Gene Simmons... shut-up!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by thantrax, May 11, 2016.

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  1. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Producer it's an old story, they all do stunts, especially when they have something coming out, their book, music album, whatever. recently Keith Richards talked shit about Led Zep because he was releasing a solo album. no surprises here. if it wasn't for Gene talking crap about dead man, I think, no one would give a damn.

    Andrew: Post moderated.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  2. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Just to review. I've been around lots of dead, dying, sick and bullshitte patients.

    And NO you can't say he died in an elevator. It was stated in news accounts that the doctor that killed him with his treatment was also performing CPR after he killed him. NO body, not even a dumbass doc that doesn't no ACLS, or BCLS for that matter would be doing CPR in a fk'ing elevator. We need a proper surface to do compressions. We need a proper area to structure our equipment and treatments.

    Do you think I do an arrest on the floor of the bathroom just because the little old lady went into arrest on the toilet? Ah, no. You need room to work.

    Very rarely does someone even when falling down unresponsive, do so "dead." So if the doc was there, he died while his faithful quack a doc moved him...I hope.

    If you really want to know what happened to the ARTIST FORMERLY KNOWN as "Prince" find out what his doctor who was with him, giving him treatment that just happened to be at the same time he dropped dead.

    One thing you have realize @duskwings, never irl do we have certainty. Having certainty as a rule applied to real life is a ruse by the fascist progressives as a debate silencing technique. It's a form of socratic argument where you can't stop the infinite "why" questions. It comes from Saul Alinsky's, "Rules for Radicals" which techniques were described as well in Mein Kampt used by the communists of his time as well. I just got thru the first volume as an audio book and am listening to it ONLY because throughout my life I was told not to.

    Once you understand the weapons against you, you develop a choice and those weapons no longer work on you. We were told to avoid reading said book, because those weapons have been adopted by the governments of modern western "democracies."

    I know certainty. I ran there for safety for so long, I have an adv degree in Applied Math and Statistics. Then I realized, just like a monk, it's easy to meditate in a cave, time to rejoin society.

    The real story is the malpractice or worse quackery, having the compliant government organ of the press cover him like the champions of no justice that they are...because the military-media-medical-pharma industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about has us all by the short hairs (that's why I trim)...

    Corollary: If the media lauds someone, they probably are your enemy. If the media universally attacks someone, they are probably an ally. If a person is completely ignored, (s)he is your fk'ing champion! ...until proven otherwise.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  3. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    like everyone in this thread do too

    but one guy is attack the dead and some others attack living person

    i agree

    Should we say we disagree?Yes.

    Dont blame media if you are in minority blame why you are in minority
  4. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    "Gene Simmons - shut up?" No: Gene Simmons - die. That twat made a career out of encouraging dumbness among young people. Prince was a lot more sophisticated, musically and intellectually. Gene Simmons is drunk all the time - on his own ego.

    As for whether he "has the right" to his opinion, so what if he does? He's an old, irrelevant, annoying, narcissistic, demented, marginally-talented, ugly-ass twat who should have died instead of Bowie and Prince. Ever notice that "Kiss" pronounced backward sounds really close to "suck?"

    (Don't "hate" on me, n'kay? I'm entitled to my opinion.)
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    It sure is his right to express his views, but it is my right to criticize his views. Gene Simmons thrives off these kind of comments, and like the shameless narcissist that he is, gets his rocks off by the inevitable public backlash he will most certainly engender. Even his own band mate finds his remarks insensitive and out of line. Some people take great pleasure rattling other people's chains, and love to sit back and gloat over their reaction. Simmons, in his life-long quest to appear to be relevant, has found a way to keep his name on the Public's Lips. In the end, he'll end up a forgotten, custume-adorned relic, whose own musical talents are mostly nestled within the narrow confines of his own ego.
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  6. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i resent that $20.000 remark... i have even less a year
  7. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    @ca jones

    Nothing wrong with being a Trump supporter. He's definitely somewhat naive and haughty, but he's an outsider to the entrentched US political elite. The media hates him so bloody much - that's enough for me to know that he's for real. A vote for the media darling Clinton is a vote for the status quo... and the status quo isn't working out for the average American citizen (nor for the people around the world who are hurt & killed because of US conquest and Wall St. shenanigans). Nothing pathetic about supporting Trump in my honest opinion.

