Going slightly insane... (Authorization Error -- Quick Help?)

Discussion in 'Software' started by sk8816, May 7, 2016.

  1. sk8816

    sk8816 Newbie

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Hey all!

    I'm a self-trained novice, so, my knowledge is a mix of pretty advanced technique with a ton of basic gaps. I feel like this is a gap. Like, I'm falling just short here. Your help is much appreciated!

    Flippin' Softube TSAR-1 is... (deep breath)...

    The Problem:

    I updated OSX from 10.11.2 to 10.11.4. It was a good update -- mostly improved speed. However, Softube is having none of it! See error message below. It keeps popping up. Over and over. But the plug-ins all work, even TSAR-1!

    Pertinent information:
    • Before I installed the Softube bundle (I've had it for months and it never acted up), I had installed only TSAR-1. So, I feel like that file is still floating around somewhere... but I can't find it. This would explain why it seems to be a rogue file (as the TSAR-1 plugin in the plug-in list in Logic still works fine).
    • THIS might be it... Like I mentioned above, the other oddity is that they appear in both the VST AND VST3 folders. The VST folder has a Softube folder within it, organized. The VST3 folder, however, just has them loose. The AU folder, also, has them loose.

    Error message:

    Thanks so much for your input! I'm gonna go nuts over here!
  2. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Yea I've been meaning to post about this too, but decided to see if anyone else was having that issue. For anyone reading, if i were you, I wouldn't update to
    10.11.4 if you have any ILOK cracked plugs on your machine. It seems to deactivate them and you get that error imaged above. I just downgraded back to 10.11.3 and don't plan on updating anytime soon. Problem solved until someone discovers a better solution.
  3. sk8816

    sk8816 Newbie

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Oh -- wow. That's a drag. I only get it for Softube though and I have plenty of cracked plugins. I mean -- Yeah, I said it. So what?
  4. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    lol no one is fighting you :no: