Studio One v. 3.2.3 Released

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Pereira, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Version 3.2.3 Release Notes (June 9, 2016)

    New features and improvements:

    • Channel input monitoring meter can now again be activated with arm button only when Tape Style monitoring is off • Edit Cursor is placed only when “Range Tool in upper event area” mode is activated and clicked in upper track area • Disabled automatic loop activation • On stop, only locate to edit (orange) cursor when "return to start on stop" is active • Trim whole envelope with "bracket" tool beyond last / before first point • Show absolute and relative values in automation transform tooltip

    The following issues have been fixed:

    • VST Instrument timing issues with Mix Engine FX Delay Compensation • Audio Bounce creates silent output with tape style monitoring • Preset Issues with non-ASCII characters in file names • Crash when importing MP3 with special tags • The only tempo of a song can be deleted when scratch pad exists • Crash after closing missing plugin dialog • First part of audio missing after bounce of time-stretched event • Quantize of grouped Audio Tracks doesn't work correctly • Instrument events truncated on notes instead of bars • Playing solo in layers deactivates loop • Using smiley with heart-shaped eyes (emoticon) in file name causes song not to open
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  3. wayne3

    wayne3 Member

    May 31, 2013
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    What a funny DAW:

    The following issues have been fixed:
    • Using smiley with heart-shaped eyes (emoticon) in file name causes song not to open
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  4. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    The following issues have not been fixed:

    frequent freezings and crashes cause complete destruction of users balls
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  5. PrettyPurdie

    PrettyPurdie Guest

    i wrote them , regarding a feature that i really really miss . a ''collapse Browser Structure'' button like in fl studio, cause all the folders stay open which sometimes is a pain when you want to quickly navigate through your sounds in the AWSOME drag and drop browser . fingers crossed maybe with the next update
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  6. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    This is starting to be seriously annoying: Are they going to release an update every month or so?
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    CPU load optimized for 113% and still a cpu hog.
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  8. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    Forget S1 and just have a look at Reaper daw:
    Updated weekly and these updates actually make Reaper even better (than it already is) , instead of worse.
  9. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Anyone know if the protection scheme is the same? I definitely wouldn't mind snagging the update if it is.
  10. Zentropy

    Zentropy Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    The reason that caused problems is almost as WTF as it is funny. They literally use emoticons in their codebase on purpose. If you go look at the plugin config file S1 creates, it's full of them. All the plugins that have crashed that S1 blacklists have frowny faces and all the stable ones have smiley faces. I laughed when I opened that config file the first time and saw them, but it's decidedly less funny when it causes asshole bugs in the software
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  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Presonus is very cleverly marketing their S1,their targets are mostly unsuspicious users,mostly beginners and lighter users.
    They certainly made a daw that looks good,has many functions and is easy to operate,but the guts of the daw is very poorly constructed.
    They started off very good,made a name for themselves,but they wanted too much,too fast and now their house of cards is falling apart.
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  12. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    can you elaborate how it exactly limits you in your creative process?
  13. olivergrey

    olivergrey Member

    Jan 8, 2014
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    It limits you when your 8 hours deep into a record for a client, and suddenly VST's won't load for no apparent reason. Replicate said project in another DAW, and the issue disappears. It limits you when you program your drums on the arrange view since Sampleone has numerous glitches and sometimes just, well, won't load, and has no "Auto fade/Auto declicking" when you add many fades to your drum tracks, and you try to zoom in to change a drum phrase, the entire thing goes into matrix glitch super slow mode.

    It limits you when the autosave feature functions the same as the save feature, Meaning it stops everything and if you have a big session, especially one with melodyne, and you set your autosave to a save point (5-10 minutes) becomes a pain. And of course you could set it longer...but an amazing amount can happen in 10 minutes, and a crash that loses something can easily kill my or my clients creative process.

    These Reaper tutorials sure are informative.
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  14. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    We got it already, you don't like S1.
    I'd have hard time believing that you are not somehow connected to Steinberg marketing agenda.
  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    This is incredible. Just exchange the Presonus with Microsoft and S1 with Windows 10, and this gives you:

    Microsoft is very cleverly marketing their Windows 10, their targets are mostly unsuspicious users, mostly beginners and lighter users.
    They certainly made an OS that looks good, has many functions and is easy to operate, but the guts of the OS is very poorly constructed.
    They started off very good, made a name for themselves, but they wanted too much, too fast and now their house of cards is falling apart.

