My audio interface just died

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Neyder, Mar 18, 2016.

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  1. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Now you just need an old mobo with PCI slots.

    Nope, just the software I use... ILok, waves, slate
  2. djdarkness

    djdarkness Kapellmeister

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Introninja I apologize if I was out of line. I for one don’t believe there’s anything wrong with asking. It’s just that the OP is practically begging for a handout. It’s true that we all get to try and buy lots of amazing software. Maybe if he approached it differently and didn’t expect others to simply give him money. I may be mistaken and maybe I read the original post wrong.
    Guitarmaniac64, I count myself lucky that I don’t have to worry about the GUI. Unfortunately to use most software I have to script for it, as I can’t use the mouse reliably.

    Anyways. I didn’t want to come here to start anything, I just feel like there are bigger things in the world that many of us could complain about, but we grin and bear it.

    End of rant☺.
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  3. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    To OP: I know how it feels when that happens. It's awful and I'm actually experiencing something much like yours - My external HDD with tons of Kontakt libraries on it, died yesterday. I'm not very happy right now as a result. I wish you best of luck trying to find a new one. Those interfaces can get really expensive. With that said, I would truly consider the offer from another commenter here for that EMU one. Should be very cheap. It's worth a shot. You can always sell it later and get some cash to put towards a new one if you decide it's not your fit. I do feel your pain and that's very disastrous for any producer. Especially if you're poor like me or you or many other members around here.

    To my friend Introninja: If you thought I was trolling, I want to ask you to take a look at some of my latest threads and look at the "trolling" done in the comments. I'm not being harsh here. I'm just being suggestive in a friendly manner to you. Also, my "amazing grace" post was meant out of pure kindness and friendly humor. Because we treat our products like humans. The second one though, I will agree was in fact very unnecessary behavior. I'm just saying, maybe be more considerate in what you delete. Especially when one kindly asks in the thread itself for members to not troll, yet people go on and troll anyways. It's pretty rude of people to do that too, don't you think? I didn't mean to be an asshole, though. Like the above poster said, I read the post wrong. I at first thought it was a joke due to all the "funny" ratings and 1 or 2 downvotes. But then I did further investigation, and I understand the OP's struggle.
    No harm, no worries. :mates:
  4. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    @Introninja the started point of the thread is offensive, is a troll itself.
    Its a lack of respect asking for money when most pro musicians do not have it.
    Instead deleting my most YOU must keep the peace deleting the post. instead you prefer reinforce people that ask for money without giving nothing back, even information from himself or gear.
    He does not ask for a job or advice, so everyone now can ask for money? In what world is it normal?
    Divergent opinion isnt trolling.
    So if I start asking money for a pro Nazi music is okay and the people that do not like will be deleted?
    In no way this is fair, its just sponsor future monsters and you can seek more information in social/health science.
    Even people with disabilities ask for job, not for money and liberty of expression is one of the flags of internet and piracy... so sad AS!
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  5. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Looks like the OP doesn't even record instruments and probably has the onboard sound device that should be more than enough for him to keep composing.

    Not wanting to judge but.. 850$? Really?

    The thought seems to be "since it's not my money, might as well ask for a good amount to buy myself an expensive toy".

    I hope this is just regular trolling.. for the sake of Humanity.
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  6. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    hey asking helped Amanda Palmer collected over a million bucks to finance her record and tour. Stuff breaks all the time, im blessed with the talent of being able to fix electronics. Dir sir from what you have said, your audio interface is toast... it was broken and over heating and you still used it until it died, its probably gonna cost you more to round up all the parts you'll need to fix it then it would be to replace it.. i went from a 700 euro Motu unit to a 170 euro steinberg UR242 (yamaha) and it works really well for now. gotta walk before you can run my friend.. if i were you Id take up that offer of emu-0404 good lil card.
  7. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    ....shouldn't you try to include this in the budget for the video game project? Maybe try to outsource the funding for that?
  8. Neyder

    Neyder Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I really appreciate your offer but unfortunately I don't have any legacy PCI slots on my computer =(

    To the others (please don't misinterpret):
    I don't see what's wrong with my post, I wasn't begging for money, just asked if some of you could help by sharing my link, or donating 1$..
    Personally, I will surely donate 1$ to someone else in the same situation, because if I'm not the only one donating, the target will be easily reached, it's not a big deal and is exactly intended for that kind of stuff.

