This Has Been Bothering Me for a While: I live in the Wrong Calendar

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by jeffglobal, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Where may I live by this calendar:
    Magical Calendar.jpg
    And not this bizarre calendar:
    US Calendar.jpg

    or ppl living by the first calendar are living right next to me, and I don't even know it? I have enough problems hearing A 440hz as right and A 432hz as I have to fix this nagging feeling about the calendar I've used all my life, where the beginning of the week day Sunday, is really the end of the

    @Funk U, is this more of the same!?
  2. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I assume from your "bizarre" calendar you're on Windows.

    Control Panel > Change category list to small icons
    Region > First day of the week.

    This is for Windows 10.

    In Windows 7 click on the date tab after Locale

    Can't really help with those 8Hz though, bro.
  3. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Oh wow, I'm gonna try that for my phone too. I could be like a "Stranger in a Strange Land" but have the right freakin calendar!

    TYVM. I just saw conspiracy, cause I wasn't wearing my carbon fiber helmet today...

    Hey, the retail calendar my family has in the house has the same Sunday as the first day. Conspiracies are hard to get passed. I'll just close my eyes and go lalalalalalala (not boom) as I walk passed it.

    Wow, I feel really ignorant, I could change my phone too, to either Sat, Sun, or Monday start...

    So may I assume, Saturday start is for Muslims, Sunday for Jews and Monday for Christians? or that's just a coincidence?
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  4. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Sunday is the start of the week in the Hebrew and Christian calendars.
    Religion has become a big fucking mess of politics.
    Spiritual evolution is where it's at.
    You already know this though. You make music.
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  5. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Wow, I'm totally confused. More crap to research. ok, ty. I see all the references back to Ra for Sunday. Genesis Sunday is the first day. So, it's just my problem thinking the first day of the week is a weekend day.

    Unless someone has a easy way to explain how a weekend day is the first day of the week? Looks like only the Chinese use Monday as the first day of the week, so I wonder about the sister site using the Monday start calendar too now.

    I think I'm gonna stop testing assumptions for a while, and play music wondering why my C [E] G B chord sounds so crappy under some note in my jazzy happy birthday thought the G7 sounds fine (I get it's the V of the scale, it's not that, CEG sounds, "ok", CMaj7 yikes! C7 like it wants to go the wrong direction...) I'm thinking it's my piano Kontakt patch, so I got like 5 pianos now. -OR- Don't try to play A 440 and A 432hz back and forth, it's freaky. Now I think, I just tripped my brain, like a bully does to a poor kid walking by...

    Then I play something like, "Just A Call Away" cause it's easy enough, even I can play that...and stay surprised someone doesn't call Puth a misogynistic pig. God forbid a man offers to help. I learned not to do that, out of uniform, how sad is that!
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  6. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Yes, but the bottom line is that, just like in the DC multiverse there is a Bizarro World. Unfortunately where we live is the Bizarro World.
  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I could be wrong but I believe the term "weekend" applies to the end of the 5-day work week. Sunday would be the beginning of the 7-day full week. Kind of like a line made into a circle with the beginning and end tying the whole thing together. And the work-week squarely in the middle.
    Right... I think?
  8. Perception is not reality, can't you see that? (Sometimes I scare myself with the shit that I come up with). Stuff is only relative to the observer, so to instill change in something, all one needs do is ...have been enjoying @jeffglobal 's tangential peripheral mind farts. If you could bottle them for the masses, put them in a spray bottle to spritz as a room oderizer, for example, the sky is the limit and the dough would come rolling in just like mud in a Malibu landslide, but in a good way. Think about it, or don't.
  9. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Sunday is the end of the work week where I'm from. Fuck everybody else.
  10. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    My studio has no natural light, no windows. Hopefully, one day I'll be working with clients so much that it won't matter when the week rolls in. :yes:
  11. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Sorry guys for being away, I've been in court for 3 days in a row so far, watching ACS fumble the removing of my younger son from his mother that they suspect Munchausen by Proxy (which of course I brought up to a case worker). They didn't file a Temp Order of Protection and made an emergency removal. The 12 year old sometimes walks in a walker and shuffles like an old man, because he thinks my grandpa died at 36 after 2 kidney transplants, and he has kidney disease. Fk me, my grandpa died at 88 years old. And this only started after my older son won his freedom after a one sided knife fight with his mother 6 months or so ago, and his court assigned attorney believes it's magic just in time ptsd symptoms from me!. So we got a forensic/child abuse psychiatrist, and F U, feminist attorney that only sees everything in pink and red.

    ACS is NYC's pathetic version of CPS nationwide. When your attorney goes, "you hear when he (new case worker) touched Jules' shoulder and he flinched?" It's like ma'am, [you're cute and young and all, and I want to bend you over right here, right now, but for christ's sake, stfu. Ma'am if you read this, I'm old, not dead...] it's hard enough to act civil watching a slow motion vehicle like accident with your kids being thrown around like rag dolls watching and hearing their screams for help and their bones break, and blood splatter all over the place, cognizant of a 45,000 strong police force there waiting to take you out and/or imprison you if you dare help your sons.

    But what does a hetero white man that is a breeder know about his own kids? Nothing with one accusation: make a note of it.

