EDM is dying... What's next? And why is this happening? Is DJing dead?

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Desantïs, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. Desantïs

    Desantïs Banned

    Jan 17, 2016
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    I can't explain how I know this or why but when I get these gut feelings they are usually correct (99.9% of the time) I'm not sure if it's just the commercialization of the industry or the fact that ALL the songs sound exactly the same in most cases but I have a big feeling the industry is about to tank (a long with all the male and female model fake producer/djs). I think the only ones who will survive will be the ones who produce their own music and have their own unique act and style like eric prydz and mau and people a long those lines. I think the majority of the DJs will be long gone a long with their massive teams of ghost producers (thank god).

    I've met a few famous EDM djs and 'producers' who've asked me to do remixes for their tracks and even they cannot explain to me basic production and music theory techniques used to create these tracks?..... So who created them? I have a feeling this is just a business/money making scam from the top down.

    Since all this 'event driven marketing' has started all the real djs and producers in my area have been fired and replaced with 50$/night people that bring a usb stick with a hardwell mix or pre recorded stuff and jump around. This used to be a real way to earn a living 5 years ago and now it's completely destroyed the local scene in my area.

    Does anyone agree the ticket prices and greed will be the downfall soon or is EDM only getting bigger ??
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  3. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    IMHO It's because A copy the sound of B, B do the same with C (...and so on) and all together are producing the same shit.
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  4. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    EDM is not a specific genre. So yes. It's immortal.

    Every next Country/Pop/Rock/Blues/And especially Metal song is so unique and OP. Omg.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2016
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  5. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    And later [Ultra Music Festival stream, might not show just now]...
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2016
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  6. luki3

    luki3 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The British media gave house and acid house one week back in the mid 80's. and look what it bloomed into.
    I wish the commercial side would Just F***Off, The underground is where its at.
    All the old hippies I know say the rave scene kill the drugs scene, that's when the drugs went commercial.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2016
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  7. T.D.E.....

    T.D.E..... Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2015
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    i dont have access to any professional labels or ny studios and i dont have any contact with some "big" guys in the scene , so i cant rly tell u whats going on there . but in my opinion the edm scene is gettting bigger and bigger . first of all for example the trap scene was more kinda a hip hop "sub-genre" and nowadays ts moving to the edm scene with lasers and huge automated buildups etc. thats just one example how the edm scnee is getting bigger and obviosuly there are more and more festivals all raound the world with edm music . but i have to agree with u that the music that is coming out these days is i would not say the "same" but the songs arent rly memorable. its like im listening to some stuff of flume or disclosure or Xiilent and like it on Soundcloud . after listening some times to it , i would forget it after some weeks . when i compare the music of today with the pop music of the past 70s 80 s , its like u can play 5 sec and almost everyone can recognize it . i dont wanna say that i enjoy eevry pop track of the past but the melodies were pretty catchy . its a diffrent story if pop music is also all the time the same .but keep in mind idk which genres u produce guys but when u got a feeling or opinion that the music is all the time the same , we produce the same stuff , dont we? dont tell me ur build of the song is completely different or u create a completetely differetn genre to prog house or future house . people saying " the music right now is almost all the time the same " ; but they are in the same "boat" , we produce the same prog house shit which sounds like avicii and nicki romero. i hope u guys got me . have a nice day
  8. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Right... Country/Pop/Rock/Blues/And especially Metal... nothing in common with EDM.
  9. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Most people don't even listen to nor care about "EDM."
  10. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    DJing and Karaoke killed live music by actual live musicians. I never thought that I would see a festival full of thousands paying to see a DJ either. It boggles my ancient mind. I am not saying that DJs are not creative, nor am I saying that EDM is not creative. I just don't see huge difference in using sliders and triggers to loop stems and someone standing in front of a crowd playing MP3s off of a cell phone while waving it in the air and dancing around the stage. :rofl:The late 60s and early 70s brought many lawsuits and copyright issues when live musicians were being replaced by samples on recordings, which eventually spilled over into live performance. I understood the argument, but also supported the new technology, which actually brought new music to the game. Music progressed i.e. Rock sired Hard Rock,Jazz Rock, Progessive Rock, Metal, Heavy Metal.....etc. The same was happening to all the labeled styles. IMHO I really enjoy what digital music brought to creativity, but I have always worried about creativity being lost and it's effect on music as a whole. There are now too many producers and artists that are wrapped up in sounding like the most current money maker. They have sold out for $$ and sacrificed being something true or new. Much of all the genres are sounding the same, with the same outdated drum loops and the same 4 chord progression. The REAL problem is the industry that turns their back on any new trailblazer that can progress the genre or bring something entirely new to the scene. My hope is for a real hero to kill the vocoder. Kanye West could not survive.
  11. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    What happens next? It will get worse. It always gets worse...And when I think it can't get any worse, it gets worse all over again.

    Twenty years from now, people will pay to see celebrities farting on stage and call it music.
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  12. sexyman

    sexyman Ultrasonic

    Apr 4, 2015
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    I think EDM is here to stay its evolving.
    fake producer, fake writers, fake singers are nothing new, its being around from day one and is expected.

