Completing the songs

Discussion in 'Education' started by foster911, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. "Oh stop wounding me, let me die" is the basic translation of the Italian. Apropos to this thread.
  2. Qaiss

    Qaiss Ultrasonic

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Had some fun with your FLP

  3. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    @foster911 Firstly, decide about a structure.
    For example, intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus. Sounds like you already did your intro part. Then make your chorus, only chorus. Verse parts may be pad version of the chorus, so it's easier. After you did those parts, you just need to combine them. So you'll have some bridge ideas.

    After you find your melody, it's about work. I believe it's 10% inspiration and %90 of work.
  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Your kind suggestion is much appreciated.

    I have 3 questions if you don't mind:
    1- To which genre or style, my song is close? Dear @The Teknomage said it sounds Synth-popy.
    2- Is its structure similar to EDM? I mean we can apply the concepts of EDM to it? Most tutorials are for EDM.
    3- How to master in the structures? I really do not know why I always want to be at the top energy in my songs and never fall down.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2016
  5. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    1- You can always say "that's foster style". Although synthpop is ok.
    2- Yes, I think you can apply the concepts of EDM. But you don't need to watch any tutorials about a structure. You see compositions when you listen to songs. I mean the parts of them. Usually intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus. You can do the same and if you wish you can always change it. Maybe intro, chorus, verse, chorus. Second chorus maybe louder, maybe have a different new sound in it or maybe the same.
    3- Listen. Listen the songs you like. See how their's structures.

    As I see, you are buried into tutorial videos, articles and books. Learning is good but you need breaks to go higher. Forget about tutorials. Cut the internet (as mentioned before) and just work. You feel like you don't wanna work? Then go outside, walk on streets or watch a movie. Forget about your song for a while. You'll have a fresh brain with fresh ideas when you start to work again on your song.
  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

  7. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    That's still electronic. Did you mean non DAW track? It started off promising, bar what almost sounded like a key change at about 5 seconds, but what happened half way through?
    May I ask what keyboard your using?
  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thanks for listening.

    Still by DAW but not using synthy sounds, employing music theory with labor.

    As you know, I am a quarter track maker.

    Just a normal midi keyboard.
  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Hi guy!

    Please forget about the sounds being used in your songs and answer these questions with just the notes in your head.

    1- Do you make music compositionally (previously proven rules) or almost randomly?
    2- Do you work with the notes using knowledge or play around with them and wait that something happens?
    3- After 1 year, are you able to produce again a similar song using the same notes without looking back at what you have used before.

    You know, what I am talking about. So please share your views about them and also the way you're making music.
  10. jvne

    jvne Kapellmeister

    Oct 3, 2012
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    After the reading of all the comments, I found this thread really funny (a bit Dadaist), and I will take it for a new game :
    the "foster's challenge"

    - hope it won't hurt anyone -

    update: maybe participate when I'll have more time
  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I suggest you join the French foreign legion for five years,it will give us some air to breathe and some time for you to think the next big chart hit.
  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    OK! Breathe.
  13. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    11 chords might sound impressive in theory but applying it in a meaningful way is something else entirely.
    Try just using 3-4 chords and riffing off of that.
    Keep it simple and build as you go.
    Also decide what exactly you're trying to say. What emotion are you looking to invoke through the sounds you're letting out?
    If it's simply a showcase of one's ability to plot midi data along some predisposed path then more often than not all you hear is Mr. Pinkwhistle swinging his walking stick down to the local grocer.

    Try duplicating or even triplicating the tracks you have and adding different instruments/effects to them.
    Invert the chord structures and rearrange the melody line.
    Bring in each of these tracks at different times to build tension then release.

    Some of the coolest music I've heard consisted of 3 simple chords and slight and/or abstract variations throughout.

    Here's an A and a B:
    For humans it's far easier to
    A: take something simple and complicate it down the line
    than it is to
    B: take something complex and attempt to recreate it in some simple/easy fashion.

    Practice and persist and A will lead to B.
    B is where the artist and the genius lie. An artist will make the most intricate process look easy. Like some second nature. First nature is A.

    And I'm a billy goat Gruff, bitch.
  14. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Please listen to below piece finished now.
    I want to express my feelings directly with chords not acting semi-random.

    Two paradigms exist:
    1- Playing around with notes then getting inspired.
    2- Having an idea then converting it directly into music.

    I want the second one.

    Attached Files:

      File size:
      944.7 KB
  15. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    This is a 1 Mb file, which does not denote finished. A 3 minutes + audio file would be finished. So, please finish and share.

    Now, in answer to your questions:
    1: As all genres have some kind of compositional rules yes, but I do like to work randomly within those rules, as it's more fun.
    2: Nearly all sounds that we play on instruments are considered notes, so yes, don't we all. It all depends on what is going on inside my head at the time though.
    3: Some yes, most no. A lot of things I have done are remixes, and everything before this year was done inside a DAW, so not having the same synthesis capabilities with my current hardware would indeed be a challenge. Maybe I'll give it a try and see what happens.
  16. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Learn the counterpoint in music (theory) to see how from a single - for example lead - melody you can create the rest of the pallette: bass, chords, the melody for the vocals. A huge lot of your questions are answered by it.
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