    You want kids, overseas surrogate only (if not a gay couple then it's okie in US), PayOnPrice, not forever and not this drama. OR get all the paperwork done before hand, like a comprehensive prenup/divorce, importantly anything with future kids, cause that's how the breeder killers get you, and if she doesn't go for it, like she would demand if she was the one with more assets/money, say take a walk kid. You're like pizza, there's one on every corner, what makes yours golden? Even if it is golden, like my wife's was, still there are others, it's just a little harder to find. It is not worth the risk. I tested it. nfw.

    But, now I have my week with Monday first and Thursday's position looks unnatural. I give up, since everyday to me is the weekend, I officially don't care now.

    With brain farts, which I only learned as a blue collar worker (EMT then Medic) it usually references when they can't remember something, or while in a "cluster fk" they totally messed up because they were overwhelmed. Brain farts never came up while I was in academia, business, or teaching for that matter (adults/kids/adults that acted like kids as a Personal Trainer [women sometimes respond to exercise like sex...I felt used]). I like the phrase, but I don't use it, maybe cause it took until my 30s before I ever heard it. Believe it or not @superliquidsunshine though it looks like I'm wasting words, I usually never do. It's just my way sometimes of distracting myself from screaming so loud my chest explodes and maybe help someone else at the same time. I apologize.

    I promise you guys, everything I share was hard won and useful. If it's ridiculous or bizarre it's easier for me to remember but harder for others to believe.

    Everyone, stay safe.
  12. Brother, nary a word was wasted. I hear every single one of them. I mean not to belittle your experience. I understand the need of cleansing your palette before the next unpalatable course is thrust in your face and are made to dig in, or else. You are one brave, crazy but in a good way dude, dude. Some Chinese comedian must have wished you an interesting life, the mutherfucker. And please continue, as I am someone else at the same time being helped.
  13. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Last court update. So now an expert tells the court my wife has met the definition of child abuse in a medical setting, which was the old Munchausen by proxy, and the court takes the kid for 3 weeks (of course I can't see him still) but now for the first time she can't see him. The court thinks I will accept such a short time after the expert said "months away from the mother such that he can resume a normal life." The expert defined a family as mother and son; when my attorney said Mr. S, the expert stayed silent, like wtf, there's a father involved?

    Everyone was saying, from the expert to the feminist attorneys to ACS to the female judge that the mother son bond is so important they should find a way through careful therapy to reunite them. Reunite a mother that is potentially poisoning her son so she can "take care of him," or at best mind fk'ing him to think he needs a walker and shuffle like an old man at 12! Wtf does a woman have to do to be denied access to her victim? Really, anyone know? When my attorney said, hey, wtf, my client hasn't seen him in 4 years, it was like whatever.

    For the last time, today, will I accept an opposing attorney not include "accused of" instead of "past xxx abuse" again. For the last time today will I accept the female judge not correcting the opposing counsel. When my attorney said, wtf, they are only accusations, and he has been denied court dates over and over for years, and one son already said he was forced to say stuff, uniformly the court was like whatever.

    The fk'ing court included her charges with mine, to extend the potential date in court, so I can't crush the conflicting falsified accounts of my kids (one now testifying for me cause he won his freedom thru a one sided knife fight about 6 months ago, and was denied seeing me, from October when he first asked until a month and a half ago), because now they have to resolve her shite before mine.

    Not for nothing, but if my wife gets to see the son she so fk'd up he thinks he needs a walker, but when he's away from her, he plays basketball, I will sign away my parental rights and walk away, and tell the boys to see me when they want to, because to participate in a sham court, legitimizes lawlessness at best and criminality at worst.

    When a man like me, hopes for Sharia law, you know the world is upside down.

    I'm done playing a rigged game. I will not participate. Lets see if the court does the right thing and disallows her access to continue the child abuse or not. If they "find a way" for her to see him, I'm done.

    Take this as a warning guys. I promise it's not been one moment of fun, for my boys or me.
  14. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    You sound like too caring of a father to ever be truly 'done'.
    I hope I don't sound trite when I say that there is an actual and true energy in 'good'.
    Good and evil are two sides of the same coin.
    This world at times seems to be in an unbalanced state of harmony.
    Evil only reigns when we take away all that is good. Simply because it is all that is left.

    I understand the desire to remove myself from situations. An extended case like this has the potential to go on for years.
    Again, not to sound trite, but these situations come before us because, on some level, we have the necessary fortitude and will to overcome them, whether we realize it or not at the time.

    When we don't face these things they may seemingly recede, but they also, absolutely, return at some point down the line. It's only when we face them with a mindset to overcome them that they are actually overcome.

    To truly love someone is to want the best for them. We can't forfeit the ones we love.

    Love, bro.
    As in mine.
    For you and yours.

    Edit - this thought was in my head the whole time I was writing, yet I never hit the keys.
    Either my environment will affect a change in me or I will affect a change in my environment.
  15. Darkness has born within itself an inherent capacity of making way for the light without, and as Clakkety clack, chapters are written line by line, invisible moments fold back upon themselves to become their own destinations. Grab the golden ring when it is offered, else destiny will be chosen for you, ever 'round and around on this mad screaming madman carousel. Keep your hand outstretched and await the opportunity. It will certainly come. Don't forget to breathe.