    Music on a whole became part of our society because the amount of money that can me made from it, Or the money that can be made from other things using music as the influence to get people to part take and spend.
    At the end of the day this generation of ravers the young do not care. all they want is that sound that they are use to, have a great time and go home.

    Underground stuff is cool, I always find it unique in certain ways, sooner or later that underground stuff will evolve to main stream thats if a lot of folks likes it and money can be had from it.
    Ive being hitting a few underground raves in London recently and to be honest 80% of the music is shaite, no freeking rhythm, with out using some highs its pointless, but its still good.

    In music making the money comes first then authenticity and what have you.
    if a playlist is what will rock the crowd, go for it.
  13. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I'd like the upcoming lottery numbers, if you could be so kind? Pretty please?
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  14. Third World Kid

    Third World Kid Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Performance-enhancing drugs are illegal for athletes,
    Melodyne, Autotune, vocoders and other such software should be illegal for musicians too.

    Every around the world women and men are becoming more like robots, depending on software to perform basic functions. And music listeners are like robots too. For each genre of music, there are specific buttons that you must press to move your listeners. Those buttons are the same all the time. They never change and will never change.

    I wrote a song a few weeks ago in the progression I-V-vi-IV and my peeps here think this new song is the bomb. It is the bomb because I pressed the right button. The same button Alicia keys pressed when she did No One and John Legend pressed in All of Me and countless other successful musicians have pressed.
    EDM has its own buttons too that make people go 'yay' and start nodding their heads.
    The button is the same and will always be the same forever. You just have to press that button in a different way ie do the same thing in a different way to be unique. People will be bored with your product if you do something utterly different.

    EDM will never die imo. People today are becoming more and more like robots and they will always be triggered by the same buttons.
  15. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    where it went wrong is that dj have to put up some kind of show these days,
    I'm not that old but drive-in show where something for an birthday party or middleschool partys

    at the bigger festivals the dance-floor used to be the center of attention.

    I remember Tiesto beeing one of the first dutch dj's that really had a stage here,
    and it was kinda..... awkward as.... yeah, as what actually?
  16. goose

    goose Noisemaker

    Nov 26, 2015
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    I don't know where you get this impression but EDM music is very much alive and well. If you're referring more exactly to the GENRES held within it like Trance and House; yeah. They're very over saturated, mainly because of the accessibility anyone has to make a simple 4/4 kick bass track with a free DAW or pirate bay. Ofcourse; in fact, when opening up those avenues it was expected to become over-saturated. But RnB isn't over saturated.. classical isn't over saturated. Why? Because it takes much more to make those types of songs given that music theory is a huge component. Is EDM dying? No. Are there almost identical songs within EDM? Yes. But in actuality if you think about it; in an industry that has so many look alikes, a track that sounds very different STANDS OUT. And not just a bit. It sticks out like a sore thumb and that's an amazing quality for any industry. EDM will continue to evolve. I predict EDM will start sounding more Eastern influenced.. as the american culture is drying up in that sense. The scales in Eastern music are 4 times more complex that anything on the western side. The huge records we have here that do so well often times take from other cultures and eastern music. Think Big Pimpin, Talk Dirty. Both use heavy Balkan influence.

  17. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I agree with this man 100% about the mojo
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  18. Crater

    Crater Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2014
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    My question is: Do you mean EDM or "EDM"?
    Because that "name" is a problem itself, that "name" means what USA made to dance music...
    That's "How to turn any genre into crap for dummies"
    I seen this all my life, pop music, pop fads turning every single genre it touches into crap, u name it... hiphop, r&b, rock, country, .... a long list... It's like a cancer...
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
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  19. dashfiss

    dashfiss Kapellmeister

    Jan 30, 2014
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    I can understand why some don't like the way the biz is heading, everything changes, whether one likes it or not.

    I'm 99,9% sure EDM will continue to grow, as it has for the past few decades.
  20. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    As much as it all sounds remotely similar , the cheese is good for the industry and the better things will evolve. Ghost Producers have been around it's just the artists themselves have never been as big of pretenders as they are now but let's face it peeps how does this really effect any of us. This shit is like the wizard of oz there really is no magic man behind the curtain. JUST YOU! So ask yourself these 1 - Do you love the music you do? 2 -Do you love the feeling you get making it? If your answer is yes to both you're better off than 99.9 % of people out there. Theres' probably enough talent on this forum to fill 4 earths of amazing producers, but we'll never know by being in the debate club.

    Keep Rockin !
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  21. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Bottom line is that music (all of the EDM's) is over-saturated with talentless, loop-using, drop-copying leeches. Every style of music that has ever come about (since Mozart) has faced the exact same consequences. All the posers jump on board from the outset, copying the innovators until there's nowhere left to go with the music... except by creating a "sub-genre" (as if THAT'S original!) and then that gets diluted and so on, and so on... Except the electronic posers continue to create sub-genre's for every tempo marker on a metronome!!!!!!! :rofl:

    I can't wait for all of it to burn up (including technology)... so I'm left standing there at a desk... writing music to paper... because I know how. :guru:
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