How reliable is Tor browser?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dr.evil, Mar 28, 2016.

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  1. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Yet my mental health is way better than that of a person who uses linux, tor, fake email, public hotspots to download a plugin... though it's apparently not about a plugin, but straightforward sick things...

    Care to give other plausible reasons for such insane secrecy? Because so far you do not look good...
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
  2. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    i use it because when i share something to releaser, i dont want company to have me tied to it

    maybe if you share a bit more with the community instead of be a leech who spit venom and pretend to know everything everyone is doing, you might change your song and dance.

    you drink that fruit punch the media feed you. try to shame everyone who use tor browser to make them stop using it
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  3. Kilgore Trout

    Kilgore Trout Newbie

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Accusing other members of being a pedophile based solely on conjecture is some pretty sick shit. How is this even being allowed to continue here? How is this not a gross violation of forum etiquette?
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    tor is good to make it people a fair bit harder to track you.
    but it isnt safe to 100%.
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  5. MorteKai

    MorteKai Ultrasonic

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Anhedonia, 64 Light years away
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  6. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    I'm 100% positive that you didn't share anything to be worthy attention, I would bet that you actually never ever shared anything at all... nor any other person here so far whom I already addressed in previous replies, and If I would need anything that badly I would buy it, I would not lick any hackers crack ever... he shared with a "releaser"... Just a question what do you think about guys downloading or viewing child porn?
    I questioned his need for tor and fake email and his intention to use it to contact someone from government... I expressed suspicion that he is up to something else, he mentioned "kiddy porn"... it's his choice... no one gave me a reasonable answer so far to his need for such measures to contact a government, which is really nuts...
    Just a question what do you think about guys downloading or viewing child porn?
    Wikipedia? I edited wikipedia and you don't even need to register to do that, you don't to need to have an email.... you just go, type in a name and edit...
    Have you studied psychology, what did you study? High school? and pipes wielding? Because pipes wielding degree would be fitting to you teaching yourself about psychology from wikipedia...
    Here's a question:
    what do you think about guys downloading or viewing child porn?

    Let's see how you will betray who you're and answer the same question asked all three of you... let see if you will try to condemn yourself, so what do you think about those guys?
    You answer that question and I have nothing else to say, you clear off my radar...
  7. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    So anything i share with the community, is shit and not worth it, i will stop then, no need of me to take MY TIME and bandwidth.

    either i share shit or i didnt share????

    i am not like you, i do not know what everyone else is doing and i do not like to pretend that i do, so i will not speak for them

    i never ask you to lick my crack. you ask what i use tor browser for and i answer you

    then you get your answer and you attack what i share and then say i probably did not share anything

    i think it is fucking gross and those ppl get what they deserve in prison

    let me ask you something, if you think we have nothing worth to share and you will just buy what you need and we are all child molesters, why do you choose to be here and talk with us??????
  8. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    @Adrianus Antonius

    All of your rants are based on wild leaps you're making in your own mind. Which makes it conjecture at best and fantastic assumptions at worse. Never once did the OP say he was trying to contact the government, yet in every one of your posts you state he is as if it is a fact. It is not.

    Second of all. If I, or anyone else, chooses to exercise our ability and right to remain anonymous in any en devour doesn't mean that person is doing something evil or going to do something malevolent. and if that's the first place you mind goes without any prior information says more about you then anyone else.

    This question is dumb and shows you know nothing about cause and effect.
    The better question is, "What about the guys who MAKE child porn, or snuff films and such?"

    Because, no one can download or view what hasn't been made. Duh!

    Thirdly, just because others have used a tool for evil deeds, doesn't automatically make those who use the same tools up to the same deeds. Also, who are you to judge or question, anyone for anything? For all we know, you could be a kidnapper or rapist with someone in your basement right now. I bet you steal from old ladies too.
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  9. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    The least I care is what you share and what you not... I don't give a single f*** about it, so do whatever you want... I have a life and downloading presets is not part of that life... nor depending on some virtual plugins on computer screen...
    So why the f*** do you even quote that part and try type in something? :rofl:

    You say "all", not me....
    I questioned "extreme" cases, like unlikely to be truth sounding part about contacting a government... what a cracked plugins junkie could have anything of importance to say to them in the first place, yet he wants to be sure he won't be identified....
    Also use of linux, fake email, tor and public hotspots.... that's the whole next level... ordinary person wouldn't even know that much about it.... where does such knowledge come from? wtf a person is doing? and it isn't about supporting a f***ing community... give me a break...

    So ok, you're off my radar... you openly decry it, so I don't care whether it is a truth or not, for me it's good enough to not care about what you do, it's up to you....
  10. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    He did say about contacting "some govt. people", more or less it's the same... not in every, I'm too lazy, but I definitely remember typing "some" as indication of a person from the government... I wasn't misconstruing his post.
    he gave enough information to make it sound like a total made bullshit,as a reason why he needs it, which raised my suspicion in the first place...

    You see guys, that's why I asked that question... we have a first strong candidate for prison and the possible reason why he uses tor... what kind of deviant f*** would rephrase that question into ""What about the guys who MAKE child porn"... "Because, no one can download or view what hasn't been made. Duh"... that's sick man...
    So what do you think about those guys who watch or download child porn?

    Child molesters who kidnap children aren't to blame either, right? it's parents to blame who allow their children to play outdoors, right? parents who dress their children in "sexually proving" way.....
    'm not asking this question, answer my original question, tell us what you think, prove that you're not a sick f***.... because you just proved to be one of them so far....
    Cause and effect... grown up f***ing adult POS watching child porn and blaming for it porn itself? Yeah I seriously don't understand something...
    Like a basic f***ing marketing thing... if there's a demand, there will be a supply... no matter what kind of demand... even if it's a sick f**** watching kids...
  11. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    You speak of multiple people in your post

    i say all because you write "any other person here so far whom I already addressed"

    this statement means more than one person right? so i can write "all" to encompass "any other person here so far" you addressed?

    if user will share with the community because they feel more safe with tor browser let them use it.

    why does r2r have encryption tool???? do you think everyone who use that tool is child porn too????

    i try to speak with you like human being and show you that not everyone who use tor browser is with child porn
  12. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Child porn opinions???? Pedos & rapist being discuss here? Just ridiculous....thread closed @Adrianus Antonius,

    @SAiNT won't be happy with your responses in this thread..I hope you can redeem yourself!!!
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