Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Aug 13, 2015.


Is this huge thread really useful for you? Do you really want to see any news about REAPER5?

Poll closed Sep 10, 2016.
  1. Yes, I want to see all updates, betas, roadmap, other info about REAPER5, extensions etc.

    47 vote(s)
  2. No, f*kc that! Enuff! Stop collecting 100 pages for this thread! It is hard to read and useless

    5 vote(s)
  3. I don't care, I use REAPER 2.0 and older! and it is much more than enough!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Never! I want to see updates only for StudioOne, Cubase, Live, ProTools, FL, MOTU, Logic and Bitwig

    2 vote(s)
  5. hmmmmm....dunno

    5 vote(s)
  1. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Nevermind, pun was intended.
  2. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.20rc7 - May 12 2016
    + MIDI editor: add mouse modifier to select all notes in measure (shift+alt+click by default)
    # Notation editor: horizontal zoom fixes [p=1680235]

    v5.20rc6 - May 11 2016
    + Scrub: do not scrub tracks that do not use master/parent send
    # Notation editor: fix zoom/scroll when MIDI media item is set to ignore project tempo [p=1679405]
    # Notation editor: rename mordent, inverted mordent to upper, lower mordent
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  3. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    They're really taking their time with 5.20. I hope that notation editor will read the fuck out of the music sheets.
  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.20 - May 17 2016
    + API: improve MIDI_Sort function [t=174909]
    + Accessibility: improve fader/knob descriptions for VoiceOver and MSAA
    + Accessibility: improve project tabs/docker tabs/various other tabs with VoiceOver
    + Actions: fix certain keys in actions window filter box on OSX [t=175928]
    + Actions: action to set item ends to start of next item only affects selected items [t=93064]
    + Automation: add trim volume envelope, actions to apply to/from trim to volume envelopes
    + Automation: fix inaccuracies reading mute envelopes when stopped [p=1669017]
    + Automation: improve actions to write all envelopes [t=175501]
    + Automation: improve rounding behavior when at the end of square envelope segments [t=169452]
    + CoreAudio: try to normalize samplerates when opening multiple devices
    + CoreAudio: only open one device when using a single default device
    + FX: change default FX resize to down as well as up
    + FX: reduce memory use for plug-ins with large state data
    + JSFX: make @serialize faster and use less memory
    + JSFX: add WigWare Multi-Channel VU Meter
    + JSFX: add midi_delay
    + JSFX: eliminate more constant conditional expressions, improve code generation
    + JSFX: fix match() matching %s at end of string [t=176046]
    + JSFX: send meta-events (beginning with FF) unwrapped via midisend_buf/str (do not treat as sysex)
    + Markers/regions: always encode color as RGB in .csv export [t=176781]
    + Markers/regions: fix cross-platform color translation issue
    + MIDI editor: add mouse modifier to select all later notes of same pitch
    + MIDI editor: add mouse modifier to select all notes in measure (shift+alt+click by default)
    + MIDI editor: add undo points when using velocity edit actions [t=175752]
    + MIDI editor: prevent note edit preview while recording [t=174161]
    + MIDI editor: allow separate selection link to visibility and editability in track list
    + Media items: add undo point when renaming source media
    + Media items: improve handling of zero-length items [t=102921]
    + Media items: fix heavily-looped, resampled items [t=70178]
    + Media items: fix very-zoomed-out peak display on very short looped items
    + Media items: improve stretch marker behavior with pitch shifting and 0ms stretch marker fade time
    + Media items: fix potential for incorrect take FX chasing/small seeks
    + Media items: vary take lane size in order to use all available space [t=93071]
    + Metronome: fix count-in rounding issue [t=173878]
    + Metronome: improve behavior when moving click sources across time signature changes [t=175402]
    + Mixer: fix potential hang when using theme that sets mcp_min_height=0 [t=175196]
    + Mixer: improve action behavior with docked but invisible master mixer
    + Mouse modifiers: change "paint notes or chords" to "paint notes and chords"
    + Notation editor: add MIDI notation editor!
    + Notation editor: handle most mouse and keyboard insert/edit behaviors identically to existing MIDI editor
    + Notation editor: save notation data with project MIDI; notation-specific import/export will come later
    + Notation editor: support single track or continuous scrolling multiple track view
    + Notation editor: support grid spacing (default) or proportional musical note spacing
    + Notation editor: support customizable display quantization
    + Notation editor: support optional automatic triplet detection
    + Notation editor: support inserting and editing arbitrary manual tuplets
    + Notation editor: support some articulation, ornaments, dynamics, pedal, octave notation
    + Notation editor: support lyrics, phrases/slurs
    + Notation editor: support automatic or custom beaming
    + Notation editor: support key signatures, clef changes, transposing instruments
    + Notation editor: support up to 3 voices, option to automatically voice overlapping notes
    + Notation editor: support non-standard accidentals (E sharp, G double-flat, etc)
    + Notation editor: support coloring selected notes or note heads by pitch, media source, velocity, voice
    + Notation editor: support custom note head glyphs per-note or per-pitch
    + Notation editor: optionally bracket tracks by project folder
    + Preferences: fix auto-mute UI disabling [t=175117]
    + Project bay: improve handling of folders when full source media path changes
    + Project bay: preserve source media folders when media is removed and re-added to project
    + Project bay: update source media folders when renaming via media item properties
    + ReaInsert: fix MIDI monitoring latency when stopped
    + ReaPlugs: reduce undo state memory use
    + ReaScript: fix EEL match() matching %s at end of string [t=176046]
    + ReaScript: fix potential memory leak [t=176582]
    + ReaVerb: fix potential crash when switching presets [t=175247]
    + Render: allow render blocksize as low as 4 samples
    + Save as: prompt when overwriting a file saved to a subdirectory [t=174851]
    + Theme: add new master track layouts [p=1671397]
    + Transport: update play button state after various actions which stop playback [t=64343]
    + Undo: fix incorrect history update when using save-as to an existing project [p=1664941]
    + Undo: warn when inconsistencies or errors occur loading undo history
    + VST: add global option, per plug-in compatibility options for ignoring/processing automation notifications
    + VST: show shell plug-in scanning details when performing manual rescan
    + Video: add extensions to allow VST plug-ins access to video
    + Video: support writing multichannel audio to video files using OS X AVAsset encoder
    + Wave: avoid potential wave file reader crash [t=102921]
    + Wave: fix junk being written to unused fields in certain cue chunks
  5. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    That's what I've been waiting for!!!
  6. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.21pre1a - May 18 2016
    + Notation editor: fix potential crash when entering lyrics outside the bounds of the media item [t=176990]

