Best PC for producing ?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by endrittahiri1, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. endrittahiri1

    endrittahiri1 Newbie

    Mar 26, 2015
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    Hello, can anybody help me about this ? I'm going to buy a new PC and i don't know what PC to buy, i don't want iMac or any Apple Product, Thanks...
  3. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Any gaming PC with intel i7 Quad Core processor and 16 GB ram memory, 256 (or more) GB SSD drive and 1 (or more) TB storage drive will get you in the ballpark.
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  4. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    How much do you want to spend ?

    What do you want to do with this PC, all in the box,using external gear, etc ?

    Difficult to advise you without a lot more info.
  5. R A X A

    R A X A Newbie

    Jan 12, 2016
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    build your pc !!!

    i need to brag my specs lol pc master race !

    Intel Core i7
    32gb ram
    win 8.1
    Geforce Nvidia 980ti
    2 980gb sdd

    for overkill lol
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yeah, if he manages to hear the music he makes from all the noise from the VGA, CPU, PSU, and chassis 2 quid fans. :winker: Good luck!

    To give you some advice we need more info what you're going to use it for besides making music. I can also save you lots of money by giving a sane and sound advice on components.
  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Nothing unusual.For serious composing this is a poor man`s pc,not saying its not powerful,but we are talking pro workstations,consumer stuff just doesnt cut it there.
  8. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Have you all won the lottery lately guys? :hahaha:

    A computer with 32GB RAM and 2 1TB SSDs is nothing unusual? For whom?

    You should see what some of my clients use for making music. :hahaha: The best configuration I currently assemble is top Intel i7 Skylake with 16GB of top G.Skill low latency RAM [2x8GB], mid range Asus or Gigabyte motherboard [less features means better performance and less problems], 256GB SSD, 1-2TB internal HD [external HDs according to needs], 2 maybe 3 Scythe 120mm silent fans and a huge Scythe cooler. No additional VGA. Nobody needs an additional VGA unless it's a PC for gaming. Rather invest that money in a better quality and silent PSU and case. People also usually don't like to spend $1000 on SSDs. They like to spend money on audio equipment, though, and I don't blame them for that, I actually encourage that. :wink:

    You can still make music comfortably with a $1000 PC instead of $3000 PC but you can't record and mix studio quality music with a $100 audio interface, $400 monitors, $50 headphones, and $50 microphone. :winker:
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
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  9. R A X A

    R A X A Newbie

    Jan 12, 2016
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    haha really thats :like: cool well i didnt buy it for the sole purpose of music production but also to game

    so i checked sweetwater's
    Sweetwater Custom Computing CS450 Professional Audio and Video Production Workstation

    not to brag im just totally proud of what ive build and i can definetly say that my computer is more powerful than that so to say "its a poor mans pc" its an absurd statement i think my pc cost 3,000 or more, i didnt get the cheapest parts :wink:

    and from what im seeing in sweetwaters most costly pc it uses Z170 ddr4 motherboard which is up to $163.99 i bought an msi titanium motherboard that at the time was up to $300, now its 251 though i think. btw i can totally say that

    whats a "pro audio computer" for you ? you didnt specify almighty :lmao:
  10. R A X A

    R A X A Newbie

    Jan 12, 2016
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    it took me a year to finish my computer lol i was almost going insane i would never complete my rig !
  11. R A X A

    R A X A Newbie

    Jan 12, 2016
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    i have like 6 fans not to mention my cooler that uses 2 more fans on each side
    i never use any overclocking features im too scared to f it up lol
  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Gosh RAXA, is that 8 fans in your PC? I'd go mad with such noise. You can barely hear my PCs. Sometimes my clients wonder if it's turned on. :wink: I love the silence so I can hear every little jackhammer, drill, nuclear explosion etc. in detail. :rofl:A little joke but really if you want to mix and master in peace silence is golden.

