterling surged against the US dollar on the back of strong opinion polls for Remain and Nigel Farage’s shaky comments, rocketing to 1.5 dollars, its strongest performance in 2016.
    I really like the U.K got a lot of family there and everything so it's unfortunate there are so many gullible people who are removed from reality and live with this island mentality,so sadly it seems the ignorant was in majority( surprise) and the outcome , crap it's scary as shit.My condolences guys.
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