    Wow! :wink:

    edit: Microfraud aside, Presonus DAW seems to be suffering from the same illness as every other DAW: 1) Bring lots of new features that nobody will use but we can market them and attract new users 2) forget about the old bugs, just brush them all aside and say they're "features" 3) optimisations, what are those?! We don't care about no optimisations. Make them buy even more powerful computers so we don't need to optimise anything. This is also true with Reaper, but at least they made a really nice and optimised core audio engine. :/
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
  16. olivergrey

    olivergrey Member

    Jan 8, 2014
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    While he does comment alot on post that regard s1 like this, he kinda does have a point. Don't let personal opinions steer you into believing that there isn't an agenda with their marketing - there is in every successful business. All I've heard s1 promote is "Jump in and record your song you just wrote" and "come on pro tools users". Every time I dug to find power users, 80+ tracks day after day with multiple sends and fx, etc, I came up dry OR came up with these issues. It's an amazing program, and can still get better, but there are flaws.

    Kinda like how Cubase 8.5 just won't open on windows all..during my demo period... :facepalm:
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  17. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Give it up mate you are making yourself look really desperate now. Studio One is stunning, all DAWS have flaws, I've used them ALL except for Logic (inc protools), Repear (ugh), Sonar (yuck), Mixbus (f-me that's bad), ProTools (archaic and clunky)... etc, Cubase is the only one that's half way decent (I used to use it before S1), S1 is head and shoulders above them in so many ways, YOU my friend are one biased individual who constantly takes digs at Studio One, for reasons unknown, but you seriously need to get over it because it's a real face-palmer routine you have going on there. Studio One is not aimed at beginners, it's actually chasing the Protools and cubase crowd as well as those who want better workflow. Many people have swapped over from Protools and Cubase to Studio One and not looked back, so if Studio One is a beginners DAW then Ptools and CB must be for infants.

    Yes it has flaws and some missing features (not deal breakers for most) but what it does do, and how it works, is so far above the rest it makes your comment look so wrong it's not funny.
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  18. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    The thing is that is just your take on it, not 'facts'. I use melodyne a lot with S1 and have autosaves often, doesn't bother me one bit. Different strokes...

    on the other hand I could write an ENTIRE page on the flaws and 'limits' I found in every other DAW I've ever used, things that are not nit-picks like you lot have with S1 but real annoyances, absolutely convoluted time wasters and workflow killers.

    I'll take a few niggles in S1 to get that great workflow, effortless 'remain in the mix zone' feel and intuitive mixing. It's obvious we all have opinions on DAWS but S1 has become the popular target recently because of how many people are loving it and moving to it from other DAWS, people who don't like to change or whatever, feel somewhat threatened by their choice and look for crappy reasons to attack S1 to assure themselves it's right to stick with what they have, but the fact is bascially ALL the DAWS do the job 'fine', even something as clearly shitty as Pro Tools is still the standard, not cos it's great but because many users got used to it's ways, so if every DAW is 'fine' of course you'll stick with what you know and take pot shots at other DAWS. Once we accept all DAWS can do the job, we then look at the ones that suit our workflow best and nothing touches Studio One. I rarely have crashes (and if so you bet it was from a BAD plug-in not the DAW itself). I mean, you can load, for example, 5 song projects and a master project in S1 and flip between them in SUB seconds time, with everything working *WHILE THE SONGS ARE PLAYING* - try that in most DAWS, and older stuff like Cubase 5/6 and watch as your system comes to a halt, and pray it doesn't crash.

    When other DAWS can touch S1 on workflow and things like that you may have a point, until then they all have pros/cons but S1's pros outweigh its cons massively.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
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  19. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Protools is a convoluted MESS of archaic legacy design and lacks almost anything resembling modern workflow. As for 80+ tracks in a DAW, give me Studio One (which I do all the time just fine), folder tracks, mixer that automatically reflects hidden tracks etc and there is your clear workflow, friggin pro tools is a mess, loads of samey looking grey blob boxes on the left, scrolling for years through large projects, Cubase and Studio One (and most modern DAWS) work and are far better.

    Protools is only where it is because of how it started, it's absolutely outclassed in every tangible way concerning design and workflow by the other top DAWS (and esp by Studio One)

    Ok nuff said, aggree/disagree whatever but this BS about S1 is getting stale now, I pity those that really have a grudge against it as I guarantee it is YOU who is missing out by not embracing this great software, you'll waste so much time doing 'the basics' in most other DAWS vs S1, but if wasting time is what floats yer boat, have at it. :)

  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Guy tells me im desperate yet he sounds like Bill Gates on steroids.
    "even something as clearly shitty as Pro Tools"
    You have just dissed every daw on the market....
    Besides i think S1 is a cool daw,just lacks power under the hood.
  21. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Hehe....yes indeed,i may have just described Microsoft :)
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