    So, about the 700€ Babyface. It is the minimum needed for making music at the standards levels. It's not about wanting the dream interface (I surely prefer the new FF802 but it's only comfort, that's not the point, it's not essential for my needs)
    I said that I didn't needed a lot of I/O but I need at least 2 good preamps for recording additional instruments. l need that for making orchestra music for video games and that means a lot of virtual instruments loaded. I used to work on a FF800, it costed about 2500€, 10 years ago, saved a lot for that, and now it's gone.
    Please understand, I'm starting a new big project, and this happens... It's a disaster to wait for months now to buy a new one. I have to try all possible solutions, from the easiest, counting on people generosity, to the hardest (second job, credits, etc.)

    I would like to stop and lock this thread if possible, it has gone too far.
  9. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Look it up. There are 50 states and every state has different income levels based on that states economic production and taxes. It's all over the internet...

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Who says a babyface is the minimum needed?
    A owning a high end interface is a luxury not a requirement and definitely not a right.

    With your requirements you could get by with 100$ Focusrite Scarlett.

    Whats wrong with your ask is that when your BMW gets stolen and you need a way to get around, you don't ask for another BMW, you ask for a '95 Corolla.

    Then you take the money you made from your project, sell the focusrite and get another RME.
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  11. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Someone's got a nice little contribution from me.
    :wink: :wink: :wink:
    Ya know why I did so? Because I'm a nice guy. Too nice? Yeah, perhaps. But I'm just in a "generous" mood today. And passing $1 to you ain't gonna kill me tonight. I won't be making a habit of this. My contagious act of kindness is done. Have yourself a lovely weekend. :mates:
  12. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    You ask: "What's wrong with asking guys?"

    Before you lock me out, let me say this... if YOU don't know what's wrong with a guy asking for people to buy him what he wants, then you my friend have problems. When a person has all his faculties and resorts to begging then I have no respect for him/her. Too many people on this earth work their fingers to the bone because of their honor and morals. Other's do it to survive day to day life. I'm an American and I'm disgusted by this notion that anyone feels entitled to ask for handouts. I'm disgusted by it in my own country... where we are free to do and become anything we want to be, simply by applying yourself with determination.
    I have travelled the world for 40 years and know what some people have to go through in surviving each and every day.

    It takes hard work to achieve success and by giving things to people is in by no way teaching them anything... but to ask for more.
    I compose and produce music for film and tv (internationally) and I own a $150 Focusrite audio interface!!! This idiot is asking for people to buy him a $750.00 RME Babyface Pro??!! Why couldn't this beggar be more humble about his request?
    Because he simply has no scruples, moral fiber OR dignity.

    I won't EVER back down from letting someone know that everyone dreams of things they don't have... and if you want it, you go and earn it. Have some tact about it...

    ... and for you poser-wannabes that are going to assume that I "steal" software, I buy EVERYTHING I choose for my arsenal. I test drive the stuff first and if it's worth storing on a hard drive then I buy it.
    I throw away (20-to-1) more software than I keep... (because it usually isn't worth keeping).

    Okay... you can terminate my account now.
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  13. Papa Lazarou

    Papa Lazarou Member

    Dec 14, 2011
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  14. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I will not disagree with your facts, but asking for help is apart of life and some live better & heathier than others, YES it's sad and worrisome but unless we come together and unite, Greed will kill us all!!!

    Your letting your emotions take over your reasoning, which is why your judgment is flawed!
    I will not ban, terminate your account. Your entitled to your opinion here, i understand everything your saying, but do you do this every time someone asking for help? If so i feel sorry too for you my friend.

    OP has requested to lock this thread now. If there are any unanswered question feel free to PM me. Thank you & see you around.
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