- What is it?

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Ankit, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Is there any member of this site? How it's different from audioz?
  3. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    The main differences are:
    - Only a Torrent site
    - Registrations only opened on the first few days of each month or by invite

    - A lot of stuff: You will find a lot of material not available on our sister site

    - Something crappy about the torrent configuration that will prevent you to seed and will therefore destroy your ratio in no time.
    - This last point is crucial because they will limit your account (inability to download new torrents for ex) until your ratio is back up. The alternative being a donation fee if you are unable to seed.
    - This is where it starts being ugly: In some ways, the tracker is preventing you to seed so you are left with no other option but pay the donation fee if you want to be able to continue using their tracker. This is nasty and it sucks.

    How to bypass this:
    - Every few months open a new account with a new email address. Of course, you have to be careful to reboot your router otherwise they will detect that the new account is being created with the same IP.

    Might be very useful if you are into sample libs otherwise our sister site is more than enough for your daily needs.
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  4. Zombay Da Silva

    Zombay Da Silva Member

    Mar 30, 2016
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    It's a torrent tracker for audio software and stuff.

    I've no problem seeding, but then I only download stuff bigger than 700MB that I can't download from audioz.
    You cant' rely on any of your questions being answered at Audionews. Not quite a community.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
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  5. h3v

    h3v Kapellmeister

    Mar 27, 2015
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    Things are usually posted to Audioz before they hit Audionews.
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  6. GammaStar

    GammaStar Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2012
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    It's only the No'1 audio site on the web.. just seed 1/1 ratio to prevent limitations.. I have been a member since "06" not seen a comparison torrent site to beat it.. correct me if im wrong..?
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  7. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I am not interested in sample libraries. I am only interested in plugins. You mean sister site has same new content (plugins) as in has from various teams?
  8. h3v

    h3v Kapellmeister

    Mar 27, 2015
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    ProAudioTorrents is very comparable as far as torrents sites go.
    Audioz is by far the best audio site in general hands down.
    I don't see how you could disagree with my comment about having to wait... it's a fact.
    I don't always have an account to download things from file hosters so I go to Audionews sometimes when I chose to get a torrent instead and 7/10 times I usually have to wait for the torrent to post.
    Sometimes the wait isn't that long but things are definitely available on Audioz first.
    There are members of Audioz that post there exclusively.
    On rare occasions there are things that never make it to Audionews.
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  9. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    It took me a while to configure my torrent client and router until I could get the seeding mechanism to work correctly...Never had low ratio issues after that...It's a pain in the ass to configure this stuff, though.

    As for the website, it's great. Things get posted there minutes after being posted on AudioZ. Torrents download very fast and, in my opinion, are a much better alternative than file hosts.
  10. Zombay Da Silva

    Zombay Da Silva Member

    Mar 30, 2016
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  11. baracoca

    baracoca Newbie

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Great website (the download speed is amazing): Audionews is10 year old !!!!
    Difficult to start (to stay) the first year (keeping ratio) but after there is no problem.

    Greta for fresh, Audionews is also great to download old stuffs. On sister site you have to ask: "reupload please".
    General talk section in the forum is cool too :disco: and members are respectfull (maybe older than the sister website) :guru::rofl:.

    Here on the sister website, stuffs are tested faster. If a problem is found in a release, you're informed in minutes.

    Both are cool but differents. :mates:
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  12. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Thanks for the help:thanks:.
    Conclusion - does not suit my requirements. And I do not want to pay for warez. Having torrents is great thing. But I am not into older stuff. Audioz is good enough for me.:cheers:
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  13. Calmond

    Calmond Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Great idea! I just tried to register again but it's now asking for an invite code for some reason.
  14. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    For those saying they are a torrent website that exist since 2006... maybe they still exist ONLY BECAUSE most people end up paying the donation fee... vs other torrent sites, who only rely on advertising. ..

    sometimes I click on a link, and will land on a torrent website. I then see people with crazy ratios like 10-1, up-down. It's just insane.

    For +95% of people, it's simply impossible to have positive u/d ratios. Apart some 'rich' guys, (by rich, I mean they can spend +150 euros per month, for their fiber line) who live in some countries where laws aren't too prohibitive, for the most of us, the difference on the bandwidth is simply too big. I have a 'cheap' 20mb line, which gives me 1.9mbytes/s. I can download about 6.5Gb in just 1 hour.sure, there exist muuuuch faster lines, but I don't download 50gb 3d blu-ray ISOs, or 150Gb Hans Zimmer percussion libraries. It's already fantastic. But I think I only have 2, or 1mb of upload. Like 20/2 dowload/upload speed. Which is really slow, as Skype sessions have a really poor quality, and can use the remote share functions of my Playstation 4.

