First track.. DnB - need advice/tips/help/etc

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by nickveldrin, May 16, 2016.

  1. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    Hi all,

    So, i put my first ever dnb track (and sort of first ever modern track) here -

    I know it's not a full arrangement, but is it okay? I've only just started looking at theory books and watching lessons on how to use DAWs and come up with workflows to make tunes, so i'm new at pretty much everything.

    This was composed in Ableton using an Akai Advance 49 controller, using a bunch of AiR Music Tech VSTi's (Mini Grand, Vacuum Pro, theRiser, Strike, and Velvet), some standalone samples, along with effects/mastering plugins from AiR, FabFilter, and iZotope Ozone.

    Any advice or constructive criticism would be great - i'll take anything. Tips of the trade would be *super* helpful, as making music is really new to me, but i love drum and bass more than anything.
  2. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    panning is overly done on drum hits, limiter being pushed to hard on the bass. Shorten the release on your drum hits. I would recommend watching the tutorial black sun empire have on their drum production. Try using a cleaner sub (more pure sine wave), the distortion on the low end makes it too rumbly in a bad way imo. But great first attempt!
  3. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    Thank you so much, SyNtH.!

    I'll make some edits, cuting the low end on my distorted sub instrument, cleaning up my sub instrument, and fixing the panning on the drums. But i borrowed the drum loops from Strike, so i'm not sure how much i could do with that without making my own, and i dont know if i'm experienced enough to make my own yet.

    I really appreciate the advice.

    *edit* will definitely watch the tutorial videos as well. Thank you for that too.
  4. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Nice track. Could use a wee bit more variation on drums and fills but overall nicely done.
  5. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    From my own experience: First track is compromised. You probably listened so many times, you are bored (or soon be) with it. And the second. And the third. Do at least another 9 (and make them proper: 3-6 minutes long, as you are doing for radio or EP; make them with purpose, even if no one will play them ever). It's not humanly possible to get it right from the first ones. Maybe post the 10th for feedback (even though in my experience, again, the most valuable feedback is from listeners, not producers). You'll learn things during the process that no feedback would ever get near that experience.
  6. Galactico_B

    Galactico_B Ultrasonic

    Apr 10, 2016
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    Very nice first track Nick! Id say you have a feel for music and should DEFINITELY keep at it :wink:

    Sure yes the mix down could use work, and arrangement, but honestly... there are people that get away with dodgy mixes and get by on VIBE alone, and just call it their "style". Like check this mixdown.

    Mix is dodgy as fuck, but getting played all over the radio in UK; Gilles Petersen, Benji B, big DJs with good taste. The track has vibe production is weak but it has vibes and people are responding.

    But you will improve the mixdowns. The best way is to A-B your tracks constantly against pro tracks from producers you admire. Then analyze your tracks, which I think you can do well, and see what needs improving. Then look for tutorials etc to achieve the result you want.

    One thing I think could improve the track you put up is VOCALS. either some phrases or even some full verses

    And I would disagree re listener feedback over producers, when at the LEARNING phase, you want specific feedback not "zomg ooh i like the badam tish bit!!!" You want specific, technical, detailed feedback when you are learning.
    Of course listener feedback is important when you want to bring to the masses.

    But keep it up dude for sure!
  7. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    I think you're partially right on this one, because in wanting to make music but not knowing how, watching how producers do it and listening to producer's feedback and tips is monumental. I'm starting to understand all that goes into production, but if someone will point something out to me, it'll be like a lightbulb moment - and unfortunately the listeners oftentimes don't know how/why they like something, it's the producer's ear that says "tighten the drums!" or "shelve the EQ below 200hz on the distortion and use a cleaner sine bass" where it's like "oh yeah!"

    Other than that, yep - a listener will know if a track is good, mediocre, or just not so much. Thankfully i personally know a few people in my day to day that also listen to drum and bass, so they can take a peak for me.

    I've already taken the feedback and have made a lot of edits, tightening up the percussion and sub bass, but when listening in my car on the way to the office this morning, i realized that my new kicks are clipping a little and the limiter/compressor doesn't sound good, so i'll pull them back a bit. My new snare also needs to be pulled back a little, because it being a lot more crisp means that it stands out more. But i'm quite happy with how i've creating this massive wall of sub-bass now, which was what i was shooting for initially.

    So i'll either post a new version tonight if i can make the edits after the baby goes to bed, or first thing in the morning if anyone's interested.

    I really appreciate everyone's feedback and i'll work on studying the song structure/fills/breaks, etc for future works.
  8. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Nice. From this listener's POV (not as a producer - not qualified) it sounds ....pretty good. But I think the melodic (?) twinkly parts need be more in ya face. It reminds me of one of my favourite ever tracks, a great Probspot remix of Endre's "I Kill For You". [Not a DnB track but perhaps similar kinda sound?] And the bass is a tad rumbly rather than clear and deep.

    I would rather the high and low were separated more like that Endre tune I said (though the YT versions don't crank the highs as I like them and the lows ain't so low)

    skip the first 50 seconds

    (I love playing this on guitar)
  9. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    I'm a HUGE probspot fan as well, and trance was my staple genre in between when Drum and Bass split to Jungle and started forming the liquid funk of today. Had to have my trance fill, and i'm sure i will be dablling in trance and melodic dubstep/trap in the future as i learn how to better use Ableton, better create the crazy rips/tears of the basslines, etc.

    Here's my mix/master edit with sub bass more pronounanced, less distorted, and distorted frequencies cut out of the growly bassline via EQ.

    Made triangle a little less in your face, since that thing tings really loud, but kept shakers and hats, and with all the other backing instruments at their levels. So anyone that's good at mixing/mastering and can give me more tips, these tips affect how i change my brain to process the information, and i'm learning a ton with everything said. Trying not to make the same mistake twice!

    Without having studio monitor speakers and only a 10 year old pair of Sony MDR-700 studio headphones that don't give me full frequency reproduction, i feel like things sound awesome at home, then i go in the car and it sounds like freaking poop. So frustrating!!

    Pretty much most of the Kush Sessions set tracks are in my head most the day, and it's all beautiful works like this .

    I want to try to dissect it, but my experience using the tools is still lacking, and i dont know how they create the reverse bawoop they use in the 1& after pausing on the 1 in the bar, or any of the bass rips. ARGH heh.

    I hate having a real job that forces me to only play with this for an hour or two per day.
  10. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    much better

    I still think there's room for it to bassier (tight) and less rumbly. [I have bassy speakers though]

    Then quit.

    Of course, you can't. [and you're not supposed to properly acknowledge such knowledge].

    Eventually they will shoot you. So don't even consider it. Even though one can't but do so......
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