    Andrew: Comment edited to reflect post removal
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  8. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    umm there is everything wrong with supporting trump but thats a whole different discussion and i think almost everybody would appreciate it if politics stayed out of the discussions on the forum
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @ca jones

    are you wurlie ?


  10. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I strongly disagree. For the record, I am not an American citizen so I can't vote. I am an immigrant and a Political Science major. I think a Trump/Sanders presidency will be the least disastrous for America... it needs someone who will put ordinary American citizens first, over the interests of corrupt elite and illegal immigrants. But I digress... this could be a very long discussion. I'll leave it at that.

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Gene Simmons Apologizes for Prince Comments: I Got Such 'S--t' From My Family:

    The outspoken artist, 66, penned an extended apology via Twitter, and shared that his reaction didn't just outrage legions of Prince fans β€” but also his own family members. "I just got such s--t from my family for my big mouth again," Simmons wrote. "I apologize β€” I have a long history of getting very angry at what drugs do to the families/friends of the addicts. I get angry at drug users because of my experience being around them coming up in the rock scene. In my experience they've made my life, and the lives of their loved ones, difficult. I was raised in a culture/crowd where drug addicts were written off as losers, and since that's the narrative I grew up with, it's been hard to change with the times."

    'Nuff said...
  12. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Utter rubbish.

    Fascism is "palingenetic populist ultranationalism". The left is internationalist - not ultranationalist.

    If you want to attack the left, fine, do so. But don't stand words on their head to do it. It both corrupts the language (Freedom is slavery, War is peace etc) and undermines any argument such that it makes the speaker an anti-left fool, not a critic.

    The real left is essentially a class-based creed which holds the abolition of class as its ultimate goal. Whereas fascism makes a cross-class appeal, is anti-socialist *and* anti-capitalist (anti-liberal).

    Pretending that "the left" is at all analogous to fascism is ignorant and/or dishonest.

    Again, utter rubbish.

    The term "fascist progressive" is a nonsense.

    It's like saying the blackness of white, the up-ness of down, etc.

    Say what you want to say......sure. But don't corrupt the language....just to ride your hobby-horse of (ignorantly) attacking the left and *obscuring the real meaning of words such as fascism and socialism*.

    Not in politics.

    Here's some applied math(?):

    Words are like Venn diagrams.

    The category "fascism" does not include the things that are in the categories of "socialism", "the left" or "progressive".

    If they did, what is the purpose/meaning of the category anyway? If black is white then what of the Venn diagram of the categories "black" and "white"? They would be identical.

    Under such circumstances anyone can say anything and it mean whatever they like. It actually means nothing, and even destroys meaning.

    But in fact black is not white. Up is not down. The left is not "fascist". Liberals are not "fascist". Progressives are not "fascist".

    Authoritarianism is a distinct thing itself - it can be a characteristic of individuals, organisations and regimes. It is not a political creed in itself - just a characteristic. The Left and Right can each display it. (The Left has a spread from libertarian to does the Right.) The character and meaning of any particular authoritarianism is particular to its historical and cultural context - it is not a singularly defining characteristic of "fascism". To say otherwise (as you seem to) obscures real fascism. The danger of that is obvious, no?

    If you (or anyone else) has the wrong notion of what "fascism" is then how can you/we know whether we or anyone else is "fascist"?
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
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  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Well I happen to be a poli-sci master (the diploma) myself. And I strongly disagree with your statement.
    First Sanders and Trump are not outsiders, one is a professionnal politician since forever, the other is a billionaire since 3 decades.
    They do incarnate somewhat different political views than classical politicians on a few matters, but they stand very far from each other, one is close to the socialist tradition (more exactly the social-democrat tradition in the European way, that would be Saunders), the other one is half-way between classical right wing populism (getting the imigrants home, fire on the the rotten medias, the billionaire that stands with the little people that he takes advantage of, etc.) and just plain dangerous clown (his foreign policy proposals, 3rd world war waiting to happen). What brings them together is that they both want to turn their back on a casino economy and to rehabilitate the American workforces, which is pretty good news.
    Unfortunately Saunders is not going to make it. Trump will probably end what remains of the American world leadership, but eh...Internet will still be there, who cares.
  14. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    I'm with the late and great Lemmy on this one. He would say fuck you.
    (a real man)

    Now what would Geney do? - he will give you some licky licky.
    (basically a loser with no testicles)
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  15. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    American world leadership has been in decline since decades... Hemorrhaging their military force on dozens of wars around the world, outsourcing manufacturing, relying on financial trickery to maintain economic hegemony, supporting wall street at the taxpayer's expense, trying so desperately to provoke a war with a major power like Russia to challenge their rapidly growing economy. Obviously something is seriously wrong with the leadership of the USA, and I hardly think Trump could possibly make it any worse. Listening to his speeches, a lot of what he says is reasonable. Then again, Obama promised a lot of reasonable things too, and then proceeded to trash it all.