    Now, with such Internet line, if I download a 5Gb tutorial, or sample library, from these torrent websites, where many will ask ratios like 3-1, to keep the account enabled, it means that, if I download those 5Gb, I will have to upload 15Gb. At 160Kb/s upload speed, it takes 6 seconds to upload 1mb. Or 6000 seconds for 1Gb. Or 90'000 seconds, for the 15Gb upload.Which makes 25 hours.

    Now, if I download 20 or 30 gb. .. it will require several weeks of upload. With our computers eating up 300, 400W per hour, are we willing to leave our computers turned on, 24/7, entire months, just to respect some u/d ratios?

    That's why many people will rather pay the fee, and 'forget' the ratios. Or they will try to find cheaper torrent websites, with lower ratios.

    Compared to torrents, -like services are just fantastic, and we'll worth the cash. 'Save file as', and that's all.

    To those who dl from torrents and have to respect those ratios, is it really worth the whole ratio mess, keep the computer turned on, slower speeds, etc?
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  15. Windows97

    Windows97 Ultrasonic

    Mar 14, 2016
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    a similar to this and free access is
    But he is completely in Russian.
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  16. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Yes, I think it's worth it. I like torrents much better than direct link websites and, economically speaking, in my case, it's infinitely cheaper (free) to use audionews than to pay for an uploaded account.

    I also have a slow internet connection (8Mb) but at least my ISP provides me with a fair download/upload ratio, so I just keep seeding everything I download indefinitely and forget about it.

    Personally, I never had to donate to boost my ratio...Oh, and I have no complaints about speed as well. It's pretty fast as far as my slow internet connection can handle.

    By the way, the trick to boost your ratio is to download torrents with a lot of leechers, than seed then for as long as possible...Seed them for a week or so, without downloading anything else. I do this often. Even if I don't really need that torrent, I download it just to feed the ratio monster.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
  17. suefreeman

    suefreeman Producer

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Choose your 1st torrent carefully .... i didnt and my account has been locked (limited) for 2 years ....
    Dont have that problem with any other torrent site with ratio ...
    If i cant seed there, i suppose too many members have online seedbox ...
  18. faunus

    faunus Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2013
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    The system on Audionews is not viable , to survive the ratio hunt you need to seed new content ,
    but 2-3 users seed all the stuff and nothing is left for the others....
    so its inevitable that your ratio will drop.....

    i tried to share some content there and the rules are very strict and the staff somehow inhospitable
    they deleted my post several times and many of the times someone of the ''2-3'' top seeders took the content and uploaded it for himself.....
  19. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    For new users, I think it's pretty much impossible to get a good ratio, or even to stay for very long without paying. It's all very fishy like that. I have been there for many many years, and the way I got up my ratio, was by downloading stuff here first, and then seeding the files there :) I did it with huge stuff, like 40GB libraries. I got about a terabyte towards upload ratio thanks to doing this.
  20. Sonny Crockett

    Sonny Crockett Kapellmeister

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Not a fan of that kind of site at all, but if you have a good upload bandwidth it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the ratio.
    I still prefer audioz by far. I think most of the stuff you see here comes from the great main posters we have. There's plenty of different stuff, you can make request and I think several times they fullfill it and if there's a post with dead links either you can search anywhere else or simply ask for a reupload and it will be reuploaded by PiRAT in no time.
    As for the download servers yes they are shitty if you're not a premium user, but there are different sites where they could be downloaded from, or simply spend couple bucks if you have tons of GB to download.
  21. real

    real Producer

    Apr 2, 2013
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    People keep saying that it's nearly impossible for new members to keep a good ratio.
    No it isn't. I know because I'm a new member...I joined the site about 5 months ago.

    The trick is to READ THE FREAKIN RULES!!! This should be a given no matter what site/forum you are a part of.

    It even tells you in the rules to pick a brand new torrent with a high amount of leechers first...doing this guarantees you will catch enough traffic to build your ratio to above 1:1 and not get banned immediately.

    I did this, and have since built my ratio up to over 2:1, approaching 3:1 now. I paid nothing. everything I download I try to upload at least 2-3 times over.

    Get popular torrents early, seed them until they stop seeding..usually a week or so, depending on the torrent.

    Large torrents work best....if you can catch a large or highly wanted torrent early enough, you can easily stay above the ratio.

    I did it basically without even trying. All those AudioUtopia products, all those DAW updates like Pro Tools....Those seeded for weeks The site gets PLENTY of traffic to accommodate everybody for free as long as they seed.

    So I don't understand all the hate for this site. Y'all basically just talked somebody out of joining probably the best torrent site for pro audio on the web.

    The sister site basically get's everything first, so being a part of audioz actually TIPS YOU OFF to whenever a popular torrent is about to be uploaded...stupid easy. Usually I wait for it to show up here, then go to audionews and download the torrent. That is now my basic relationship with the audioz site.

    Sometimes, I get extra money and don't feel like waiting, I'll buy into one of the audioz's download sites for a few months. No worrying about ratios or seeding. Other than that, I barely download from the sister site anymore.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
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