    v5.21pre1 - May 18 2016
    + Audio Units: improved keyboard support for Goodhertz plug-ins
    + MIDI editor: add action to select all notes at pitch cursor
    + MIDI editor: note text in piano roll respects current key signature regardless of whether snap-to-key is enabled [t=175742]
    + MIDI: fix export/glue of 1-byte text messages [t=176427]
    + MIDI: fix incorrect tempomap rounding issue [t=175833]
    + Notation editor: better handling of note editing when displaying paired staves and custom clefs
    + Notation editor: handle some common beaming/grouping rhythm exceptions
    + Peaks: fix blank peaks on very-zoomed-out small items [p=1675758]
    + Peaks: improved various behaviors when rebuilding peaks
    + Peaks: prevent certain disappearing peaks
    + Playback: improve output latency calculation when using project playrate [t=175935]
    # MIDI editor: add "rename current note" to note context menu
    # Notation editor: fix positioning of adjacent-note chords [t=176971]
    # Notation editor: improve horizontal zoom when first opening an imported MIDI item [p=1682245]
    # OSX: fix for potential PostMessage after destroy
    # Peak cache: fixed incorrect display in 5.20beta9 [p=1675045]
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  7. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21pre2 - May 19 2016
    + MIDI editor: add "show/hide track list" to track selection dropdown
    + MIDI editor: fix action to select all notes in measure
    + Media explorer: fix tempo-match seek positioning for .wav with tempo information [t=176981]
    + Notation editor: fix missing ledger line when using custom accidentals [t=177061]
    + Notation editor: prevent autodetection of triplets if non-triplet notes exist within the triplet bracket
    + VST: support MIDI note names on multiple channels [t=176729]
    # MIDI editor: rename "Key" checkbox to "Key snap"
  8. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thanks !
    I really appreciate your posts :0)
    Reaper is getting better and better and better, it's insane !
    Please consider watching my Reaper tutorials on youtube:

    I have started to make my tutorials with inclusion of english narration.
    Forgive me my terrible english but i think it's better than making tutorials without narration.
    Warm regards and heads up for your Reaper posts !
  9. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21pre3 - May 22 2016
    + ReaControlMIDI: update log when opening UI [t=177071]
    + VST: better behavior when manually re-scanning shell plug-ins
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21pre4 - May 23 2016
    + MIDI editor: optimize performance when navigating large MIDI items while using the MIDI filter
    + MIDI: avoid duplicate note-offs on stop in certain instances [p=1684996]
    + Metronome: fix project metronome pattern not applying immediately, regression from 5.18 [t=177206]
    # Notation editor: fix incorrect adjacent-note chord drawing from 5.21pre2
    # Notation editor: improve behavior when preventing autodetection of triplets because non-triplet notes interfere
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  11. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Extra update for 5.20 (this small maintenance update consists of some changes taken from 5.21pre1a, 5.21pre3 and 5.21pre4)