    edit: About fans, you can have 3 fans in your PC that can cool it better than 6 or 8, but the trick is in finding a good, completely closed case, and adjusting the speeds of the fans for optimal airflow. CPU in my personal computer is absolutely cool with only 2 fans, one on the cooler and one in the upper back of the case. The one on the back works a bit faster than the one on the CPU. Usually at ~800rpm. The one on the CPU spins usually around ~600rpm. Interesting huh? :winker: I do have one more fan in the PSU but it's a very slow spinning 140mm fan and the PSU is in it's own compartment separated from the rest of the computer. This is an Antec case [link to a review]. It's huge, heavy, and completely closed and silenced. I love it!
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
  13. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Can be a, B and c.
    Make servers too... Like me.
    But if your are asking is because you do not know nothing, só you must ask for a pc To learn, nothing more.
    You will discover that a real music persona is made by lots of personal choices, the goods and the bads are the essence.
    Also you must forget about alienation. Only PCs? Android, mac, dos amiga, ios, java, linux or rocks are tools. Explore all, learn how To build computers, To make and play integral serial music and how To contruct instruments...
    The tectimes lead us To musicians that do not play... Its sad...I record and produce them with pain:bleh:
  14. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    depending on what you wanna do and if your budget conscious you don't need all the top of the line stuff, im running older AMD stuff and working more then fine. my current machine replaced a dual xeon quad core sever from 2009 ... my 8 core AMD smokes it
  15. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    If u did get an Apple... would cost more.. not any faster.. BUT... would have an Apple on it.
  16. R A X A

    R A X A Newbie

    Jan 12, 2016
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    i totally agree that you can produce at a professional level with less equipment, i just thought in my case that i needed powerful rig to play graphical demanding games in the future, thats why i spent a year building a pc that and i wanted a pc that could last me hopefully 7 years, for music you can use much more less though, i bought a lot of fans due to the fear of my pc catching up on fire lol, youve got a good set up :phunk:
  17. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    I've used SCAN amongst others to build machines to the specs I have wanted, It started when I needed a top-notch machine built for gaming that I bought my Son (As I'm no good with that area and the endless options we're giving me a right headache), So even though I can put together a great setup myself, I was so impressed with their service that I ordered one spec'd for my wants/needs audio wise.
    They're based in England/the UK, You can checkout what they have to offer here:
    Very painless and as said build quality is great. Hope that is of some use/helps, There are others that offer the same services in most countries I think. Also worth checking out in England/the UK are Carillon, Their AC1 rack mount builds are good

    All the best

  18. Windows97

    Windows97 Ultrasonic

    Mar 14, 2016
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    I think the best computer to produce, no doubt, is the EURORACK :rofl:
  19. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Mostly true,however still depends on who is operating the daw.When you buy a powerful gaming pc you instantly get access to top quality game play.
    If you but top quality studio equipment you do not gain access to top studio skills,you need a lot of experience and time and someone could make a a pro mix on consumer equipment vs someone on a pro equipment who has no idea wtf is going on.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  20. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    A very expensive apple indeed.
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  21. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    I built my pc about 4/5 years ago and it's still a monster (I have upgraded/updated parts but minor).
    i7 950 overclocked to 4ghz
    12gb DD3 Ram

    The cpu is like first gen i7 i think and the ram is just standard, but that alone has never had an issue with music production. So it should be fairly 'cheap' to build a decent pc for music production.
    If you want to game then the GPU will add a bigger chunk to it, but if you don't a bog standard gpu just to run normal things will be fine and will cut like £100-300 off your budget.

    Music software hasn't seemed to bottleneck my pc at all so i don't think splashing out on something insane is needed. An audio interface and such will do a lot of the work anyways for you. Only thing i could imagine is the ram being a beast DDR4 and a fast hard drive to help load samples faster such as kontakt libraries and such. Building a PC with the core parts being an i7 5th or 6th gen, and 12-16gb ram will be fine and not too costly.
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