    I don't know the man, I don't know his true intentions. In my view he is a man of business rather than politics, where one does not achieve respect nor wealth by lying incessantly. But you could be right... he might be an exploitative, treacherous president who would lead this country to ruin. It is certainly already headed there. My hope is that he can use some of his experience from business to turn the tide, by putting America before anything else (isn't that his slogan?) - pull out of every corner of the globe, stop fighting wars of conquest, stop with the out-of-control spending, respect the Constitution, and get the US back on track. Back when the US was founded, there were no career politicians. Positions in government were honorary roles fulfilled by men who had other professions, who knew how to run a business and had experience "where the rubber meets the road". These men led the US to its former glory. If Trump is but a little like them, I think it is positive for him to be president. Of course, I could be totally wrong. So we'll have to agree to disagree.

    It's cool there's someone on here who's in Poli Sci. I think that's what lies at every musician's heart - the desire to make the world better for everyone. As long as we hold true to this, there is little that can separate us.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
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  16. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    OK, this is getting way offtopic.
    I'm for locking the topic, unless anyone else has something to add to Gene Simmons POV.
    To be honest, I don't get the point of this thread at all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.:dunno:
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I was a very devoted student, passionnate and politicaly very active (I still am, differentely). I started to do research to be a doctor, but lack of funding and love of music got the best of me. I don't regret it one second, in today's world musicians can probably be more helpfull than politicians, no one listens to them any more. But it does bring us togetheir, and I'm also happy to exchange with a fellow poli-sci student.:mates:
    I agree with you on the economic overview (not with Trump's propositions), and I thought Saunders was the man to change a couple of things on that side. However the grip that finance has taken on the american economy (and the big gun business) will not be lessen with wishfull thinking and showing muscles, the productive units of economy have been sent to China, and now the giant stands on legs doped by two bubbles : the 2.0 bubble and the financial bubble (which kept inflating since 2008 for lack of regulation, thanks indeed to Obama, a very disapointing presidency, I agree).
    But as you say it yourself Trump is a business man. A man who built his empire with the financial forces and not against them, and a man who is hand in hand with globalized economy with his building in big cities all over the world. A man - if he is elected president - who I believe will carve the second the people financing the deficit (that includes China by the way) will start being nervous and ask for orthodoxia in economical strategy.
    Isolasionnism was the position of G.W.Bush too, and then came 9/11. Trump says he wants to carpet bomb half of the Middle-East that's not going to make the world a better place, it didn't 15 years ago and it won't today.
    I am against professionnal politicians, I agree with you, democracy will be when every citizens participate to public life once in its lifetime, period.
    Sorry for the offtopicness, G.Simmons if getting a bit old.
  18. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Go for it Andrew.....why anyone gives a rats ass what Gene Simmons says enough to start attacking each other here is way beyond me! And now we're trashing Trump, go figure!
    Have a good night ya'll.
  19. nastybobby

    nastybobby Kapellmeister

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I really don't want to get into a slanging match with someone who clearly has wildly differing political beliefs from myself. All I'll say is if you believe the current US administration is the 'fascist left' then elect Trump and see what actual fascism looks like. You Americans have a very slanted, insular and narrow view of politics.

    Regards gaining a 'habit' from 3 weeks of cough medication? That's a physical impossibility, you could mainline pure H every day for 3 weeks and not have a habit at the end of it. I'm a former addiction specialist who dealt with opioid addiction on a daily basis and 3 weeks isn't long enough for any kind of physical dependence to take hold. It takes far longer than that for the physiological changes in the brain to develop for a dependency beyond the psychological to occur. What you experienced was totally psychosomatic.
  20. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    @Andrew :bow:
    IMHO The point is... the silence is the usual "soundtrack" of every death. The right to speak freely is precious but sometimes stay in silence is better, especially if your words will hurts the others.
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