    v5.201 - May 24 2016
    + Metronome: fix project metronome pattern not applying immediately, regression from 5.18 [t=177206]
    + Notation editor: fix potential crash when entering lyrics outside the bounds of the media item [t=176990]
    + VST: better behavior when manually re-scanning shell plug-ins
  12. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21pre5b - May 26 2016
    # reverted Windows 10 manifest addition

    v5.21pre5a - May 26 2016
    # MIDI editor: avoid all-notes-off proliferation in list view (bug introduced in 5.21pre5)

    v5.21pre5 - May 25 2016
    + API: add GetSetTrackGroupMembership()
    + FX: run automation for FX with open configuration panels on otherwise empty tracks
    + MIDI editor: avoid sending excess all-notes-off on stop [p=1685190]
    + MIDI editor: enable "size to fit" behaviors for notation editor
    + MIDI editor: fix disappearing events when using channel filter and list view [p=1685970]
    + MIDI editor: refresh editor immediately on moving notes left/right via keyboard action in non-active MIDI item [t=136812]
    + MIDI: avoid duplicate note-offs on stop in certain instances [p=1684996]
    + MIDI: increase imported MIDI file source lengths using MIDI end-of-track meta event if present
    + RS5K: avoid potential reentrancy related crash
    + RS5K: don't offer RPP files in sample list
    + VST: avoid sending duplicate note-off/pitch-reset messages on stop/flush [p=1685190]
    + Windows: add Windows 8.1/Windows 10 compatibility manifest [t=177331]
    # Notation editor: allow tied note to be part of two different tuplets [t=177226]
    # Notation editor: fix some triplet autodetection issues
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
  13. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21pre6 - May 27 2016
    + Accessibility: fix alt-key accessing main menu on Windows when arrange is in focus but mouse is elsewhere
    + Accessibility: fix generic slider keyboard support when slider mosewheels disabled
    + Actions window: improve resize drawing on OS X [t=177414]
    + MIDI editor: add action to select all notes starting in measure
    + MIDI editor: display notation data in a dedicated list view column
    + MIDI: fix potentially corrupt note-off velocities [p=1686897]
    # Notation editor: fix possible crash when autodetecting triplets [p=1686802]
  14. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21pre7 - May 30 2016
    + FX: improve behavior when removing latent plug-ins from Monitoring FX/Record Input FX
    + MIDI editor: improve undo behavior with multiple context and various actions [t=136814]
    + Mixer: fix track label index invalid after duplicate if not in TCP [t=177395]
    + Routing: filter out invalid send-to-self on project load [p=1687479]
    # Notation editor: fix incorrect beaming when processing rhythm pattern exceptions [p=1687353]
    # Notation editor: fix note insert/selection when zoomed in
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  15. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21pre8 - June 1 2016
    + JSFX: support ctrl+click of edit button to recompile/reset [p=1688412]
    + MIDI editor: action to set note ends to start of next note will note shorten notes beyond the lesser of (grid size, 25% of original note length) [p=1688568]
    + MIDI editor: disregard snap to key when in named notes (drum map) mode
    + Notation editor: fix incorrect breaming in certain chord/time signature combinations [p=1688937]
    # Notation editor: increase threshold for autodetecting triplets (reduce false positives)
  16. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21pre9 - June 3 2016
    + Arrange: improve drawing performance when zoomed in on empty space between items
    + Automation: improve volume envelope panel tweaking behavior
    + OSC: correct outdated Default.ReaperOSC comments
    + OSC: fix track bank selection bug for last track in session
    + VST: improve keyboard handling with Native Instruments plug-ins
    # MIDI editor: action to set note ends to start of next note skips notes that start after, but end before, the current note [p=1689328]
    # MIDI editor: allow user to delete text notation by editing the text to nothing, or rename the parent item to nothing [t=177643]
    # MIDI editor: if selection is linked to both visibility and editability, update editability immediately when changing visibility [t=177636]
    # Notation editor: tweak some beaming logic
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  17. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21pre10 - June 8 2016
    + OSC: send tempo change notifications during playback [t=159000]
    + REX: fix incorrect peak drawing when using all-slices, looped [t=64970]
    # MIDI editor: fix MIDI channel ambiguity when exporting MIDI note names
    # MIDI editor: update key snap dropdowns when reopening editor [p=1691139]
    # MIDI import: improve handling of end-of-track on multi-track midi files [t=177597]
  18. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    whats the point of this thread ? it is easily accessible through landoleet
  19. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    News maybe? The point of other threads about new software and updates is the same. They are all accessible from their websites to download/try demo/beta testing or just get to know what will be the new in the next fully stable official release. Noh? As you see the point of this thread is to show "soon updates". Because it is Software News forum indeed. I know it is really big. I should decide how to decrease it a little.
  20. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    ready soon

    v5.21rc1 - June 11 2016
    # MIDI editor: fix some visibility/editability issues when switching active take in the arrange view [p=1692096]
    # MIDI editor: fixed edit/inserting new event in the range 0xB? [0x78,0x7F] [p=1692017]
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