the ominous apple music

Discussion in 'Software' started by cheesygirl, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. cheesygirl

    cheesygirl Newbie

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Hello there,
    I know I might be 5 months late with asking this question but what is it all about apple music? Is it really better than e.g. Spotify? How is the sound quality? Is the price-performance ratio good?
    Is there a way to record the music from it? What benefits does it bring`?

    I would really appreciate some testimonials before I start using it :)
  3. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    PROS for Spotify = easier to use & compatible with more device e.g. smart TVs
    PROS for Apple Music = much larger selection of music (as far as i have noticed)
    as far as price goes i think they are pretty much the same
  4. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Either one is a swindle for the artists who submit their product at slave-labor rates of compensation, reducing it to grist for the big money "content" mill from which someone else gets rich – so, it's lik asking wich is better, Target, or Wal-Mart?
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  5. Gnib

    Gnib Producer

    Mar 29, 2013
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    If you want sound quality check Tidal. They have a premium and Hifi subscription.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
  6. cheesygirl

    cheesygirl Newbie

    Mar 8, 2016
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    alright thanks for the ideas. Any possibility to record from Apple Music or safe the music on my device?
  7. oa.

    oa. Ultrasonic

    Jan 28, 2016
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    I using Spotify since 2 years. I tried apple music but it's not comfortable, not much suggests.

    Really like Apple but I guess Apple Music is a fail for me. Just a few genres in my country. Pop, rock, jazz bla bla. There is not INDIE, lol.

    When Spotify give me first "discover weekly" I really really like it. Still successful.

    Last think, when Apple Music comes to my country ; Spotify slows. It's bad idea for competition.
  8. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    Apple Music is a fail for me too even though I wanted it not to be . I knew deep down when Apple brought on Jimmy Iovine that douchebag was the worst move they've ever made. I guess Dre was probably one of the better moves they've made. He's a real genius in a lot of ways. Unfortunately Jimmy Douchebag being the face of Apple Music was a fail at launch and I really doubt Steve Jobs thought that much of him either. The social aspect of Apple Music if you're an artist on the 'outside' is controlled by which will not respond to emails to allow you to change much about whatever they have on file. Apple uses them for photos and bio's so if you're somewhat established and didn't get your profile then you're shit out of luck being able to control / update or manage your apple artist music profile being that they have completely locked in whatever discog wrote about you.

    The streaming for me is slow and buggy , sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't . Unless I want to completely FUCK my iTunes library i've built for over 10 years up ,I can't use music in the cloud which means I can't save the songs to listen to offline which totally sucks. Not to be negative because i am a fan of Apple still but I'm seeing cracks in the armor way beyond Apple Music, Tim Cook is making dumb decisions, maybe he should spend less time in politics and more time in guiding the creation of magic that Apple used to have.

    Spotify was very original and really forced Apple into the 'streaming' business but truth be told Beats was a way better streaming. Besides the ridiculous tackiness of the artists on Tidal, they actually could of been great too because they are sonically superior than what Apple shoots down the pipe. Beats one Radio is cool but hasn't lived up to the hype at all for me way too much talking... WAY too much... Listening to it is like listening to a conversation from the outside and not cohesive to what i'm trying to get out of the radio station. I also think Apple's new artist category is completely rigged and bias again bringing back to Jimmy Douchebag Iovine. If Apple was really interested in doing a proper service they wouldn't bring in a no nothing fuck who basically got lucky his entire career being in the room with talent and somehow mistook himself for talent. This is a guy who touts David Guetta as one of his great discoveries. There isn't anyone on this board who doesn't know he can't tie his shoe laces without someone else doing it.

    Apple Music went around pre launch to their choices of artist and fucked the indy artist completely especially with their connect program. They ignore suggestions and email to this day. I'm sure they will keep chugging along and hopefully they will get better. I am a lifelong Apple user and fan boy but I'm growing tired of Apple all together. Nothing stays the same forever, Apple is far better than a lot of other companies and depending on who you talk to OS wise still has a solid lead over anything. I've seen people ROCK Ableton and Cubase on PC however so I'm not going to push aside Windows like it doesn't compare.

    I'm sorry for the long rant guys, I usually try not to do this but Apple Music is a symptom to me of Apple cracking at the foundation. Some of the fundamental people have retired out and left. One great example was Katie Cotton the PR Head who basically kept douchebags like Jimmy Iovine from having any voice. I am glad to see they shut him the fuck up since his last ridiculous comments. Maybe soundcloud will do a streaming service of some kind. I really enjoy going on their and hearing people's tracks that are completely unknown. I'm Draked' the fuck out on Apple Music, that no kick weak bullshit is all a just shit and Apple promotes it like they have cum on their mouth.

    end rant !

    Much Respect to the forum and again sorry for long rant which kind of got off the rails of the subject.
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  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @nycdl I get a lot of good info from rants... and they often make me feel justified in some of the same things I am thinking..

    if you know what you are talking about.. then rant on ! :wink:
  10. ShadowOfTheZ

    ShadowOfTheZ Ultrasonic

    May 30, 2014
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    Apple Music requires iTunes. It's much too slow and a heavy footprint to simply listen to music.
    Also I don't want to see the face of Taylor Swift or any crap music artist each time I start my streaming app.

    I guess for now Spotify > Deezer > Apple.
    I really like Spotify and lots of Soundcloud tracks are actually available in Spotify, which makes it THE only music application you could use. There's still a couple of artists you need to download on warez sites like Adele but it's increasingly manageable.

    But living in Europe, I don't have access to youtube Red. I think it's gonna be a killer. Everything available, remixes, versions, classical interpretations, best search engine and indexation. Can't wait for it.
  11. cheesygirl

    cheesygirl Newbie

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Thanks nycdl, for your "long rant" that were the insights I wanted to have to be able to make up my mind
    But also thanks for everyone else for your opinion. I see that Apple Music does not have such popularity as I thought it had. ;)
  12. technofrog

    technofrog Newbie

    Oct 26, 2015
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  13. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Well, I never …
