Logic Pro X -- Midi regions and why they might be the death of me

Discussion in 'Logic' started by pnitty, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. pnitty

    pnitty Newbie

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Hey guys/girls,
    Please help me before I throw my computer through a window.. :(

    I am struggling in logic pro x, and it seems as if I just can't figure it out.

    Midi Piano Roll.

    This is all I want to be able to do. Lets say I put down a series of bass kicks, and I want to make a layer -- same midi events playing over top of the ones I just sequenced.. Ill copy and paste the notes and put them into a new region, and then even though I have switched the midi instrument, it is playing the audio from the other midi region (as if I have just dragged over an audio file).. This I don't understand because from what I understand about midi, I am just transferring midi information, not an actual wave...

    I just want to be able to take my midi information (a chord progression perhaps), take that and put it on a new track and then pick a new midi instrument to play the information I just recorded..

    Is there a mindless and quick way to do this? Becuase every time I do it, I end up getting duplicate tracks that play when there is nothing there (that I can't seem to erase). Weird glitches and notes that cut off out of nowhere (but look good in the piano editor)..

    It gets really frustrating, because what's happening is I end up spending my creative energy on figuring out how to do something that should be riduclously simple.. it shoudl take seconds, instead it takes minutes.. and then, sometimes i can't figure it out at all, because i have accidently pushed some button while in the process of trying to figure it out.. This has been going on for days -- and I have had enough..

    If there is anyone that can help me, please!

  3. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    there is hundreds of free tutorials over the net.
    I use Lógic almost,for 30 years and its the easest and most powerfull midi.
    Instead killing midi you must learn the basics beacause creativity means nothing without basic technics..
    Music is 98% technic and only 2% of inspiration..
    Also you can buy a logic Skin for keyboard with shortcuts for 5 usd on ebay...MINDLESS!
  4. w4rr1or

    w4rr1or Ultrasonic

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Press Option + Shift while dragging the midi to new track!
  5. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Yes... it is as simple as you can imagine but not!
    Whatever MIDI you have can be easily dragged to another empty (instrument) track. You probably already know the difference between audio and MIDI tracks in Logic (I hope?)...

    There are a couple of ways to accomplish this...
    What you do is click on the MIDI region so it is highlighted (or if you want to copy the entire track, click on the track header itself)...
    Now click on that same MIDI region (and hold the click) while you press down and hold "option"... while holding both the mouse click and option drag it wherever you want to copy that to... and let go. Presto!

    Another way... is to highlight the same MIDI region then go up to "Edit" in the toolbar, select "copy" then go to the ruler (at top) and place the playhead at the measure you want your MIDI region to begin. Now select the track you want to copy the MIDI info to and go to "Edit" (toolbar) and select "Paste". Presto!

    A third way is to do the exact same thing but with shortcuts... "Command C" to "copy" and "Command V" to "paste"...

    I hope that helps... every DAW is full of frustration when you don't know your way around it and you are used to another one.
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    How true!
  7. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    Way to go ovalf and LuckySevens.That's telling 'em.The basics first.Logic is a great DAW once you know your way around.Some great tutorials around from Lynda,Groove 3,MacPro,ASK Vid etc.Gotta learn to earn!!!:wink: